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Author Topic: Today i lost by an immortal garrison  (Read 4610 times)


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Today i lost by an immortal garrison
« on: May 29, 2021, 02:20:37 AM »

i used a launcher at start to destroy it. nothing happened. Then i used cannons nothing again. Then  i used almost everything. I was wrecked.. how you identify a garrison that cannot be destroyed..i ask because i have lost a couple of times like that . i also used a lance to destroy it and i could not. off course i lost the hack i could not seal it and that was my first mistake i insisted too much on sealing the garrison.


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Re: Today i lost by an immortal garrison
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2021, 06:54:21 AM »

Oh hi, Darlorth! Welcome :)

Like with other objects, you can inspect any machine (right-click on it or use the kb-based examine method) and read its stats in the info window. That window lists its armor and resistances, and if you're not sure what those values mean, there is context help for each (click on the stat). You may not actually have anything that is capable of achieving what you want to do in that case--depends on the Garrison Access and how deep you are.

Garrisons are not that easy to destroy, not to mention doing so is really bad for your alert, so you're best avoiding them whenever possible, unless you have some other specific strategy in which destroying it will actually be helpful in some way....

But anyway, the stats are all static so once you're more familiar with the various weapons and different machines you'll start to have a general idea of what you can blow up in a given situation and how difficult it will be. Again though, basically stay away from those if you can help it! There are strategies that involve attacking (or more likely hacking) them, but you'll get to that later ;)

(Technically if you go inside one and use a RIF Installer, you'll be able to very easily lock any Garrison Access machines you come across, which is pretty handy among the other benefits you obtain... but that's probably a more advanced strategy overall.)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


  • Unaware
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Re: Today i lost by an immortal garrison
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2021, 12:56:17 PM »

You are the best. I always have to learn things in this game . Lovely.  I have won many many times but I was missing this basic thing.
This happened all my weapons could not penetrate that bunker. I had to check before I play the smart guy next to a late game Garrison.
I will not lose like that again. Thnx for that info,I was 100% sure that I did something wrong . It was very funny what happened anyway,because I attacked a garrison without the proper gear, imagine it. I woke up a garrison without any reason and without the proper penetration gear.


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Re: Today i lost by an immortal garrison
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2021, 06:51:31 PM »

Garrisons can certainly be pretty dangerous to fool around with :). Normally if you even hear one, or suspect one is nearby based on what's going on, the best move is often to retreat.

Remember that destroying part of a Garrison Access is pretty bad for your alert, so if you can avoid destroying it (or have other means to shut it down) that is often better in the long run.

Related here, Beta 11 comes with a new feature that will allow you to even more quickly identify whether you have the ability to destroy a particular wall or machine, either attached or in inventory, by coloring the 'v'olley preview differently:

(I wrote more about this on the dev blog a while back.)
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon