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Author Topic: POLYBOT-7 released for 7DRL 2018  (Read 1699 times)


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POLYBOT-7 released for 7DRL 2018
« on: March 12, 2018, 10:03:58 AM »

I did another 7DRL! It was great fun, and the results of all this work seem to have turned out pretty fun as well :D

The name of the game is "POLYBOT-7," and it's sorta like Cogmind, but also definitely its own thing, playing quite differently from my main project.

You still play a robot that attaches parts, but it does so automatically (free action! no resource costs!) and these parts are also even automatically drawn towards you! (Oh yeah, and you can't remove them except through another special mechanic :P) There are even permanent upgrades! Overall, runs are fairly fast and the number of non-combat decisions has been greatly simplified.

Here's what it looks like--Kacper even hooked us up with a great new tileset perfect for this new aesthetic <3

You can download it and read a bit more of an introduction on, where it was submitted.

I also wrote a bit more in depth about its mechanics and the differences from Cogmind on the blog, where you'll also find more images and gifs.

Also notice we have a new board here on the forums if you'd like to post about POLYBOT-7. And for now there's also a dedicated channel for it on our Discord as well.
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


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Re: POLYBOT-7 released for 7DRL 2018
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2018, 10:58:25 AM »

New forum branch for this new game. That's cool!  :D
Are you planning to push it to Steam?


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Re: POLYBOT-7 released for 7DRL 2018
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2018, 07:17:10 PM »

Ha, a good question... I sort of alluded to my plans in the blog post, among my list of reasons for choosing this subject for 7DRL.

So yes it's not impossible that this could one day make it's way to "full game" status and end up a much more polished commercial project, but that's definitely not a near-term thing. Cogmind needs to reach 1.0 first, and there's still more to do with it!

But POLYBOT-7 is definitely a shot at exploring a much more compact design that I can create a full game out of in a shorter period.  Funny this is, back in 2013 when I started "new Cogmind," that was also the goal then--a smaller simpler project I could complete in 1-2 years, and look where that's gone xD. The change was intentional though, because there seemed to be so much potential in Cogmind's mechanics and lore to really make it something grand, so I decided it'd be worth turning into a much bigger project.

But really I do hope that I can focus on releasing maybe a "small" project or two before continuing on more big projects later, because otherwise it's more likely I'll run into financial trouble. There's a lot of risk involved in just developing huge projects!
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon