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Author Topic: SmallTacticalClaws, a turn-based speedrun win  (Read 2513 times)


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SmallTacticalClaws, a turn-based speedrun win
« on: July 16, 2018, 06:19:07 AM »

The past few weeks there's been a new community activity among the active Discord players: Malthusis is hosting seeded speedruns (by turn count), with most everyone also playing at the same time and reporting their rate of progress to the surface.

I've always played combat and never build for flight, much less do speedruns, but watching everyone enjoy their runs I wanted to try out this alternative way to play. Turns out it's pretty exciting and challenging, in of course a much different way than the regular game experience. It's been nice to change things up in an otherwise familiar environment.

Ignoring my first attempt a couple weeks ago (because I had no idea what I was doing and to combat player me "wheels are fast look at me go!!!"), my second attempt today went much better after learning from the mistakes of last time :)

The randomly generated seed for this particular group speedrun was SmallTacticalClaws. Great name, and here's how it went down...

(Don't read further just yet if you want to try to the seed for yourself first, since I'm going to spoil a bunch of stuff.)

This run had a bunch of really interesting floor starts, including the very first one where you're faced with the option to immediately dive into the Mines. Others took the entrance ("rolled the dice"), but I skipped over it since "-10 is small anyway and I'll probably find a normal exit real quick, yeah?" Well, it didn't happen quite as fast as I wanted and I felt like I was going to hit a dead end, so I simply went all the way back to the beginning to take the Mines exit anyway, ha.

Certainly wasted a bunch of turns there with that change of mind. There's really no room in a speed run to be wishy-washy!

Not a very nice Mines, either, since there's an ambush waiting at the entrance...

The early game is easy anyway, it's just a case of how quickly you can get out and what you can loot before then.

In -8 close to turn 200 I'd hit a long dead end and retracing would've sucked, so was relieved when a grenade to a wall let me into another section of the floor. Whew.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This was also when I picked up pretty much the star of my run, which kept me alive on numerous occasions by warning me about trouble ahead: the Adv. Visual Processing Unit. Decent sensors would've been even better but I didn't see any and wasn't about to waste time trying to hunt for anything. At least I did have some mediocre sensors for the first half of the run.

My first flight unit! (And me getting into trouble. Normal me would've blown up all these machines for fun, but speedrunner me knew this was a bad idea so I circled around.)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Then in -5 I finally got my second flight unit, but oh man did I also find a lot more trouble. There's even more than you see here, but there's no time to waste slipping by everyone quietly--full speed ahead!!!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Then I hit my worst floor. Actually not just mine because everyone had trouble there, but it was especially rough for me because on -4/Factory I'd already explored a decent bit and would likely find an exit soon when suddenly I was sucked into a chute. Nooooo... No problem I'm fast, yeah? Right, well yeah without a speedrun goal I could spent extra turns maneuvering around to trick all the Crushers and get out without a scratch, but I was worried about wasting yet more time here and decided to try to 'nade open a large enough area to just keep going.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Yeah they trashed me and I was left with almost nothing... In hindsight I can see better ways to handle this in the same amount of time, but oh well too late now xD

Here I am getting myself out of more trouble once back on -4 again. Still no build to speak of.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

That's an overloaded Fabricator, something I did a couple times on the way up to take care of some pursuers and as a source of matter :)

-3 had a nice greeting area with a couple of Behemoths. Here I'm still collecting flight units, and have at least found a few more. Propulsion armor has been replenished off and on, being the speedrunner's primary method of defense aside from pure speed :D

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Research trolled several us with a faulty Mini Smartbomb Launcher in a dead-end room, but I found other launchers late. -2 also gave me a nice flight stash, one which Mhorre also found and enabled him to win. (Malthusis did great with much less :P) This build is starting to look halfway decent for something just thrown together:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Go go go! Racing to the other side of the map because there's no exits on the side I started on (although I guess it was worth exploring the first side because I got the flight stockpile).

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Then I made it into Access...

Spoiler: End game area / win (click to show/hide)

Won in 2,055 turns.

I didn't win the race, though--by turn count I came in third place behind Mhorre (1,899) and Malthusis (1,915), who both also reached the end and with a lower turn count, but everyone was fairly close together!

I'd have had a better shot at first if I hadn't been chuted in -4 after exploring much of the floor, or hadn't several times run around for a bit after forgetting to switch back to my faster propulsion (not used to playing anything but combat xD). Nearly a quarter of my run was spent at a single depth, -4.

I also just barely missed the first speedrun achievement threshold (2k), doh!

Anyway, was great fun.

Spoiler: Score: 33,146 (click to show/hide)

The speedrunning records so far, recording the number of turns for each player to reach a given depth (or win):

« Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 01:05:56 AM by Kyzrati »
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon


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Re: SmallTacticalClaws, a turn-based speedrun win
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2018, 05:37:39 AM »

Gotta say well done Kyzrati. This is clearly not your forte but you were stuck like glue to the back of Mhorre and Malthusis and you might've beaten them if you hadn't had that chute.

SmallTacticalClaws is a great name for a seed. I would've used it for a weekly seed except that so many people have already ran it now. It's very felid-esque.

I like optics a lot more than sensors in speedruns. They get shot off much less often and they don't consume energy or require two items and slots.


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Re: SmallTacticalClaws, a turn-based speedrun win
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2018, 06:53:57 AM »

This seed sure was a good one. Looking forward to seeing what others come up in the future...

Despite having so little experience with this style, I do have pretty good mapsense so managed to avoid all the branch exits purely with guesswork, which helped a fair bit :). I know others have developed decent navigational skills as well, especially after so many runs, but from a different direction.

Good point on the optics vs. sensors. They really did help a ton, and stuck around the entire run despite having lost my sensors after a while. Although later on I definitely could've used some sensors, given I had enough support and empty utility slots the entire run... Both Mhorre and Malthusis were able to cut down their Access time with sensors to see the Behemoth and go around it, but I just waded through everything xD
Josh Ge, Developer - Dev Blog | @GridSageGames | Patreon