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[GUIDE] Running Cogmind on any MacBook with Free, Open Source Software [2022,M1]

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EDIT: New guide here! Much easier to maintain, features a nice GUI .app wrapper and no command line once installed

Hello gamers, I figured it out!
I have figured out how to get crossover working for free:
You may need homebrew if not already installed:
You may also need Rosetta installed if on an M1 or M2 device:

--- Code: --- softwareupdate --install-rosetta
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---brew tap gcenx/wine
brew install --cask --no-quarantine gcenx/wine/wine-crossover
brew install winetricks
winecfg # let it launch and close it with OK when it's loaded to init your bottle
winetricks vcrun2010 # required library for Cogmind, follow the installer

--- End code ---

Go to finder, press Cmd+Shift+Period to display hidden files, then navigate to ~/.wine/drive_c/ and copy the Cogmind/ folder into it.
--- Code: ---cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Cogmind/ && wine ./COGMIND.exe
--- End code ---
to start! Works with all my performance mods too, almost required on M1 Macs, see here

Thank you for this guide.

When I try to run these commands on a M2 Macbook Air, I get the following error:

➜  ~ winecfg
/opt/homebrew/bin/winecfg: line 46: /opt/homebrew/bin/wine: Bad CPU type in executable
/opt/homebrew/bin/winecfg: line 46: /opt/homebrew/bin/wine: Undefined error: 0

Does anyone have any idea why this happens? I am a bit confused, because I've seen some things online mentioning that MacOS only supports 64 bit (which I believe is related to this error), but I believe Cogmind is 32 bit.

Thank you in advance for any help.

Howdy, this should run on an M2 MacBook Air just fine. Go ahead and skip to the winetricks step and/or try to launch the application with wine. Can you post the output of these commands?

--- Code: ---file `which winecfg`
file `which wine`
file `which brew`
brew doctor
--- End code ---

The CodeWeavers team behind wine-crossover have added full support for running 32 but applications in a 64 bit wrapper on M1/M2 series chips. It looks like you have a bad install of brew or you’re running under Rosetta.

Here's the output:

--- Code: ---➜  Downloads file `which winecfg`

/opt/homebrew/bin/winecfg: POSIX shell script text executable, ASCII text
➜  Downloads file `which wine`

/opt/homebrew/bin/wine: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
➜  Downloads file `which wine`

/opt/homebrew/bin/wine: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
➜  Downloads brew doctor

Your system is ready to brew.

--- End code ---

It looks like I don't have a .wine32 directory in ~/. Did I do something wrong? I think every command ran successfully until I got to winecfg. Also, I put those variables in my shell profile.

Hmm I believe running winecfg for the first time will create that directory for you.

According to the command output you should be good to go… Do you have Rosetta installed? Try this command to install it, then try winecfg again:

--- Code: --- softwareupdate --install-rosetta
--- End code ---

EDIT: I tried my instructions in a fresh M1 virtual machine and got the same error as you did. Installing Rosetta with the above command fixed it and I was able to run winecfg and proceed. Hope this helps and I’ll update the guide!


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