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Author Topic: Introduce Yourself!  (Read 130614 times)


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #25 on: May 25, 2015, 05:45:51 PM »

Just got a forum account a day or so after getting the game so that I could join discussions. I particularly like the addition of the fabrication of parts and allies to the original 7DRL mechanics.

-How did you learn about Cogmind?
I found it looking at 7DRLs a while ago. However what let me know the paid version was out was a post on another forum. I actually was reminded that I downloaded the 7DRL version after that by looking into my roguelikes folder on my gaming computer.
-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?
Transcendence is one I am currently playing. Dwarf Fortress, Nethack/Slash'EM, Cataclysm, and a number of others have had my interest at times, but I am not really playing them right now.
-What are your other favorite games?
My favorite genres are RTS, TBS, Simulation, and Roguelikes. A bit harder for me to single out any specific games as I tend to drift from one to another over time.
-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?
Reading Sci-Fi and Fantasy mostly.


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #26 on: May 25, 2015, 08:04:28 PM »

Hi all

-How did you learn about Cogmind?
I found out about Cogmind after seeing a post from the blog on IndieDB about four months ago

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?
I really enjoy The Ground Gives Way!  I tried getting into ToMe, but I'm finding it a bit of chore.

-What are your other favorite games?
To be honest I don't play many games these days.  I used to play Starcraft and Action Quake back in the day (I'm talking in the 90s here) and I dabble in League of Legends and Dota2.  I also put a lot of hours into Cogmind 7DRL.

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?
Watch far too much YouTube, study, play music, wait for videos to upload, read (a lot!).


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #27 on: May 25, 2015, 11:36:28 PM »

Welcome everyone!

In my experience (some of which is based on data) I'd say Kasaris does fall at the lower end of the roguelike audience age spectrum. That's slowly changing, however, with more and more "roguelites" appealing to a wider and younger audience.

I do a bit of programming, and made my own silly little roguelike that I like to mess around with when I have time.
Hey Zach, glad the blog was able to draw you in (though honestly attracting an audience was only one small part of its many purposes!).

If you ever want to share what you're working on, we have Sharing Saturday every week on /r/roguelikedev! Me and other /r/roguelikedevs will also be hanging out in #rgrd on quakenet this Saturday (5/30).

When I'm not playing videogames I'm probably programming something, setting up a new NAS, turning a netbook into a firewall, or anything generally computer nerdy.
I love how roguelike players are often nerdy tech people. It makes being a roguelike dev so much easier, and so much more fun :).

Can't wait to get some Cogmind tournaments going so I can lose but have some fun checking out everyone's builds!
Yeah, I was really hoping to set that up soon but we need some bug fixes first (and QoL features), and there hasn't been time yet :/. Obviously later on you guys can feel free to run your own tournaments. Cogmind is seedable, too, so that should be fun :D

Just got a forum account a day or so after getting the game so that I could join discussions. I particularly like the addition of the fabrication of parts and allies to the original 7DRL mechanics.
Don't forget to fill out the form that was linked in the original email--I don't think your data was in there unless you just added it within the last hour or so.

My favorite genres are RTS, TBS, Simulation, and Roguelikes. A bit harder for me to single out any specific games as I tend to drift from one to another over time.
I do hope there's a lot of crossover between Cogmind fans and TBS, so that everyone's happy when I eventually switch back to making the new X@COM :)

-How did you learn about Cogmind?
I found out about Cogmind after seeing a post from the blog on IndieDB about four months ago
Glad I started posting on Indie DB :D. I didn't want to attract a wider audience too early, but late last year I just started taking 1.5 years of blog posts and spamming them onto IndieDB one every three days. That got a a lot of people interested pretty quickly. Happy that you saw it!

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?
I really enjoy The Ground Gives Way!  I tried getting into ToMe, but I'm finding it a bit of chore.
I've been chatting with BtS lately (he just got Cogmind, too!) about game design. At its core TGGW is kind of like a fantasy Cogmind.

To be honest I don't like the overall design of ToME, but many players have a taste for it so that's good for DarkGod.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #28 on: May 26, 2015, 03:57:52 AM »

Hey all, I'm PettyTyrant. I'm just your average joe, struggling through college and work trying to find my bearings in life. Just thought I'd drop in and say "hey" before I continue to lurk forever. Hopefully not though..

-How did you learn about Cogmind?
Well, I was bored and looking for something to do, decided to pop in to r/roguelike, saw the announcement video and boom, that was the end of that.
-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?
I've played DCSS a lil bit, not too in depth. Pixel Dungeon on Android since I rarely have a PC to use. Fumbled around with a bunch of free ones but nothing too crazy.
-What are your other favorite games?
Hooked on MH4U, Borderlands series, stupid idle games
-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?
Hang out with friends, yard work and landscaping around the house, not much really.

So yeah, that's me. I'll be around; reading everything, lurking moar. Hope to see the game flourish and grow!


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #29 on: May 26, 2015, 04:56:48 AM »

Hey all! Jumping into this thread late, representing the New Zealand contingent.

-How did you learn about Cogmind?

A gamer friend tweeted something about it only a few weeks ago.  I looked it up and was pretty much sold on reading the dev blog alone.

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?

Hardcore Nethack and ADOM fan from way back.  Dwarf Fortress lover.  I thought SOTS:TP was a great and underrated Roguelike in more recent times, but maybe it just pushed the right obsessive-compulsive buttons for me :).

-What are your other favorite games?

Big fan of strategy and survival games.  NEO Scavenger is a real gem despite the clunky interface.  Dominions is always rewarding to persist with.  Don't Starve Together is hilarious and my wife and I play it co-op regularly.  Have been on the Blizzard crack-pipe with Hearthstone for almost a year.

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?

At one stage I was an avid mountaineer, but family and other life commitments have slowed things down on that front somewhat.   Still like to get out into the hills when I can.

Great to see a strong community building up around this project - it deserves it!


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #30 on: May 26, 2015, 05:12:55 AM »

Introduce yourself
Greetings, cogminders, my name is Maurog, and I'm a kind of gamer. Usually my modus operandi is buying dirt cheap bundles for my Steam collection and/or waiting for ridiculous discounts (Summer Sale, anyone?), but I keep a sort of charity fund for supporting the industry in general. So sometimes I will fund Kickstarters and upcoming games that caught my eye, like Cogmind.
How did you learn about Cogmind?
It was mentioned on the #rgrd IRC channel in connection with 7DRL, and it looked neat, so...
What other roguelikes do you enjoy?
Oh, I played them all. ADOM and Crawl just rock, ditto DoomRL and UnrealWorld, Zangband was okay, not a big fan of Nethack, IVAN was a nifty little thing too bad nothing came of it, Legerdemain has astonishing depth for a roguelike, *deep breath* SOTS:The Pit is rock solid but hard as nails, and so is ToME, Dredmor is good but gets repetitive fast, and if we step away a bit from the Berlin convention, then FtL, BoI and Spelunky are rad.
Also, every game made by Arcen Games is a masterpiece, I especially recommend Bionic Dues.
What are your other favorite games?
Puzzle games are probably my favorite genre. Also pretty much every type of RPG, from classic to jrpg to action rogulites like Diablo and Path of Exile. Adventure games are nice, both classic and first person ones, and first person shooter adventures like Half Life 2 and Deus Ex etc. I generally don't like multiplayer games. I play hidden object games sometimes, even though they are the fast food of gaming. I torture myself with platformers and runner/rhythm games even though I'm not really good.

If I had to pick the best games of all time, I'd go with Planescape: Torment, Psychonauts, Beyond Good and Evil, and DROD.
What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?
Stuff. Following webcomics, watching educational YouTube videos, reading books, chilling on #rgrd (no motivation to advance my own roguelike project, because a job), checking up on people on social networks...
Slay the living! Raise the dead! Paint the sky in crimson red!


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #31 on: May 26, 2015, 12:51:40 PM »

-How did you learn about Cogmind?

From the 7drl release.

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?

Brogue and Caves of Qud are my most played and enjoyed.

-What are your other favorite games?

DOTA2 with over 3k hours logged (oof jesus thats unemployment for yah).

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?

work on music (

and hike as much as I can.  I live in a communal house in NC (USA) with like 20 other people so all sorts of activities and projects are going on here.


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2015, 11:45:20 PM »

Hey all, I'm PettyTyrant. I'm just your average joe, struggling through college and work trying to find my bearings in life. Just thought I'd drop in and say "hey" before I continue to lurk forever. Hopefully not though..
So yeah, that's me. I'll be around; reading everything, lurking moar. Hope to see the game flourish and grow!
Lurk on, PettyTyrant! I lurk on a lot more forums than I participate in, myself :). And glad you liked the video!

-How did you learn about Cogmind?

A gamer friend tweeted something about it only a few weeks ago.  I looked it up and was pretty much sold on reading the dev blog alone.
So many uses for blogs... highly recommended to anyone doing their own development!

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?

Hardcore Nethack and ADOM fan from way back.  Dwarf Fortress lover.  I thought SOTS:TP was a great and underrated Roguelike in more recent times, but maybe it just pushed the right obsessive-compulsive buttons for me :).
I haven't played SOTS:TP, but comments by a large number of other hardcore roguelikers made me lose any interest. Sounds like a poorly designed game overall, but one that is very effective at pushing certain buttons ;). (So, to some extent properly designed from a financial perspective, but true game design not so much...)

I'm glad that with Cogmind we have both long-time hardcore fans and some who aren't as familiar with the genre, which will enable us to grow the roguelike community.

Great to see a strong community building up around this project - it deserves it!
It is! I hope it'll stay strong in the long run, and in addition to regular development will try to help make that happen with new releases, tournaments, and improved score sharing systems.

*deep breath* SOTS:The Pit is rock solid but hard as nails
Hey Maurog! Thanks so much for your support; it was great that you even did that giveaway on #rgrd.

Interesting that you, too, mention SOTS:The Pit as fonetikli does. But most of my impressions come from /r/roguelikes where the haters are perhaps a lot more vocal, apparently. It doesn't get a lot of love other than the occasional unexplained recommendation or a short mention by someone who says they enjoy it.

I really should play Planescape: Torment because it's talked about so much as one of the greatest CRPGs ever. I received it as a gift like 15 years ago, and ended up giving it to my brother! Sometimes I go for several years without playing any games, then binge for a year and play all sorts of stuff. Sure has been a long time since that last binge now...

-How did you learn about Cogmind?

From the 7drl release.
Aw yeah, now if we can just get everyone who downloaded the 7DRL to join alpha, we'd be rolling in money and Cogmind could be even more awesome :D. That was a really popular 7DRL. (That said, it still can't beat X@COM in downloads, but that project is older, and based on a major IP :P)

-What are your other favorite games?

DOTA2 with over 3k hours logged (oof jesus thats unemployment for yah).
Holy crap, dude, how do you manage that... I used to play games quite a lot and the most I've ever logged in each of several different favorites is probably 500-700.

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?

work on music (
Some nice tunes in there! Loved "arp land WIP v3." When I popped into SoundCloud I noticed that last month you dropped a comment on one of my few contributions :). Not used to anyone commenting so I hadn't seen that. (I'm normally just a listener on SC--great platform). Thanks! I was mostly keeping the sound side of Cogmind under wraps because I wanted to surprised everyone with the full effect of a traditional roguelike + sound in the trailer, but anyone following the blog did get that separate sneak peak.

I live in a communal house in NC (USA) with like 20 other people so all sorts of activities and projects are going on here.
In college I lived in a cooperative housing unit with over 100 people. That sure was interesting. I was a head chef :D
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #33 on: May 28, 2015, 01:20:43 AM »

Hello folks, I'm mendonca (named after ex-grimsby and charlton footballing superstar Clive, not the musician).

Haven't got long, I'm hiding behind a wall from a load of angry robots - trying to regenerate my energy prior to making an overloaded nuclear pulse array rush for the exit.

-How did you learn about Cogmind?
Via following XComRL, into the 7DRL. Whilst I liked the 7DRL, this is just something else (and it's not even finished yet ...). I'm really excited to see where it goes from here!

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?
I've had fun with ToME, Nethack, DCSS - been variously obsessed with DF and (Spelunky) for periods of time. Cataclysm / caves of qud are also fun in a sprawling / overwhelming kind of way. Love complexity for the sake of it - or just something elegant and simple. This seems to be hitting a sweet spot where it captures both sides. Elegant and complex.

-What are your other favorite games?
Currently, just Starsector really - historically Sensible World of Soccer for gameplay, Speedball 2 for the graphical design, also played a huge amount of Jagged Aliiance 2. Don't get too much time these days for playing a wide variety of games, it's nice to see some come along like this that can scratch all my itches at once :)

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?
Ooh, hang about with my young family mostly. Maybe the daughter will have the good grace to grow up a little bit some time soon and I can teach her about roguelikes. Have done some writing, like to draw and paint digitally (can't paint in the real world ... Paints are squidgy and hard ... Pencils and pens are fun though).

Nice to meet you all

POW - thump


Did that damn bot just shoot me through a wall?


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #34 on: May 28, 2015, 06:58:19 AM »

Holy crap, dude, how do you manage that... I used to play games quite a lot and the most I've ever logged in each of several different favorites is probably 500-700.

No kids no wife no job (at the moment) and then 5 years of night shift where I had plenty of time to myself. :P


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #35 on: May 28, 2015, 07:11:46 AM »

work on music (

Love your music!  It's like a cross between Boards of Canada, Squarepusher, and film soundtracks. 

It's also my jam!


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #36 on: May 28, 2015, 07:36:48 AM »

work on music (

Love your music!  It's like a cross between Boards of Canada, Squarepusher, and film soundtracks. 
Well, now that you've said that I pretty much HAVE to give it a go...

Fake edit: Holy cow, this is good stuff! I forgot I had turned WinAmp off after a while, and was like, 'dang, what am I listening too?' And then I remembered. Awesome!


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2015, 07:48:20 AM »

Wow thanks for listening guys, It is nowhere near where I want it to be, but I'm learning, and the feedback is motivating.


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #38 on: May 28, 2015, 08:10:27 AM »

Wow thanks for listening guys, It is nowhere near where I want it to be, but I'm learning, and the feedback is motivating.

Yeah, it's really cool so far, I listened only 3 tracks but it is really good to me!


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #39 on: May 28, 2015, 10:15:58 AM »

Wow thanks for listening guys, It is nowhere near where I want it to be, but I'm learning, and the feedback is motivating.

Just saw this post, my god this stuff is good. Just what I need while coding or at work! You uh, you sell albums anywhere? Bandcamp perhaps?


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #40 on: May 28, 2015, 10:40:18 AM »

Wow thanks for listening guys, It is nowhere near where I want it to be, but I'm learning, and the feedback is motivating.

Just saw this post, my god this stuff is good. Just what I need while coding or at work! You uh, you sell albums anywhere? Bandcamp perhaps?

This community is too much, thanks to those of you who took the time to listen to my music,  I have a bunch of tracks, probably 20 or so that need polishing and filling out and mastering, my goal is to get a EP or album out this year, but that will require me to really buckle down and focus these next few months and polish up my mixing and mastering techniques because they just aren't where I want them to be if I am gonna be releasing it as an official first album.   I have a bad habit of hording art for years, I used to draw endlessly and just collected my pieces in a portfolio under my bed, the same thing can be said about my music, hoping to change that soon though.


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #41 on: May 28, 2015, 10:49:07 AM »

Wow thanks for listening guys, It is nowhere near where I want it to be, but I'm learning, and the feedback is motivating.

Just saw this post, my god this stuff is good. Just what I need while coding or at work! You uh, you sell albums anywhere? Bandcamp perhaps?

This community is too much, thanks to those of you who took the time to listen to my music,  I have a bunch of tracks, probably 20 or so that need polishing and filling out and mastering, my goal is to get a EP or album out this year, but that will require me to really buckle down and focus these next few months and polish up my mixing and mastering techniques because they just aren't where I want them to be if I am gonna be releasing it as an official first album.   I have a bad habit of hording art for years, I used to draw endlessly and just collected my pieces in a portfolio under my bed, the same thing can be said about my music, hoping to change that soon though.

Cool, definitely keep us updated, I'm still playing your music. Am very impressed.


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2015, 03:46:08 AM »

Hi all.  In the best possible tradition, my introductory post is my second post.

-Let us know a little about yourself, in as many or few words as you like. (And/or pictures!)
Sure.  I'm a British software developer who currently lives and works in the Netherlands.

-How did you learn about Cogmind?
Weird story.  As mentioned, I am a software developer by trade, and once upon a time was a MUD hobbyist.  I was tinkering with implementing a mud-like server using various terminal escape codes to make a window-based UI (this was actually used to assist in some over-the-internet tabletop roleplaying sessions with a group I used to game with), and I was looking around the internet for inspiration for animated ASCII art.

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?
I must have played ADoM to death when I was at university.

-What are your other favorite games?
Currently, the games highest on my list are Star Wars: the Old Republic, Europa Universalis IV and Ultra Street Fighter IV.

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?
Little bits of software development for fun, and ballroom dancing.


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #43 on: May 30, 2015, 01:25:22 AM »

Hi I'm Senjai (aka Richard Wilson).

I've never.. paid for an alpha anything before so this is kind of new. I purchased cogmind because I'm a huge fan of roguelikes, and it looks like an extremely well polished product.

-How did you learn about Cogmind?

I believe it was from an article on Polygon? They show up on my RSS feed along with other gaming/tech websites.

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?

Tales of Maj'eyal, Brogue, and Dungeonmanns.

Of all roguelikes I've played and enjoyed DCSS the most for the community and depth.

-What are your other favorite games?

Mostly CSGO when not playing roguelikes

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?

I'm a software developer ( unfortunately 99% of my code is NDA :(). We do ecommerce consulting. I write code in my free time, but I'd like to get into lower level languages so I figure roguelikes may be a good excuse to accomplish that (*wink* make cogmind open source eventually *wink* Darkgod did it for TOME eventually and still does well *wink*). Most of my time is spent in Elixer, Ruby, Javascript, and Go.

Really looking to how this turns out. I run linux natively, would love to be able to play this in a terminal in tmux eventually ;)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 01:28:25 AM by Senjai »


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #44 on: May 30, 2015, 05:03:10 AM »

Wow thanks for listening guys, It is nowhere near where I want it to be, but I'm learning, and the feedback is motivating.
Cool, definitely keep us updated, I'm still playing your music. Am very impressed.
Please do, I kept listening through everything in your account after my first reply and was increasingly impressed (I think I like some of your older tracks a little better, mostly for difference in style, though). Great job so far!

Sure.  I'm a British software developer who currently lives and works in the Netherlands.

-How did you learn about Cogmind?
Weird story.  As mentioned, I am a software developer by trade, and once upon a time was a MUD hobbyist.  I was tinkering with implementing a mud-like server using various terminal escape codes to make a window-based UI (this was actually used to assist in some over-the-internet tabletop roleplaying sessions with a group I used to game with), and I was looking around the internet for inspiration for animated ASCII art.

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?
I must have played ADoM to death when I was at university.

-What are your other favorite games?
Currently, the games highest on my list are Star Wars: the Old Republic, Europa Universalis IV and Ultra Street Fighter IV.

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?
Little bits of software development for fun, and ballroom dancing.

Hey Kaz! Let me say that the ratio of software devs to other players enjoying Cogmind is... unusually high ;). Certainly takes a load off on tech support!

A search for animated ASCII art is very likely to bring visitors to my blog :D

How do you like the Netherlands? I guess you were probably transferred there by a company rather than working freelance, yeah? Haven't spent much time in Europe myself (and that was a long time ago), though I always thought it would be cool to visit or even live in northern Europe.

Hi I'm Senjai (aka Richard Wilson).

I've never.. paid for an alpha anything before so this is kind of new. I purchased cogmind because I'm a huge fan of roguelikes, and it looks like an extremely well polished product.

-How did you learn about Cogmind?

I believe it was from an article on Polygon? They show up on my RSS feed along with other gaming/tech websites.

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?

Tales of Maj'eyal, Brogue, and Dungeonmanns.

Of all roguelikes I've played and enjoyed DCSS the most for the community and depth.

-What are your other favorite games?

Mostly CSGO when not playing roguelikes

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?

I'm a software developer ( unfortunately 99% of my code is NDA :(). We do ecommerce consulting. I write code in my free time, but I'd like to get into lower level languages so I figure roguelikes may be a good excuse to accomplish that (*wink* make cogmind open source eventually *wink* Darkgod did it for TOME eventually and still does well *wink*). Most of my time is spent in Elixer, Ruby, Javascript, and Go.

Really looking to how this turns out. I run linux natively, would love to be able to play this in a terminal in tmux eventually ;)
Glad to have you in on the alpha, Richard--hopefully the current polish meets your standards for even a "full game" :D

The article you refer to was probably RPS, the only major media outlet that picked up on Cogmind. I didn't do any pre-launch press notifications (even now I've talked to almost none), since I figured alpha could be limited mostly to long-time followers, though there will be a lot more official press activity come full launch.

Haven't had a chance to play Dungeonmans, but I know the dev and he's a cool guy. I'm glad the game is doing as well as it is.

And oh look, another software developer ;)

Stop it with all the winking! Trust me, any true software developer would probably look at my work and go WTF?! I'm a self-taught non-professional who just wants to hack together a game. I'm sure you can learn better from open source examples by other roguelike devs ;) (like DarkGod!)

Roguelikes are of course a great/fun way to practice any language, though. Join us in /r/roguelikedev if you'd ever like to share what you're up to!
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #45 on: May 30, 2015, 12:13:26 PM »

The article you refer to was probably RPS, the only major media outlet that picked up on Cogmind. I didn't do any pre-launch press notifications (even now I've talked to almost none), since I figured alpha could be limited mostly to long-time followers, though there will be a lot more official press activity come full launch.

RPS it was. I had the article still in my reading list. You should take it as a complement though, roguelikes (in the standard non adapted means) generally get little to no media attention.

Haven't had a chance to play Dungeonmans, but I know the dev and he's a cool guy. I'm glad the game is doing as well as it is.

Do it. I would highly recommend adjusting your expectations though. A lot of people criticize the academy mechanic of the game. It makes it incredibly different from most other roguelikes, but that doesnt mean it makes it bad :)

First impressions of cogmind: Hard as fuck.


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #46 on: May 30, 2015, 12:51:30 PM »

Hey everyone

-How did you learn about Cogmind?

Stumbled upon it in the TIGsource forums and was immediately hooked

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?

Brogue, also played a lot of Iter Vehemens Ad Necem back when it was still being developed. Yes, I'm a filthy casual and loving it.

-What are your other favorite games?

Baldur's Gate I, II, Planescape Tormen, the Pikmin series, the Legend of Zelda series (although it peaked with Wind Waker), Spelunky ;)

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?

I'm an interaction designer and really really love my field. Last year I worked as an adjunt teacher at a university at an interaction design program, and I seem to have a knack for education too. And to be a bit on-topic, gave three different "experimental game design" courses, actually! I even used Cogmind in a lecture discussing game aesthetics.

On the side I explore different programming paradigms for fun, but never use it for anything productive. Currently on a concatenative languages binge.


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #47 on: June 01, 2015, 05:54:47 AM »

RPS it was. I had the article still in my reading list. You should take it as a complement though, roguelikes (in the standard non adapted means) generally get little to no media attention.
Certainly! RPS had its eye on Cogmind from pretty early on in development (they know a good PC game when they see one :P), so I expected they'd write something about the alpha release. Later on when we have the full game ready I'll be contacting a lot of media proactively, and I think we'll get plenty of attention if anything simply because the game is so different from everything else out there.

Haven't had a chance to play Dungeonmans, but I know the dev and he's a cool guy. I'm glad the game is doing as well as it is.

Do it. I would highly recommend adjusting your expectations though. A lot of people criticize the academy mechanic of the game. It makes it incredibly different from most other roguelikes, but that doesnt mean it makes it bad :)

First impressions of cogmind: Hard as fuck.
You first impression is within expectations :). I'm happy that even though it's really tough on new players, most seem to be enjoying it despite dying again and again, and a number of players are now starting to get further with experience.

I'm sure my impression of Dungeonmans would be impacted by the academy mechanic, and I can see where a lot of roguelike regulars might dislike it, but hey if developers don't try new approaches then the genre doesn't evolve and we end up like AAA studios which just keep doing the same damn thing over and over again with a different skin.

Hey everyone

-How did you learn about Cogmind?

Stumbled upon it in the TIGsource forums and was immediately hooked

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?

Brogue, also played a lot of Iter Vehemens Ad Necem back when it was still being developed. Yes, I'm a filthy casual and loving it.

-What are your other favorite games?

Baldur's Gate I, II, Planescape Tormen, the Pikmin series, the Legend of Zelda series (although it peaked with Wind Waker), Spelunky ;)

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?

I'm an interaction designer and really really love my field. Last year I worked as an adjunt teacher at a university at an interaction design program, and I seem to have a knack for education too. And to be a bit on-topic, gave three different "experimental game design" courses, actually! I even used Cogmind in a lecture discussing game aesthetics.

On the side I explore different programming paradigms for fun, but never use it for anything productive. Currently on a concatenative languages binge.
JobLeonard! Nice to see you here on the forums :)

Since when did filthy casuals play IVAN? ;)

Awesome to hear that you used Cogmind in a lecture on game aesthetics :D. Feeling very proud at the moment. I also heard someone recently refer to Cogmind as a "study in UI design" that should be taught in classes. Work will continue on improving the UI's rough edges!
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #48 on: June 01, 2015, 07:00:26 AM »

How do you like the Netherlands? I guess you were probably transferred there by a company rather than working freelance, yeah? Haven't spent much time in Europe myself (and that was a long time ago), though I always thought it would be cool to visit or even live in northern Europe.

Actually, I came here to move in with my then-girlfriend (we married last year).  It just so happened that I nailed a good job in the process that paid for me to do it O.O

I really enjoy it over here.  It's a nice bonus that everyone speaks relatively good English (not perfect, but good enough), even though I'm competent in the Dutch language itself now.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to future drops of Cogmind.  Keep it coming!


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #49 on: June 01, 2015, 07:07:22 AM »

Well, that was a very nice coincidence, and congratulations!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to future drops of Cogmind.  Keep it coming!
After two weeks of non-development, I'm finally just about ready to start the next version, which shouldn't take too long but will mostly be bug fixes and a laundry list of QoL requests.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon
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