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Author Topic: A journal of a very persistent cogmind  (Read 1749 times)


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A journal of a very persistent cogmind
« on: July 27, 2022, 12:18:02 PM »

Hey-hey people! I really want to share my story of learning the game...! It will be a small journal of me updating my journey through this game. With me editing this message once in a while to give updates.

Keep in mind it involves a few lore-spoilers relating to certain game mechanics. But I assure that if you played the game for long period of time you won't likely find anything too spoiler-rich.

I like Cogmind. Nowadays, most games tend to give hand-holding tutorials, or long exposition to their lore and why is the world this way...

But what do you do, if you end up in a world you know nothing about, and a lot of things want to kill you?

I weep, I hide, and I gather information. Taking combat only when it's necessary.



Now, when I first started playing Cogmind I thought something along the lines "surely stealth is optional, right?". And like an insane individual with no regards for my wellbeing, made a decision that would come with long-term consequences for my mental health.

I chose roguelike mode to give it a try, and first few attempts ended up in me getting my robotic remains splattered all across the walls, and my core mopped across the floor.

Taking a step back I started to go slowly, instead of running headfirst into fights I slowly explored the level, taking guns and the like. All the while searching for terminals.

Never once I was so amazed by how handy information IS in this game. I started reading the records (at least as often as the chance allowed me to). Find out some basic concepts, including fabricators and so forth. I started to take sensors in order to avoid patrols.

As well as I started learning about the 'system' of this complex that I am trapped within. Or how my interactions change it's behavior.

There are initial enemies, but they're only 'patrols', some of which can track and relay my position to other enemies, while others may call for reinforcement, letting more enemies pour in from hidden doors located through the level... At least that's the general idea that I got. I also have a hypothesis that the alarm level could carry to the next floor, but that might just be natural scaling up of the difficulty.

I started taking advantage of such system by avoiding tripping way too many alarms, and sometimes taking my chance to lower the alarm level and recall investigations/reinforcements so that I can take less damage and less fights.

It's really fun! So far my best run was where I got to what I'd call 'Death Corridor', aka. Garrisons.

Needless to say it's something akin to absolute nightmare. But thankfully I had a Void Cannon (that i got from one of factions  ((or perhaps a singular faction? I don't know..)) that doesn't try to kill me, god thanks), and most enemies were in tight corners.

It wasn't a war crime. It was an obligation.

Unfortunately brute-force tactics don't work too well for me, and I eventually got damaged beyond my fighting ability, and fell in the end.

It was fun getting to -7 though! Tomorrow I will try different build, perhaps more hack-related, or some melee! I can sense there's a lot of experimentation to be done, I keep getting in Mines however. And one trip to them had gone, very, VERY wrong.

I will likely start posting pictures along with my progression in the depths of this quite literal, rabbit hole.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2022, 12:28:20 PM by NikolaNeiju »


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Re: A journal of a very persistent cogmind
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2022, 08:19:07 PM »

Hey NikolaNeiju, thanks for sharing! Stealth is... sorta optional, but only if you're really really confident and great at destroying things with minimal attrition, so... yeah for most people and builds you're going to want to avoid excessive confrontations :P
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