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Topics - Widmo

Pages: [1] 2
Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Query(ICS) contains invalid topic link
« on: March 23, 2017, 10:46:36 PM »
The screenshot explains it best. Out of curiosity I tried to access it and got negative reply despite I think "Command" as a query target also exists. Suggested solution: get rid of self-referential link altogether.

New in Alpha 14:
NEW: ESC key access to game menu disabled by default in keyboard mode (can allow by setting allowEscMenuAccessKeyboard in config.cfg, or just use ?/F1)

When escape key is currently disabled please replace bottom left prompt which flashes for news by <F1/?>.

I just entered storage and there I see Y type robot sitting on a throne while green area scan is a progress. Wow, a special vault or rare content! Animation finishes and the green Y on a black square turns into black Y on a yellow square. A mundane recycling unit? Bye, bye excitement.

Ideas / Derelicts dropping gifts identify them for you
« on: March 07, 2017, 08:16:56 PM »
Mostly concerns Mines where players may be gifted mining lasers and rocket launchers by Derelicts who openly talk about what they are going to gift. Then I pick up unknown special melee weapon while perfectly aware what it is.

Also would like a certain other derelict who nonchalantly drops a grenade launcher drop me unknown launcher in that case.

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Enineers' door mania
« on: March 07, 2017, 08:12:39 PM »
Have a look at attached screenshot. I know I totally demolished the nearby area during my fight against an assault squad but what the U-05 team did in response is just jarring. Yeah, they all open together.

Very strange! If you say it's AI's programmed attempt to confuse Widmo as punishment for creating too many reports and its not a bug I will totes buy it.

Stories / [Encounter spoiler] Traitor to Warlord
« on: March 06, 2017, 02:42:43 PM »
On a quite fortunate (or so I thought) day I fell down a chute trap ending in waste scenario where a group of derelicts has already destroyed all compactors (yay, free heavy treads!) and took me for some Warlord emissary. I took them back to factory.

After the very first step on that floor most of my allies were dead as armor screw.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Love emergent level generation capabilities of roguelikes.

Keyboard only mode and depends on right timing.

Find a robot. Bring up its display and scroll down to its components. Open specific component display but quickly cancel it with escape before the animation finishes, then scroll one step down. The cursor will move down but immediately go back up. It will be done only once. My guess is the other window which was closed before it managed to open tries to reset cursor position for some reason. Timing is very important here. You may need to try several times before you nail it. If you cannot let me know and I will try making a short video.

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Neutral overheating robots do not flash red
« on: March 05, 2017, 09:08:24 PM »
Warning, this is Alpha 13 finding. I have been unable to reproduce it in Alpha 14.

Having equipped my tank with quad improved spread lasers I enjoyed melting many things. Somehow I must have made a recycler reach boiling point despite it is so fragile and got two messages in log it is overheating and its temperature display confirmed critical heat level. It did not move on its turn (still had a wheel) but did not flash red either.

Have full inventory and drop your storage, making the game automatically drop excessive inventory. Turns out the game first drops your inventory and then places your storage unit directly underneath yourself, thus making two-item stack at your position. I would expect such action to just overwrite items but surprisingly everything works if you pick things up again.

Does Cogmind support stacked items internally by chance?

Keyboard mode problem. Happens most often with single weapon firing. In presence of enemies I shot at a reactor and succeeded in destabilizing it. Good, explosion will take care of those swarmer bots. Time to switch targets. *kzzzt* Corruption cancels volley. Then I hit fast shoot button twice and unintentionally fire at the reactor again.

With structural scanner equipped destabilized volatile machines pulsate satisfying red, which is a promise of a nice boom. Just watch that adjacent grunt trembling at what is to come. How about giving them the same kind of visible timer interactive machines get? Right now I need to view it to see this information.

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Double "the" in Analysis(B-99 Colossus)
« on: January 09, 2017, 12:19:10 AM »
"As the the most powerful ... "

I remember you saying analyses will be put to spell checker but there is no typo so it might get away. I am reporting this just to be on the safe side.

This might be most trivial bug found to date. Wishing to draw on contents of my high capacity matter pod I dropped it and waited a turn for the extraction to take place. I had no intention of attaching it because combat was not prolonged enough to warrant dedicating a slot for this. Scan windows seems not to update after waiting in place because it still displayed full matter pod.

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Sealing a garrison disarms nearby traps
« on: January 08, 2017, 05:51:15 AM »
I acted especially naugty and installed a segregator trap right in front of a garrison entry point in case my attempt to seal it failed. I succeeded but upon disconnect I noticed the trap was no longer there (Cogmind was not standing on it)! A bug or did I have a perception glitch? The garrision was one with two-square long "wings". No screenshot available right now but will save a picture when I find another one.

Confirmed Bugs / Armory marked yellow on world map
« on: January 08, 2017, 05:45:06 AM »
Screenshot provided. At first I discovered its location via tunnelling and then it was properly red. As soon as I entered factory level where it was located it turned yellow, as if Hub04(d) had infected it with its yellowness. Entering armory itself did not fix it.

The screenshot attached mostly explains it. Let me comment though I am fine with tunnelling recovering same information twice in a row. It is very much in theme. Besides, we are speaking abount a brute force hack there. It has no finesse. Also information about floors below Cogmind's current location is fine as well. "Ah, so that was the depth Storage was at! No wonder I could not find it".

The world map should not accept duplicates (I see it already protects against this in case of branch areas) and it should reject registering areas already visited. If mines at -10 are revealed and you visited them but are at -8 for example these would still register.

edit: When you find a derelict log which grants you information about location already present on your world map could you please modify the message to say "Wolrd map data confirmed" instead of "World map updated"?

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / At 0b10/-X, security level 0 required
« on: January 08, 2017, 05:25:20 AM »
I think some information is deemed valuable enough by the AI that it is unaccessible by indirect hacking. The bug is in message given which is pretty much bogus. Two screenshots attached.

Stories / A stealth win with a little help from Warlord tinkerers
« on: January 08, 2017, 04:40:43 AM »
This was my first victory. It was in stealth mode. Access exit to surface is well protected and my last three successful runs which ended up at -1 were stopped right at the exit. The solution this time:

Zipping around very fast is quite fun but one should be wary of swarmers. These can be outrun too at speed 10 but a strong explosive launcher is a good option too. A rocket launcher allowed me to fight everything in lower caves without taking a scratch.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Stories / [Brutal spoilers] Exploited hackware snowball effect
« on: January 08, 2017, 04:28:13 AM »
Reading the thread about hackware snowball effect I wondered if it is really that bad. All my previous experiments with datajack turned out to be thorough waste of time. Not only the datajack seldom works but then you also have to do it successfully several times in order to do anything useful. In meantime maintenance bots flee from you and combat bots shoot at you. Bleh!

From this point on spoilerific part starts. If you can follow this recipe Cogmind can be beaten with 100% certainty.

To check it out I turned my current game into datajack wielding nightmare. It really does snowball. First you get a single hackware which allows you to fabricate additional ones more easily. When you pile up on those you can use them to obtain advanced schematics to get even more mileage of your utility slots.

Then the datajack starts to be useful when it happens to work meaning you can minimize matter losses on remote attacks. When you get some meatshield grunts on your side they can take the heat while you convert the opposition to your cause. With ever-growing entourage you actually have surplus matter from the bots you did not convert in time and your destroyed followers.

Next cheesy tactics like garrison camping start to be viable. Challenges get turned upside down: you want yourself to be scanned by researchers so that you can have stronger followers. Soon you have army of prototypes on your side: Striker, Lightning, Executioner, Alpha 7 ... nothing can stand your might except artificially immune Behemoths. If (when?) you get the guided datajack you can oneshotconvert any enemies to your cause. Operators reveal all hazards which usually is a prize for worthy achievement of outsmartnig one but now this is trivial. Oh, an operator on radar? Zapp! Welcome to our army. No, there is no need to worry about that terminal.

With influence staying mostly low because you are not destroying robots the game becomes a walk in the park. I lost my guided datajack in an explosion of a machine which did slow things down but nothing too bad. I once let a behemoth destroy half my utilities because of boredom. I rebuilt pretty quickly. You can see some advanced hackware because there was little incentive to upgrade them.

The final verdict? 100% chances on very difficult hacks like recall assault are nowhere as breaking as 95% chance on robot assimilation. There is database lockout plus fabricator lockout to limit ordinary exploits. At access I had option of venturing to command but I was so thoroughly tired by the unexciting game I went straight for the exit. My run is currently at the top ot high scores anyway.

Soon I am going to make my way over to the snowball thread. There are a few thoughts I wish to share but not before I put here my other win though because this one is unworthy. It did not require much effort or skill. As the warrior said "I am disgraced by letting this score sheet be automatically submitted".

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This one was actually very funny to find out. It is specific to keyboard mode.

1) Make sure no enemies are in view.
2) Target a machine and fire at it. Still no enemies should be in view.
3) Open world map and browse around.
4) Close world map.
5) Fire again expecting previous spot will be targeted.
6) Profit ... for your enemy.

I unintentionally shot at a wall blowing off my hard earned grenade launcher that way.

Ideas / Arrow key support for option screen
« on: January 05, 2017, 11:22:54 AM »
The option screen is all nice and fine but it would be good to support arrow keys so keyboard players can read option descriptions without toggling it. Especially important for tutorial option which cannot be undone once reset.

When a repair unit takes your only power source for repairing the refit option should become available if it was not previously, same for similar situations. This inconsistency rarely comes into play and costs just a few keystrokes to work around. Having my Cooled Ion Engine badly damaged I gave it away for fixing but a backup power source would not hurt meantime (I was not being traced yet) because a band of grunts was after my baterry juices. Huh, refit unavailable? I pondered a manual hack but choose to disconnect and reconnect first. Bingo, the option is active!

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Option "show map intro" influences autosave
« on: December 29, 2016, 02:46:03 PM »
When show map intro is On the Data Saved appears right after the graphical effect. Same when you interrupt it by hitting escape or space bar. When show map intro is Off you actually need to make a game time consuming action to trigger the Data Saved message but in that case the saving lag can be felt. It takes about 600-800 msec under Wine which I find slightly unpleasant. Also, it is gameplay inconsistency introduced by something appearing to be purely GUI option.

Ideas / Auto-replacement Priorities
« on: December 29, 2016, 02:36:15 PM »
This is probably not a bug but I leave you to be the judge. I did a stupid thing and ended up being surprised when the game did not do what I expected it to do.

Having the following utility setup (integrity in parentheses):
E - Improved System Shield (10/10)
F - Improved System Shield (9/10)
G - System Shield (10/10)
3 - Improved System Shield (10/10)

Hitting Control + 3 twice installed item 3 in slot F instead of in slot G. If F had full integrity then slot G would have been replaced but I view this as a waste of perfectly good improved system. Is this intentional?

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Flying over allied/disabled bots
« on: December 29, 2016, 02:31:14 PM »
I contemplated adding this to already present thread in confirmed bugs board but after all you should decide whether this thread goes there, even if cause is very likely to be the same.

1) If you fly over some robots but an allied bot is part of the chain you will still swap with them, even if said ally has nonflight propulsion. I am okay with being unable to fly over an adjacent ally for game simlicity.

2) There is no way to rewire disabled bots while you are flying. I avoid the problem by turning my propulsion off but this deprives me of avoidance benefits granted by flying. Same for maneuvering thrusters.

The flying over robots seems to just do a move to remote square with all its consequences. If so, this would benefit from being thought over.

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