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Author Topic: Weekly Seed #105 [Beta 3.1] [Seed: DeepSeismicChainsword]  (Read 1725 times)


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Weekly Seed #105 [Beta 3.1] [Seed: DeepSeismicChainsword]
« on: December 08, 2017, 11:25:43 AM »

This week's seed: DeepSeismicChainsword

The Weekly Seed is open to anyone, and we encourage you to share your experiences, stories, and tactics over the course of your run.

The rules are as follows:
  • The Weekly Seed begins from the date this thread is posted and lasts about seven days.
  • Make sure you are running the correct version of Cogmind (see thread subject).
  • Enter the seed and abort your current game to initiate the seed (more details are below).
  • Verify you are not running the tutorial and that the screenshots below match your game.
  • Play through the game once. This is a friendly event and we are all honest people.
  • When finished, post your scoresheet here (it should be the newest file in /scores) and any other screenshots/stories/strategies you wish to share with the community.
  • If you want to share details about the seed or your approach, make sure you use spoiler tags.
  • Due to the spoilerific nature of this thread, be sure to avoid reading details about the seed if you haven't completed your run.
  • As Cogmind now has multiple difficulty modes and challenges which will affect the world generation, by default it is assumed everyone is playing on regular difficulty with no challenges enabled. You are free to use whichever settings you wish, but if you intend on discussing it, be sure to specify what difficulty/challenges you're using!

Good luck and have fun!


Press F1 to go to the MENU, select OPTIONS, select Seed, and enter this week's seed:

Select GAME, select ABORT:

If you have followed the steps [Manual seed applied: DeepSeismicChainsword] should display in the log window.

Congratulations on entering the seed, now get in there!


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Re: Weekly Seed #105 [Beta 3.1] [Seed: DeepSeismicChainsword]
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2017, 05:33:35 PM »

Hello, this is my first time running the weekly seed.

Currently I'm messing around in super easy modo testing all kind of things and getting lore so I ran in said mode.

Early game was fairly standard, three EM pulse guns, a grenade launcher and a targeting computer at -11.

Quickly run the first few floors, getting the schematics for imp. Treads off a terminal.

Switched to treads on -9.

Ponder going flight at -7 after finding a stash of thrusters sitting close to some adv. Sensor arrays.
Decide against it and stumble on two plasma cannons soon after.

Take a turn in storage -7, nothing of note, got a few friends on my way out.

Get into a chute trap while fighting some hunters, thankfully I missed the party, all the crushers are dead, spare parts scattered all around and a hole in one of the walls.
One of the crusher come alive, cost me two powers and one propulsion.

Switch to full thermal after finding an improved particle charger.

Keep climbing floors with nothing special happening.

Come research I start melting garrisons on sight.
A random hauler get caught in the crossfire and bless me with two nova cannons.

Another turn, testing at -3 (with 7% corruption).
The very first room I check give me a potential cannon AND the improved version.
Find [redacted] around a corner, decide to take it with me to see what happen.
Grab the SHELL a few rooms away from the exit.

Reach access.
Blew up an energy cycler, no idea what they do but I remember Kyzrati destroying some on stream.

Triggered high security, my first time.
Died quickly after that, I managed to fight off a few waves but lost the potential cannon in the process.
Then ran out of spare guns and it was all over.

Fairly straight forward run, almost no branches.
Obviously grabbing the [redacted] without saying hello to Zhirov first was a happy little mistake.
I'm fairly confident I would have won with a little more luck in finding the exit, by the time I lost my potential cannon I had half of access mapped out, on treads.
SHELL is great, improved potential cannon is GLORIOUS, I killed a red behemoth in three volleys with it.
Easiest mode is, I think, a great place for new players, you can make a lot of suboptimal choices and still progress and see more of the game.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: Weekly Seed #105 [Beta 3.1] [Seed: DeepSeismicChainsword]
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2017, 07:27:36 PM »

Ooh thanks for the submission! We don't really get to see much info shared in the way of easier modes, so it's nice to see how a run plays out like this.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


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Re: Weekly Seed #105 [Beta 3.1] [Seed: DeepSeismicChainsword]
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2017, 06:43:49 PM »

Pretty straightforward run through materials. Briefly dipped into the mines but relatively close to another exit that took me up to the next materials floor before anything exciting happened.

I'd been rocking legs and a pretty mixed utility/weapon build but the very first room on the first factory floor had a large stock of 8 flight units. Feeling the need for speed I decided to swap out the legs and zip through the level. Unfortunately I got caught in an awkward spot and after losing a couple flight units I triggered a chute trap. I was actually not too worried about this as I had backup flight units and knew I'd be able to dodge past the crusher units but it turned out an advance force working for some Warlord had cleared the place out. I helped myself to their cache of battle rifles and headed out. Unfortunately, in my haste, I declined to wait for too many of the friendly robots to catch up to me so only a small force accompanied me back into 0B10.

With Warlord's forces generally wreaking havoc I was free to zip around until I found the way into the next level. This is where it got sticky, there was only one room connecting the area where I spawned in to the rest of the complex, unfortunately this room is also where troops were coming through to search for me so I explored every other nook and cranny of each room (there may have been a secret passage in one of them, I didn't walk along every wall), all the while getting shot at, before deciding to go into the teeth of the gauntlet and diving through the throngs of enemy robots to get into the larger part of the facility. At this point I'm down to just a couple of installed chips and relying on the core propulsion to fly by enemies as quickly as possible. At this point there are 4 hunters and who knows how many regular troopers coming after me and I dodge up into what turns out to be a cul de sac. Here I get my second good bit of trap luck as I trigger an ambush trap and it spawns three friendlies! We dodge into a room with a lot of structures and while the hunters gun down my new friends I manage to take advantage of the battle to slip by the hunters. The other pursuers haven't caught up so I'm desperately trying to turn the corner and get out of the line of fire when the first hunter emerges and destroys whats left of my core with his gauss rifle.

Not my best run, I've been pretty consistent at getting up to research in my last few playthroughs but there was a real lack of good propulsion equipment along the path I took other than the one big stockpile I found when I first got to factory. Fun though, I've never seen that set piece with the chute trap.

Run log:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: Weekly Seed #105 [Beta 3.1] [Seed: DeepSeismicChainsword]
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2017, 09:34:34 PM »

Hey! This weekly seed was great!

I made my way through the first couple mats levels pretty quickly and decided to go on a mining trip on -9. After exploring a bit, some nice fellow showed me the way to salvation...ZION. I geared up, got imprinted, got my friends, and headed to the prox. caves. This is where things got dicey. I kept running into patrols and my entourage was dwindling. Since I shortcutted (shortcut?) my way from -9, I was vastly underevolved and underequipped. At some point I found a terminal and miraculously hacked the main exit location. I headed that way, clearing a couple patrols until it was just me and Mr. Bitey, my only friend. Getting close to the exit, and close to dead, I skirted past one last patrol, leaving Mr. Bitey as a temporary distraction.

14 core left. 5 tiles from the exit.


A beast was guarding the exit.

A beast in view, Mr. Bitey dead, and an assault force behind, I dove for the exit....

And made it to factory  ;D That was quite the adrenaline rush. I evolved for propulsion and guns mostly). Factory 6 wasn't too shabby, I picked up some great cannons and I think I was on a good set of treads. Factory 5, on the other hand, was a different story. I may have had good guns, but I had a lot of trouble with hunters. In the end, I had mostly hunter parts scavenged by the multitude of hunters I killed. In the end, I couldn't get a break, wasn't paying attention to my core, and met my grisly end.

Lots of fun, just gotta pay more attention to my core!

Spoiler: Scoresheet (click to show/hide)

This run, like all my previous runs, will be uploaded to my youtube channel:
Stop by for Cogmind Vids every M, W, and F!
