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Author Topic: 764 turn win (73k score) [some spoilers]  (Read 1949 times)


  • Cogmind
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764 turn win (73k score) [some spoilers]
« on: November 07, 2016, 08:07:18 AM »

This run took a lot of work (and luck!), and I figured we should give the forum some love (folks on Discord are already aware of this run).

Code: [Select]
Cogmind - Alpha 11

Name: zzxc

---[ ESCAPED! ]---

Evolutions (9)             4500
Robots Destroyed (5)       25
Value Destroyed (253)      253
Prototype IDs (4)          80
Alien Tech Recovered (0)   0
Bonus (68359)              68359
              TOTAL SCORE: 73217

Core Integrity             1362/1600
Matter                     23/300
Energy                     262/325
System Corruption          2%
Temperature                Cool (8)
Location                   Surface

Power (4)
  Anti-Matter Reactor
Propulsion (11)
  Centrium Leg
  Improved Cesium-ion Thruster
  Experimental Cesium-ion Thruster
  Biomechanical Wings
  Biomechanical Wings
  Biomechanical Wings
  Nuclear Pulse Array
  Impulse Thruster Array
Utility (8)
  Advanced Cooling System
  Enhanced Optical Array
  Improved Light Armor Plating
  Layered Light Armor Plating
  Hacking Suite
Weapon (2)
  Micro-nuke Launcher
Inventory (4)
  Quantum Reactor
  Biometal Leg
  Gravity Neutralizing Apparatus

 Peak State
  Light Ion Engine
  Anti-Matter Reactor
  Anti-Matter Reactor
  Particle Reactor
  Centrium Leg
  Improved Cesium-ion Thruster
  Experimental Cesium-ion Thruster
  Biomechanical Wings
  Biomechanical Wings
  Biomechanical Wings
  Nuclear Pulse Array
  Impulse Thruster Array
  Advanced Cooling System
  Enhanced Optical Array
  Advanced Transmission Jammer
  Hardened Light Armor Plating
  Improved Light Armor Plating
  Improved Light Armor Plating
  Layered Light Armor Plating
  Advanced System Shield
  Micro-nuke Launcher
  Quantum Reactor
  Biometal Leg
  Gravity Neutralizing Apparatus
  Micro-nuke Launcher
[Rating: 132]

Power                      Ion Engine
  Engine                   Ion Engine
  Reactor                  Anti-Matter Reactor
Propulsion                 Biomechanical Wings
  Treads                   Light Treads
  Leg                      Centrium Leg
  Flight Unit              Biomechanical Wings
Utility                    Improved Light Armor Plating
  Device                   Advanced Cooling System
  Processor                Enhanced Optical Array
  Hackware                 Advanced System Shield
  Protection               Improved Light Armor Plating
Weapon                     Micro-nuke Launcher
  Ballistic Cannon         Enhanced Gauss Cannon
  Launcher                 Micro-nuke Launcher

Bonus Breakdown            68359
  Win                      3000
  Win Speed                65359
Classes Destroyed          2
  Recycler                 1
  Swarmer                  4
NPCs Destroyed             0
Best Kill Streak           4
  Combat Bots Only         4
Matter Collected           385
  Salvage Created          159
Parts Attached             34
  Power                    7
  Propulsion               13
  Utility                  11
  Weapon                   3
Parts Lost                 11
  Power                    4
  Propulsion               1
  Utility                  5
  Weapon                   1
Average Slot Usage (%)     64
  Naked Turns              1
Spaces Moved               2291
  Fastest Speed (%)        500
  Average Speed (%)        374
  Slowest Speed (%)        200
  Overloaded Moves         0
  Propulsion Burnouts      0
  Targets Rammed           4
  Cave-ins Triggered       0
Heaviest Build             82
  Greatest Support         94
  Greatest Overweight (x)  2
  Average Overweight (x)   0
Largest Inventory          4
  Average Capacity         4
  Most Items Carried       4
  Average Items Carried    2
  Final Capacity           4
  Final Carried            3
Core Damage Taken          371
Average Core Remaining (%) 96
  Depth 11 Exit            100
  Depth 10 Exit            94
  Depth 9 Exit             100
  Depth 8 Exit             95
  Depth 7 Exit             99
  Depth 6 Exit             100
  Depth 5 Exit             100
  Depth 4 Exit             98
  Depth 3 Exit             96
  Depth 2 Exit             98
  Depth 1 Exit             85
Volleys Fired              10
  Largest                  1
  Hottest                  49
Shots Fired                10
  Gun                      0
  Cannon                   0
  Launcher                 10
  Special                  0
  Kinetic                  0
  Thermal                  0
  Explosive                10
  Electromagnetic          0
Shots Hit Robots           1
  Core Hits                10
Critical Hits              1
  Kills                    0
  Parts Destroyed          0
Overload Shots             0
  Energy Bleed             0
  Heat Surge               0
  Short Circuit            0
  Meltdown                 0
Melee Attacks              0
  Impact                   0
  Slashing                 0
  Piercing                 0
Damage Inflicted           929
  Projectiles              0
  Explosions               903
  Melee                    0
  Ramming                  26
  Kinetic                  0
  Thermal                  0
  Explosive                903
  Electromagnetic          0
  Impact                   0
  Slashing                 0
  Piercing                 0
Self-Inflicted Damage      324
  Shots                    5
  Rammed                   4
Highest Temperature        131
  Average Temperature      31
  Shutdowns                0
  Energy Bleed             0
  Interference             0
  Matter Decay             0
  Short Circuit            0
  Damage (minor)           0
  Damage (major)           0
  Damage (core)            0
Highest Corruption         2
  Average Corruption       2
  Message Errors           0
  Parts Rejected           0
  Data loss (map)          0
  Data loss (database)     0
  Misfires                 0
  Misdirections            2
  Targeting Errors         0
  Weapon Failures          0
  Depth 10 End             2
  Depth 1 End              2
Haulers Intercepted        0
Robots Corrupted           0
Robots Melted              0
Power Chain Reactions      0
Tactical Retreats          8
Communications Jammed      53
Parts Field Recycled       0
  Retrieved Matter         0
Parts Merge Repaired       0
Drone Launches             0
  Drone Recoveries         0
Derelicts Assembled        0
Traps Triggered            11
  Indirectly               0
Trap Hack Attempts         0
  Triggered                0
  Disarmed                 0
  Reprogrammed             0
  Reused                   187
Machines Disabled          3
Data Cores Recovered       0
  Used                     0
Machines Hacked            8
  Terminals                8
  Fabricators              0
  Repair Stations          0
  Recycling Units          0
  Scanalyzers              0
  Garrison Access          0
Total Hacks                20
  Successful               4
  Failed                   16
  Catastrophic             7
  Database Lockouts        0
  Manual                   7
  Unauthorized             0
  Terminals                20
  Fabricators              0
  Repair Stations          0
  Recycling Units          0
  Scanalyzers              0
  Garrison Access          0
Terminal Hacks             4
  Level Access Points      1
  Emergency Access Points  1
  Locate Traps             1
  Zone Layout              1
Hacking Detections         8
  Full Trace Events        2
  Feedback Events          0
  Feedback Corruption      0
  Feedback Part Disabled   0
  Feedback Blocked         0
Trojans Installed          0
  Terminals                0
  Fabricators              0
  Repair Stations          0
  Recycling Units          0
  Scanalyzers              0
  Garrison Access          0
Fabricators Overloaded     0
Garrisons Disabled         0
Garrisons Compromised      0
Fab Network Shutdowns      0
Robot Schematics Acquired  0
  Robots Built             0
  Total Robot Build Rating 0
  Robot Fabrication Matter 0
  Robot Fabrication Time   0
Part Schematics Acquired   0
  Parts Built              0
  Total Part Build Rating  0
  Part Fabrication Matter  0
  Part Fabrication Time    0
Parts Repaired             0
  Part Repair Time         0
Parts Recycled             0
  Recycled Matter          0
  Retrieved Matter         0
  Retrieved Components     0
Parts Scanalyzed           0
  Part Schematics Acquired 0
  Parts Damaged            0
Robot Analysis Total       0
Robots Rewired             0
Robots Hacked              0
  Non-combat               0
  Combat                   0
Robot Hack Failures        0
Allies Hacked              0
Hacks Repelled             0
Total Allies               0
  Largest Group            0
  Highest-Rated Group      0
  Highest-Rated Ally       0
Total Orders               0
Terraforming Orders        0
  Walls Built              0
  Walls Tunneled           0
Ally Attacks               0
  Total Damage             0
  Kills                    0
Allies Corrupted           0
Allies Melted              0
Peak Influence             146
  Average Influence        11
  Final Influence          121
Maximum Alert Level        0
  Low Security (%)         100
  Level 1                  0
  Level 2                  0
  Level 3                  0
  Level 4                  0
  Level 5                  0
Squads Dispatched          9
  Investigation            2
  Extermination            0
  Reinforcement            7
  Assault                  0
  Garrison                 0
  Intercept                0
Derelict Logs Recovered    0
Exploration Rate (%)       15
  Regions Visited          12
  Pre-discovered Areas     0
Garrisons Visited          0
  Relays Disabled          0
  Generators Disabled      0
Network Hubs Disabled      0
Actions Taken              2353
Turns Passed               764
  Depth 11                 21
  Depth 10                 54
  Depth 9                  36
  Depth 8                  33
  Depth 7                  104
  Depth 6                  69
  Depth 5                  65
  Depth 4                  96
  Depth 3                  152
  Depth 2                  36
  Depth 1                  98
  Scrapyard                21
  Materials                123
  Factory                  334
  Research                 154
  Access                   98
  Armory                   34

 Prototype IDs
Improved Cesium-ion Thruster
Experimental Cesium-ion Thruster
Biomechanical Wings
Gravity Neutralizing Apparatus


 Alien Tech Recovered

-2/Research (discovered 3 exits: *Acc x3)

Seed: 1478523170
^Manual?: 0
Play Time: 39 min
Sessions: 3
Mod: N/A
Game No.: 300
Lore%: 83
Gallery%: 77
Keyboard: 1
Movement: Numpad
Fullscreen: 1
Font: 18/Terminus
Map View: 76x50
FOV Handling: Instant


I didn't record this one because speedrunning at the limits is a real grind. You go through so many attempts, quit many of them early when you get bad RNG, and often you just fail to find your way through factory or access fast enough. Decker and I were both having trouble beating my earlier 911 turn win, which I think we can agree was very lucky and slightly misplayed.

Turns Passed               764
  Depth 11                 21
  Depth 10                 54
  Depth 9                  36
  Depth 8                  33
  Depth 7                  104
  Depth 6                  69
  Depth 5                  65
  Depth 4                  96
  Depth 3                  152
  Depth 2                  36
  Depth 1                  98
  Scrapyard                21
  Materials                123
  Factory                  334
  Research                 154
  Access                   98
  Armory                   34

Turn benchmarks:

Depth|This win|911 turn win
-9 |75|60
-8 |111|136
-7 |144|254
-6 |248|319
-5 |317|375
-4 |382|457
-3 |478|551
-2 |630|604
-1 |666|801
 0 |764|911

As you can see, I was ahead of my 911 turn run consistently until the slow -3, which put me ~25 turns behind. -2 was blazing fast however and the 911 turn run really failed that floor. -1 was also a slight improvement. Overall, I shaved 147 turns off.

Materials was fast. One of the fastest I've done, emerging in factory at 144 turns. I didn't take any screenshots at this stage because it was just another run.

I arrived in -5 at 318 turns, where I took my first screenshot: . The build focused on being a fast ball of armour, which is how I like to do my speedruns generally. Hackware is hard to come by.

Barely a few steps into the floor, I got a cache of biomech wings: . This elevated the run to serious business. Biomech wings are a great find because they have such tiny upkeep. It's easy to support loads of them, and the stack of flight units brings your move delay right down.

Arrived in -4 at 384 turns, . The previous floor was amazing because of the flight units and the fast exit. I ran into a troublesome ambush trap which spawned derelicts, but I was able to escape quickly.

Arrived in -3 at 479 turns, . Build's looking great here. Random tip: it's slightly better to heat up vs run out of energy when speedrunning, because heat is reset on new floors, and energy is spent on part swapping (and can go in flames when power sources are blown off). Defensive hackware sucks for speedruns, but I never found offensive ones. I really like optical arrays for speedruns, because they are complete by themselves (sensors need signal interpreters), are slot efficient, help to spot exits, and have 0 mass / low coverage. I was able to reach 20 speed when I acquired some new power and a cooling system, though I took damage in the process:

I came across an exit to armory, and decided to take it, at turn 597. I'm not sure if that was a wise decision. I think it reduced variance slightly, as the armory exit(s) are very predictably placed, but are a bit of a trek. I figure I would've needed to trek some more in research anyway, so at least this way I was assured the exit in a decent length of time.

It took 34 turns to get through armory. Perhaps a good call, then? I entered -2 at 667 turns, . This floor was amazing, as I found an exit really quickly. It was in the middle of a wide corridor, guarded by a sentry, so it wasn't clear that it was a main exit. A terminal was on my direct route there though, and with the 5% chance to hack access(main) indirectly on a level 1 terminal actually worked on the second attempt. That was the only time I was able to hack an exit location this run.

Arrived in -1 at 666 turns, . This is where I got really nervous, as Access can shut you down so hard if you get unlucky. I found and destroyed a cycler at 685 turns, and traversed about 2/3 of the map along the main axis before taking a turn and coming back on a parallel path, like the shape of a J. It was a bit of a risk, as there was still a bunch of the map remaining ahead, but more of it was behind me, and I didn't cover it thoroughly because I kept to one of the main highways.

My escape plan was to march through if I got the terminal side (due to the cycler), else blast through with my micro-nuke launcher if I encountered the behemoth side. Fortunately, I spotted the behemoths around 745 turns, .  The micro-nuke launcher made short work of the barrier: . I took some damage because I moved into the barrier when I opened some of it up, so that I would be less likely to miss, and so that the behemoths' volleys would be hitting the barriers, potentially opening them up by themselves and thereby saving some time. They didn't, however, so I had to blast through the final bits with point-blank nukes. Interestingly, you can see that if I had ESP (or hackware), I could've blasted through the other side on my way down from the north-east corner, which would've saved about 50 turns.

I believe we can go faster yet, but it would take an astonishing amount of luck. I'm very happy with how I played this one, unlike the 911 turn one (which, to be fair, was a lucky first attempt :P). It's just too bad I didn't bother to record this! I was listening to Riverside this time, if that helps anyone with their speedrun attempts...

I don't think I'll be doing more speedruns for a while. You have to get amazing RNG, and then you need to make the absolute most of it. Also, you need to keep getting good RNG, right up until the end. There is a bit of a snowball effect though, because strong builds (like I had in factory onwards) can move faster, find exits more quickly, and waste less time replacing parts.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 10:20:46 AM by zxc »