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Messages - Kyzrati

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 177
Got a really good save from N.W.L. for this old issue and was able to track it down. It was an FOV logic timing issue with doors under certain circumstances.

Ah nope, on testing it I can see why I did this the way it was done, it's the only direct way to do it and also properly carry out the necessary tasks, so this will remain white as is.

Nice, was actually able to get it to be detected just by reordering a couple script lines, not it gets picked up (though technically it's always green, nothing to do with whether you've seen it before, since there is always a potential benefit to be had there).

Oh, actually it's because this particular dialogue is more complicated and not compatible with that system, not because it's not marked. Hm, yeah I had seen this when putting the level together, but not sure if this is even possible for such conditional conversations. You can actually see this elsewhere in certain Scraptown situations, too, a portion of guaranteed conversations that have special conditions.

Yeah I've seen that one before, myself, it always does that, though no one else has brought it up before. That one is likely still missing the marker to force it to be green.

I'm guessing there must've been something else at play here, since both the code and my tests just now show that you get the W-25 analysis when doing this hack on -8/Materials.

Bugs / Re: [b14] Warlord gets stuck if he cannot swap
« on: September 15, 2024, 06:51:20 PM »
Yeah this isn't specific to Warlord, or this particular situation, it's just how the AI behaves in the new Beta 14 for now, as a side effect of having blocked the earlier jumping abilities that people always complained about. Not easy to have everything :P

If you help the front line clear out the enemies ahead, and/or simply move further from the fight, they will advance normally, but if you're close by they are going to be more reserved, or even remain stationary until there's enough free room / no hostiles blocking the way. Too many bots in that small area.

I'm still waiting for someone to provide me with a save file that demonstrates a behavior like this without being obviously blocked by a ton of allies, like Hermelin was recently showing on Discord, because that will be a more fundamental issue to resolve--directly doing anything about this case is probably not that helpful by comparison, since it's behaving as intended for now. What you can also do, if you don't want to advance, is intentionally move into their midst to swap them around a bit, which frees them up.

This will likely be adjusted for Beta 15, once I have the right data.

Edit: Actually I've gone ahead and made mutual allies able to more freely swap now under a greater variety of conditions. Was thinking about doing this last week but since it wouldn't address the specific issue Hermelin showed with just a couple sparse bots I had wanted to wait on it, though I think this will probably be needed anyway, now that they're not so free to jump.

Ideas / Re: [QoL] Toggle to run NPC actions in parallel
« on: September 15, 2024, 06:36:18 AM »
Yeah it's been requested a number of times before (including discussed again recently on Discord), and was brought up as early as Cogmind's first alpha releases, but there are no plans to add such a feature as it has a lot of drawbacks for both stability and gameplay consistency, not to mention the tactical value.

Technically it's not impossible to implement to some degree, but also realize that you lose a lot of important and potentially useful information by doing that (it is also architecturally impossible to get identical results, because it ends up requiring some amount of simulation in order to maintain compatibility with existing systems).

Instead I've always made sure that only very rare and/or powerful things actually take much time to individually resolve, and any things that don't meet that standard have been adjusted over the years. Of course there are still a handful of instances where regardless of individual optimizations you can still end up taking longer during certain segments due to the sheer number of units involved, like those larger events, though speeding through these things (or really anything in a roguelike) can also theoretically be a recipe for disaster...

If this was a significant or even somewhat common part of the experience, then it would need to have been built differently from the start to take that into account, but fortunately it's not so I felt it was within the acceptable limits to build it this way, which ends up leading to fewer issues.

Yes it glows while active, so this is normal because a Terrain Scanner works by showing you exactly what the tile looks like at the time (not just the contents--it needs to know the appearance and it will not use some sort of "generic" appearance because that's not how map memory works).

i assume that there was some requirement that you never met but that i somehow always met?
Right, as mentioned above the correct data was used if loading a save in the same map. I was always loading a save, so it would always appear correct to me. Repeating it required using a save from the previous map, and not using any loading until actually seeing the next stairs.

Changelog just lists it as a fix, but it was fairly rare to encounter and actually was pretty mundane, so not really anything to write home about.

Internally two exits from different maps that had the exact same target map would have the second one appear as stairs unless you load a save while in the second map itself, because the override for the tile appearance was only checked in two places: loading a save, and upon learning the destination for the first time anywhere in the first map. Years ago I think I was trying to fix this issue before it was on the forums and mistakenly assumed it had to do with save data, so corrected that, but that wasn't the spot that actually needed adjusting at all, or at least didn't solve it in all cases.

Technically has the same as all other machines. They're all made of the same "material."

Yeah I know it's not optimal, just ended up being required otherwise people are going to be a lot more likely to accidentally open that info all the time.

As for tutorial help on that topic... people ignore so many of those beyond the start that it seems pointless to add them for things that are too minor and/or really only pertinent for people who are playing for much longer and will/should have greater familiarity with the commands. Opening another info to then open wall info is certainly a fine approach as well, not requiring keyboard, just pointing out that there is technically the more direct way to do it, which I presume R-26 did not know about either.

But hang on, WHAT?
Making this save file, i noticed another instance of an identified branch exit looking like stairs, without any setup multi-area setup, and this one stays after quitting the game!
As in, if i load the attached save file, the game displays the already identified Subcaves exit as stairs, like on the second attached screenshot!
I'm not sure if that's the same bug or a different one.
Also I'm fairly certain this is related, and indeed the same issue (therefore won't be seen once I fix this). Funny how it all lasted this long, but for years there have been intermittent reports of branch entrances looking funky sometimes, but no one could quite figure out if there was any pattern to it xD

Okay yeah I think your save was enough to finally track this one down :)

Still looking for all the details, but should be resolved next version. Sure was complicated!

There is no additional information for Unfinished Machinery beyond what you see in the scan window (its temporary armor value), so there's nothing to open, it's unfinished.

I need to have another information window open to be able to right-click inspect walls or doors
What is this referring to? While it's true you could get access that way more conveniently while already inspecting something else, as per the commands list you don't need another info window open to do that--the proper command is Ctrl-RMB to inspect walls and doors.

Yep, I see it in trying your particular save, will examine the data more closely I guess to see if that shows anything. But funny enough, I also tried multiple times on my own with the steps I mentioned, and adhered to all of the other state requirements, too, yet as you can see in the latest quick run via my Steam account I did just now, everything looks normal...

(Note: If there is a separate issue with something else, please make a separate thread for that to keep things clear, thanks.)

Ideas / Re: Fabrication Expansion
« on: September 10, 2024, 01:42:22 AM »
Not meant to be a source of "fun," meant to be balanced for the intent, yep! Technically others can fabricate in late maps, too, by the way, those are just the build types where it's a given, with fewer limitations (though it's always been like that, including back when Fabricators were matter-driven since the alpha days).

Certainly some people might find it more fun to be able to put together a whole bunch of parts in the late game, but that's not the intent of the game and those folks can do so in a lower difficulty where balance is far more in the player's favor rather than emphasizing the right challenge level and a certain play experience.

Not sure what you mean here, in terms of specific steps. Like just from your screenshot I'm assuming:

1. Identify Subcaves entrance in -10/MAT via Signal Interpreter, but take exit to -10/MIN
2. Find Subcaves entrance in -10/MIN, and it appears as stairs when you see it?

I'm not seeing that result. All works normally as far as I see it.

Ideas / Re: Fabrication Expansion
« on: September 08, 2024, 09:04:40 PM »
Most people will tend to get their fabrication done by the time they're in Research. Anything after that would be even more opportunistic and likely for hacker types.

It's true I haven't done specifically a breakdown by depth though, only run-wise, so that info is anecdotal, but then almost all the top players are on Discord talking about this stuff anyway, so it's fairly representative.

(I did share some runwise fab stats as part of the post-rework stat analysis back when that happened, though that was still when folks were getting used to the new system. Comparing more recently the data is little changed, though.)

Yeah that makes some sense, although maybe not so feasible considering the resource loading system is not something I want to use to interact with other dynamic files.

It's literally just using the working directory with normal relative paths so... it's strange that that is being overridden due to where it's called from! I also wonder if it's that way for anyone else, or just you due to some configuration difference (or is something entirely new from Windows? or was it always like this???).

Hm, maybe! Seems rather odd, though in any case not something I'll be doing anything about*. Wonder why they would do that xD

*At least not in the automatic sense. Technically you can specify/override the directory path REXPaint uses to save images if you want to, described in the manual, though I believe that's a relative path. Interestingly haven't heard anyone else mention this, though I guess that's also because most people wouldn't run it that way.

Ideas / Re: Fabrication Expansion
« on: September 07, 2024, 09:11:58 PM »
Well, "too difficult" is relative. I mean some people can manage it for their purposes, so one could say it's gated by a combination of skill, personal strategy, build type, and not something everyone or every build has easy access to. It's right where it needs to be at the moment.

Importantly, remember that Authchips aren't even required for Fabrication, either--many people will simply fab anyway and recall the squad, or of course there's rolling Authchips from one fab to the next, overall putting hard caps on the possibilities while still allowing access to a few extra parts for those capable of doing these things. OR of course simply building what you want and dealing with the squad, or leaving before they get there :P

Authchips should simply be considered a "free" way to get something without the other consequences, just the need for inventory and acquisition/carrying it/them around. So whether or not that trade off is worth it is up to you.

Again, you need to lean a bit more into it if it's really something you want to do ("free" fabs), but we can see in the aggregate player stats that it is in a good place. There are varying degrees of Authchip use across winning runs--some make heavy use of Authchips, some use none at all despite building dozens of things across a run, and yet others fall somewhere in between. There are still some folks building their entire build for the end game, but it's not nearly as prevalent as it used to be.

(The other option: Explorer mode could be the feel-good setting you're looking for without the same balance restrictions--even without an Authchip there is no automatic trace and investigation so you can get more provided you have sufficient hackware.)

Vampiric Myomer Exoskeleton
Hehe, is that a.... cloak you've added there? Funny xD

Who would have thought that the most popular power source in the game is the one that isn't supposed to exist?
I can't make it real at this point, otherwise the memes would stop :P

Ideas / Re: Fabrication Expansion
« on: September 06, 2024, 08:41:15 PM »
Reasoning: Currently Fabrication is fine but very limited
Your very first sentence here hits the nail on the head--that's exactly how it's supposed to be.

We had a practically unlimited fabrication system before, and you could literally put together an entire build with it, anything you wanted if you were skilled enough, but that was not the original intent of the system so it had to be dialed back in a controllable manner. The current limitations are just about where it's supposed to be.

The original controls were the internal matter systems which you could influence, but it was pretty opaque and while it allowed some level of control over usage, ultimately not all that great since we want some flexibility in there as well. There is technically flexibility in the current system--fabrication is unlimited insofar as your ability to collect Authchips, which we've seen people do, but doing so generally requires route sacrifices so that's a good design tradeoff. In the end it comes down to fabrication being intended for the most part to simply provide you with the occasional important piece or two of a build concept, something you really want but can't find, not build a ton of stuff (although again, we have seen some crazy use by some players even under this system, so the potential is there if you really do want to lean into it, it just requires sacrifices!).

There will be other non-fabrication methods of obtaining parts in the future (Merchants expansion), but the current fabrication system is at its limits and will not be expanded.

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