I subscribe to the design philosophy that making things fun and interesting trumps making sense.
Hehe, I subscribe to the design philosophy that ideally both should be combined
. While yeah I do take some liberties with making sense for gameplay purposes in various areas, in the bigger picture diverging too much from established norms starts to mess with player expectations, and by far the most common expectation is what "makes sense," either in the real world or at least in the game world. This is especially true the larger and more complex a game gets!
So what about item stockpiles, main access, branch access, hauler manifests, patrol positions, etc., etc.? I think there's MORE hacks at terminals about remote things than there are ones about surroundings.
Right, but these give you access to all such information across the entire map, not one random specific thing far away.
As we've seen over the years, some potential features don't really balance well--they're either OP, or bad and no one uses them, and this looks like it falls into that category. Like if it were to be identical in size to Derelict Log zones that would definitely be too good, but if less than that (which is already pretty small), I don't see people using it.
Plus again I don't think it fits the lore I have in mind, and that's generally a good enough reason to not add something when there are already so many other suitable features to add.
But if we want to look for other gameplay reasons this doesn't really add much, players already use a number of other existing hacks for long-distance navigational assistance.
Now I
can see this hack being a Force() hack, just not direct.