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Author Topic: The First Pacifist Win  (Read 6502 times)


  • Cogmind
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  • 1st place in the Best Escapes category during Alpha Challenge 2015 1st place in the High Scores category during Alpha Challenge 2015 Shared a Confirmed Combat Win Shared a Confirmed Stealth Win Kyzrati Patron Bug Hunter Achievement leader in at least one category during Alpha Challenge 2015 Participated in the Alpha Challenge 2015 Wiki Contributor Weekly Seed Participant
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The First Pacifist Win
« on: June 02, 2016, 08:26:10 AM »

After several failed attempts to find the exit on -1, I did it.

Code: [Select]
Cogmind - Alpha 8

Name: zzxc

---[ ESCAPED! ]---

Evolutions (9)             4500
Robots Destroyed (0)       0
Value Destroyed (25)       25
Prototype IDs (5)          100
Alien Tech Identified (0)  0
Bonus (14673)              14673
              TOTAL SCORE: 19298

Core Integrity             1147/1600
Matter                     16/300
Energy                     41/50
System Corruption          7%
Temperature                Cool (1)
Location                   Surface

Power (4)
Propulsion (8)
  Improved Flight Unit
  High-density Centrium Heavy Treads
Utility (11)
  Improved Utility Shielding
  Improved System Shield
  System Shield
  System Shield
  System Shield
  Hacking Suite
  Advanced ECM Suite
Weapon (2)
  Compact Linear Accelerator

Heavy Gauss Cannon
Field Propulsion Drive

 Peak State
  Ion Engine
  Improved Quantum Reactor
  Improved Flight Unit
  Improved Flight Unit
  Improved Flight Unit
  Cesium-ion Thruster
  Diametric Drive
  High-density Centrium Heavy Treads
  Improved Utility Shielding
  Improved System Shield
  System Shield
  System Shield
  System Shield
  Hacking Suite
  Advanced ECM Suite
  Compact Linear Accelerator
[Rating: 84]

Power                      Ion Engine
  Engine                   Ion Engine
  Power Core               Nuclear Core
  Reactor                  Improved Quantum Reactor
Propulsion                 Improved Flight Unit
  Treads                   High-density Centrium Heavy Treads
  Leg                      Aluminum Leg
  Hover Unit               Improved Hover Unit
  Flight Unit              Improved Flight Unit
Utility                    Improved Power Shielding
  Device                   Power Amplifier
  Hackware                 System Shield
  Protection               Improved Power Shielding
Weapon                     Light Assault Rifle
  Ballistic Gun            Light Assault Rifle
  Ballistic Cannon         Compact Linear Accelerator
  Launcher                 Micro-nuke Launcher

Bonus Breakdown            14673
  Win                      3000
  Fast Win                 11673
Classes Destroyed          0
NPCs Destroyed             0
Best Kill Streak           0
  Combat Bots Only         0
Matter Collected           325
  Salvage Created          0
Parts Attached             36
  Power                    5
  Propulsion               13
  Utility                  11
  Weapon                   7
Parts Lost                 19
  Power                    5
  Propulsion               8
  Utility                  3
  Weapon                   3
Average Slot Usage (%)     59
  Naked Turns              61
Spaces Moved               3124
  Fastest Speed (%)        833
  Average Speed (%)        413
  Slowest Speed (%)        83
  Overloaded Moves         0
  Propulsion Burnouts      0
  Targets Rammed           0
  Cave-ins Triggered       0
  Teleports                0
Heaviest Build             35
  Greatest Overweight (x)  8
  Average Overweight (x)   0
Largest Inventory          4
  Most Items Carried       4
  Average Items Carried    3
Core Damage Taken          991
Average Core Remaining (%) 83
  Depth 10 Exit            33
  Depth 9 Exit             69
  Depth 8 Exit             84
  Depth 7 Exit             91
  Depth 6 Exit             100
  Depth 5 Exit             100
  Depth 4 Exit             98
  Depth 3 Exit             95
  Depth 2 Exit             98
  Depth 1 Exit             71
Volleys Fired              11
  Largest                  1
  Hottest                  70
Shots Fired                11
  Gun                      0
  Cannon                   4
  Launcher                 7
  Special                  0
  Kinetic                  4
  Thermal                  0
  Explosive                7
  Electromagnetic          0
Shots Hit Robots           0
  Core Hits                1
Overload Shots             0
  Energy Bleed             0
  Heat Surge               0
  Short Circuit            0
  Meltdown                 0
Melee Attacks              0
  Impact                   0
  Slashing                 0
  Piercing                 0
Damage Inflicted           406
  Projectiles              45
  Explosions               361
  Melee                    0
  Ramming                  0
  Kinetic                  45
  Thermal                  0
  Explosive                361
  Electromagnetic          0
  Impact                   0
  Slashing                 0
  Piercing                 0
Self-Inflicted Damage      152
  Shots                    2
  Rammed                   0
Highest Temperature        299
  Average Temperature      64
  Shutdowns                0
  Energy Bleed             0
  Interference             0
  Matter Decay             0
  Short Circuit            0
  Damage (minor)           0
  Damage (major)           0
  Damage (core)            0
Highest Corruption         7
  Average Corruption       1
  Message Errors           0
  Parts Rejected           0
  Data loss (map)          0
  Data loss (database)     1
  Misfires                 0
  Misdirections            0
  Targeting Errors         0
  Weapon Failures          0
  Depth 7 End              1
  Depth 1 End              7
Haulers Intercepted        0
Robots Corrupted           0
Robots Melted              0
Power Chain Reactions      0
Tactical Retreats          15
Communications Jammed      0
Parts Field Recycled       0
  Retrieved Matter         0
Parts Merge Repaired       0
Drone Launches             0
  Drone Recoveries         0
Derelicts Assembled        0
Traps Triggered            0
  Indirectly               0
Trap Hack Attempts         0
  Triggered                0
  Disarmed                 0
  Reprogrammed             0
  Reused                   0
Data Cores Recovered       0
  Used                     0
Machines Hacked            25
  Terminals                23
  Fabricators              0
  Repair Stations          0
  Recycling Units          0
  Scanalyzers              0
  Garrison Access          2
Total Hacks                74
  Successful               21
  Failed                   53
  Catastrophic             26
  Database Lockouts        0
  Manual                   27
  Unauthorized             23
  Terminals                71
  Fabricators              0
  Repair Stations          0
  Recycling Units          0
  Scanalyzers              0
  Garrison Access          3
Terminal Hacks             16
  Record                   0
  Part Schematic           0
  Robot Schematic          0
  Robot Analysis           0
  Prototype ID Bank        0
  Open Door                1
  Level Access Points      1
  Branch Access Points     0
  Emergency Access Points  2
  Machine Index            0
  Terminal Index           1
  Fabricator Index         0
  Repair Station Index     0
  Recycling Unit Index     0
  Scanalyzer Index         0
  Garrison Index           0
  Alert Level              0
  Unreport Threat          1
  Locate Traps             2
  Disarm Traps             0
  Reprogram Traps          0
  Dispatch Records         0
  Maintenance Status       0
  Security Status          0
  Surveillance Status      1
  Patrol Status            0
  Transport Status         0
  Investigation Status     0
  Extermination Status     0
  Reinforcement Status     0
  Assault Status           0
  Garrison Status          0
  Intercept Status         0
  Recall Investigation     0
  Recall Extermination     0
  Recall Reinforcements    0
  Recall Assault           0
  Hauler Manifests         0
  Registered Components    1
  Registered Prototypes    0
  Zone Layout              6
  Sector Layout            0
  Machine Controls         0
Hacking Detections         23
  Full Trace Events        10
  Feedback Events          1
  Feedback Corruption      1
  Feedback Part Disabled   0
  Feedback Blocked         0
Trojans Installed          3
  Terminals                3
  Fabricators              0
  Repair Stations          0
  Recycling Units          0
  Scanalyzers              0
  Garrison Access          0
Fabricators Overloaded     0
Garrisons Disabled         2
Garrisons Compromised      0
Robot Schematics Acquired  0
  Robots Built             0
  Total Robot Build Rating 0
  Robot Fabrication Matter 0
  Robot Fabrication Time   0
Part Schematics Acquired   0
  Parts Built              0
  Total Part Build Rating  0
  Part Fabrication Matter  0
  Part Fabrication Time    0
Parts Repaired             0
  Part Repair Time         0
Parts Recycled             0
  Recycled Matter          0
  Retrieved Matter         0
  Retrieved Components     0
Parts Scanalyzed           0
  Part Schematics Acquired 0
  Parts Damaged            0
Robot Analysis Total       0
Robots Rewired             0
Robots Hacked              0
  Non-combat               0
  Combat                   0
  Parse                    0
  Link                     0
  Rebooted                 0
  Overloaded               0
  Assimilated              0
  Manual                   0
  Secondary                0
Robot Hack Failures        0
Allies Hacked              0
Hacks Repelled             0
Total Allies               1
  Largest Group            1
  Highest-Rated Group      7
  Highest-Rated Ally       7
Total Orders               0
  STAY                     0
  GOTO                     0
  ROAM                     0
  FOLLOW                   0
  GUARD                    0
  AID                      0
  BUILD                    0
  TUNNEL                   0
  DROP                     0
  PICKUP                   0
  COLLECT                  0
  EXPLORE                  0
  RETURN                   0
Terraforming Orders        0
  Walls Built              0
  Walls Tunneled           0
Ally Attacks               0
  Total Damage             0
  Kills                    0
Allies Corrupted           0
Allies Melted              0
Peak Influence             28
  Average Influence        6
  Final Influence          0
Maximum Alert Level        0
  Low Security (%)         100
  Level 1                  0
  Level 2                  0
  Level 3                  0
  Level 4                  0
  Level 5                  0
Squads Dispatched          14
  Investigation            10
  Extermination            1
  Reinforcement            3
  Assault                  0
  Garrison                 0
  Intercept                0
Derelict Logs Recovered    1
Exploration Rate (%)       14
  Regions Visited          14
  Pre-discovered Areas     0
Garrisons Visited          0
  Relays Disabled          0
  Generators Disabled      0
Network Hubs Disabled      0
Actions Taken              3346
Turns Passed               1108
  Depth 11                 33
  Depth 10                 110
  Depth 9                  36
  Depth 8                  152
  Depth 7                  126
  Depth 6                  131
  Depth 5                  14
  Depth 4                  149
  Depth 3                  40
  Depth 2                  35
  Depth 1                  282
  Scrapyard                33
  Materials                298
  Factory                  295
  Research                 75
  Access                   282
  Storage                  45
  Upper Caves              80

 Prototype IDs
Improved Quantum Reactor
High-density Centrium Heavy Treads
Improved Flight Unit
Improved VTOL Module
Compact Linear Accelerator

 Alien Tech Recovered

-4/Upper Caves
-4/Upper Caves

Seed: 1464869240
^Manual?: 0
Play Time: 56 min
Sessions: 1
Mod: N/A
Game No.: 102
Keyboard: 1
Movement: Numpad
Fullscreen: 1
Font: 18/Terminus
Map View: 76x50
FOV Handling: Instant


Full video recording, no commentary

I also recorded my failed attempts but didn't upload those since they were failures :P

I think this goes to show how much can be accomplished with garbage items (or for the first few floors, essentially no items). No sensors, optical arrays, or ECM suites were used in the making of this run.

The score is pretty high because of the turns passed (1108). I wasn't explicitly aiming for a low turn count and it was more a side effect.

edit: BTW when playing fast, the wait for enemy firing animations is pretty long.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 08:40:05 AM by zxc »


  • Derelict
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Re: The First Pacifist Win
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2016, 08:39:21 AM »

Wow.  Nice!  I'm going to have to watch this.


  • Administrator
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    • Cogmind
Re: The First Pacifist Win
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2016, 09:03:08 AM »

Awesome job, zxc! Was barely a couple days between when you said you'd do it and actually doing it 8)

edit: BTW when playing fast, the wait for enemy firing animations is pretty long.
In most cases it's the powerful weapons that might take a little longer, but overall the average is around 150-300 milliseconds. From the beginning I've felt this is a better approach because otherwise you have to make sense of the log, and the same information would be very difficult to understand given the sometimes large number of similar participants in Cogmind battles, and the fact that almost all battles are at range. The goal of the UI is to keep players looking at the map, so the information needs to be there just long enough to be parseable as it happens.

(Of course, if your movement speed is really slow that's a different story since they can get multiple turns to yours, but when you're flying around you get a ton of moves for each of their volleys...)

I do make changes if a particularly common weapon is too slow, though (on its own). For example, once the caves were opened up I halved the speed of the Derelicts' Beamcaster animation, since it's increasingly common and was quite slow before.

Back to the celebration!
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


  • Cogmind
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Re: The First Pacifist Win
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2016, 09:18:40 AM »

I'm just used to instant turns, is all.

Looking back at it, wow, half of the time I spend on the entire run is in Access. It's becoming my most feared floor now, usurping Research.

There are a number of severe problems in doing a pacifist run:

Matter is probably the biggest. There is very little matter to be found lying around without destroying robots for it. This limits part swapping, firing to open walls, etc.

Then there's the difficulty in getting sensors/interpreters without being able to kill watchers. I ended up not using them at all. I did find an Imp. Sensor in factory at one point but I didn't even notice.

The first few floors are quite a different experience when you can't kill anything. Fortunately, restarting that early on is no big deal, but I did manage to get through it at a high success rate before I completely lost my patience and started playing as quickly as I was in the video.

Lastly there's the fact that by the time you reach Access, you probably have a dreadful build going. Access is certainly the toughest floor of the game and despite being quite experienced at finding the exit, I was unable to do so several times. It's like a ticking time bomb because such a squishy build is not going to last very long at all. Hacking the location of the Access exit is a huge deal, but whether or not you have the right hacking gear and whether you luck out with the hack is another matter entirely.

Also it seems I did use an ECM suite towards the end of Access, but it didn't have a real impact.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 10:30:40 AM by zxc »


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Re: The First Pacifist Win
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2016, 07:23:54 PM »

Matter is probably the biggest. There is very little matter to be found lying around without destroying robots for it. This limits part swapping, firing to open walls, etc.
Have you noticed that a few releases ago matter-related machines can be shot to let their matter spill out? This has saved me on a couple occasions :)

But, such machines are only found in Materials and Factory, so that won't help with the late-game. At that point, I wonder if it would be worth using an inventory slot for a backup Field Recycling Unit. They're quite easy to use now with the new mechanics, a mobile source of matter that doesn't require destroying anything except the items you don't need, of which I'm sure you found many!

I'm just used to instant turns, is all.
Gotcha, certainly a staple of traditional text-based roguelikes.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


  • Cogmind
  • *****
  • 1st place in the Best Escapes category during Alpha Challenge 2015 1st place in the High Scores category during Alpha Challenge 2015 Shared a Confirmed Combat Win Shared a Confirmed Stealth Win Kyzrati Patron Bug Hunter Achievement leader in at least one category during Alpha Challenge 2015 Participated in the Alpha Challenge 2015 Wiki Contributor Weekly Seed Participant
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Re: The First Pacifist Win
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2016, 06:53:38 AM »

I remember the machines spilling matter thing, but I didn't consider it because of the matter cost to fire weapons. I didn't think of electromagnetic and thermal weapons. :)

Field recycling units are a thought. I don't think I saw any though... There should be a hack at recycling machines to withdraw a recycling unit. :)

If I really wanted matter I could stand around near civilian robots and hope they got shot up. Also, getting an equipped item destroyed appears to give 5 matter, which is a tiny bit of help. In the end, I guess I didn't need to do any of that. :)