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Author Topic: Melee run! (streamed)  (Read 3574 times)


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Melee run! (streamed)
« on: October 15, 2018, 11:19:58 PM »

This was my first semi-serious melee conduct run, where the basic rule was to always be focused on melee as the method of attack, avoiding other weapons except where necessary.

I've done a few melee runs on my own (not streamed), though when I do that there's pretty much no planning involved, just lots of weapon slots, multiwielding lots of melee weapons for the followup attacks, and haphazardly charging at and chopping up everything I see.

Overall this was a great stream with a great crowd, I guess also because it's been a while since I streamed a run, as I was out of town for the Roguelike Celebration where I gave a talk.

Melee is usually a decent (or even really powerful!) strategy for the latter half of the game, but kinda mediocre in the first half because all the entry-level weapons are impact-type, and these can take a little longer to pound on targets due to their reduced chance of core damage. But hey, we have to follow the rule, right?!

So coming out the first floor we had our hammer build...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(I tried to keep on wheels most of the time, for the extra carrying capacity and because maneuverability is important for melee combat--better to avoid slow propulsion!)

Then in -9 I took an exit to what I thought would probably be the Mines, but it ended up leading to Storage! Okay, we can roll with that... Picked up a room full of allies who trashed the place, but little did I realize, my core was getting dangerously low. This is another issue to be aware of with early-game melee, since your weapons won't take any/many hits and instead that damage goes to the core.

Anyway, as soon as the HUD went red I went into emergency mode and decided to backtrack over to the Recycling exit, otherwise I never would make it out of there. There was a Sentry after me, but my last remaining ally snuck up behind it and took it out :D

Whew, safe. And the detour would only mean sacrificing (skipping) -8/Materials, so everything turned out okay.

Coming into -7/Factory I had some friends and a ton of melee weapons, certainly more than I needed--picking them up was kind of a joke :P

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Shortly after that I also picked up a pair of Arm. Huge Wheels :). But I ended up putting those in inventory as backups for later after finding a cache of hover units for which I dropped some storage and rebuilt for speed/stealth/melee. My long-term strategy was to visit Zion and get imprinting support to help supplement intel, allies, and maybe melee resupplies. So I ducked into the -7 caves, and this was my build for much of the mid-game:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The two Phasing Sabres picked up in Z were amazing, being some of the best mid-game melee weapons and I was still only at -7 at the time. I don't even have any good melee util support and this build one-shots almost anything. Notice that I do also have the Sensor+Interpreter combo which is something I pretty much never have, but this plus hover plus melee is a pretty deadly combo, always being in the right place at the right time ;)

Basically what we've evolved here is a ninja build, aw yeah...

Looking at the world map, it's been a pretty circuitous route up to this point!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The stream decided that we should make a visit to DM as well, so I headed out there from -6, where I picked up Cmb. hover schematics and built a pair of them on a low-level Fabricator upon returning to -5/Factory.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

With those combined with Programmer remains it should be fairly easy to remain a melee hoverbot. From there I headed straight up to -4/Factory, at the entrance of which I stopped for now, in a state more or less like the image above (+2 utility slots). Will have to finish the stream with part 2 tomorrow. I'd like to go for the Gladiator achievement, but we'll see, 200 is a lot of hostiles to cut down.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2018, 04:52:11 PM by Kyzrati »
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


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Re: Melee run! (streamed)
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2018, 11:58:22 PM »


Wow, we won :)

Despite totally going into that run expecting to die horribly some time in the latter half, that melee build just kept building on itself and beating on everything. I am impressed at how reliable melee has become as a strategy over the years, coming to a really good place now.

So how did it go down...

Well, there wasn't any more branch traveling. Despite being in pretty good shape throughout the remainder of the run (sensors really helped explore, maneuver safely, and pick battles), I didn't find any more branch exits randomly so ended up bailing before overextending my stay at each depth. The alert level was bordering on 2 or so for much of the time, so hanging around too much longer could've gotten dicey, especially with what was more of a ninja melee build rather than a front line fighter.

We did get progressively slower, too. Hovering had gotten us through a lot of the mid-game, but eventually we were doing a fair bit of combat (generally not good on hover) so switched over to wheels, and then as you'll see much later we ended up on legs. Here's the wheeled version of the build about to slice and dice several approaching Sentries:

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Pimski remarked that I had not looted a single Hauler the entire run, so I walked through a door and sliced up the nearest one and wow... out popped a pair of Molecular Scythes xD. These became our new mainstay weapon, backed up by others, of course.

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The KE Penetrator was a temporary addition because we happened to be very low on coverage at that point. But once in Research we had the makings of a pretty decent melee build:

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-2 was spent on wheels, a good bit slower but hey we've got a 16-slot inventory which was nice.

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Access wasn't too bad, considering we still had good sensors plus occasional help from Zion. There were definitely several surprise Hunter ambushes since we couldn't detect them, though :P

Found another Hauler with Mni. Drone Bays and Force Lances, another really nice melee weapon (even if not a prototype), and at this point the wheels were swapped out in exchange for a Centrium legged melee build, which by this point was pretty solid and could cut down anything fairly easily (still, not super optimized so had to be careful of attrition).

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Found the Surface exit about 500 turns later and ducked out.

I decided it wasn't really worth going for the Gladiator achievement at that point, because I wanted to preserve the exit build in the score sheet, and more importantly during the last fight near the exit I only just earned the Melee Specialist achievement. Sure didn't expect that one, or even aim for it (because I'd assumed I'd be forced to do a little less melee attacking and a little more with missile and projectiles, but this really did turn out to be a very melee run). Since that one requires 100 kills though, getting another 100 at the exit would've been quite unlikely. Gladiator is something that should be done by spending more time on other depths and spreading out the kills so they're not all loaded at the end there.

Spoiler: WIN SCREEN (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: December 28, 2018, 04:52:34 PM by Kyzrati »
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


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Re: Melee run! (streamed)
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2019, 07:03:35 AM »

Addendum: @Nyrdal on Twitter drew my melee build from the stream! <3

Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon