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 on: July 01, 2024, 12:50:53 PM 
Started by Johnny5001 - Last post by Johnny5001
The Core Membrane is permanently consumed to block all system corruption, but leaves the system corruption bar intact. This creates two (extremely minor) problems. One, screen space is being used on a bar can no longer be changed, and two, after coming back from a break, it isn't immediately obvious that the CM is equipped. Both of these problems could be fixed at once by having a reminder that the CM is equipped replace the Sys. Corruption bar. I have made (an admittedly amateur) mockup of what the could look like. A similar reminder could also be given to other permanently consumed items, but most either directly change HUD numbers (Integrated Mediator), have immediately noticeable effects (Nav. Matrix), or aren't impactful enough to be worth remembering (Integrated Mediator).

I had this idea after a failed Command Run where I forgot that I had the CM and decided to just enter Command rather than try to get some better loot and risk getting some system corruption for the programmers that were chasing me.

 on: June 29, 2024, 06:53:03 AM 
Started by JackZeWap - Last post by Kyzrati
First of all, congratulations on the first win!

Going after Heavies is indeed quite dangerous, usually best avoided if at all possible unless you have an ace up your sleeve (of which there are many, of course, but still, Heavies can be big pain points, especially in Research anyway).

Once you hit high security you'd better have an exit already pinpointed, or a build ready to face even high sec head on :)

I will say though, definitely no luck required once you've built up the right combat skills! It's more dangerous, to be sure, but realize that the top players can defeat high sec on every single floor and win. Plus there are extended wins which are much harder than the regular game you've been playing, and they can reliably crush those too ;)

There are a bunch of videos you can check out of folks doing this sort of thing, or crazier. Actually almost all of my own runs are full combat runs and I tend to win all of them unless I'm doing something stupid on purpose (you can find them archived on my YouTube channel). Among them I also did a run where I was sterilizing every floor (killing enough bots that they eventually evacuate everyone and fry the entire floor to burn you out), but for me while streaming that's also a relatively slow style so I quit after doing that four times through Factory xD). Even more recently I had a powerful build that got stuck with higher alert in -3/Research without enough time to find an exit and ended up high seccing and went ahead and just sterilized that floor using siege mode, shields, and good EX launchers.

Regardless of build type though, the last several floors require a much different mentality to succeed, and will really test your build and skills. To be sure, avoiding enemies that you don't gain anything from fighting is usually preferred, even with a heavy combat build, though there are also those who will show off and do stuff like lyrabold's recent run (at the top of the Beta 13 leaderboards right now) where they intentionally sterilized every floor, and continued clearing entire floors even into the extended game, killing all bosses and destroying a total of 11,865 robots :P

If you're interested in learning the ways of combat, I recommend checking out some videos or (perhaps more easily) visiting the spoiler channels on the Discord server, as that's where all the top players hang out and are happy to offer advice.

 on: June 27, 2024, 11:34:49 PM 
Started by JackZeWap - Last post by JackZeWap
(forgot to add the screenshot. oops!)

 on: June 27, 2024, 09:55:44 PM 
Started by JackZeWap - Last post by JackZeWap
I got my first win last night
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
so today I did a less serious one. The first few attempts fell flat as I didn't find the equipment I needed to survive in the higher levels (infowar, hacking, propulsion, offense plan, etc.). This one, however, got all the way to -3 Research.

I had explored about half of the map using my current build, which used a lrg. storage unit and plenty of thrusters alongside great scanning and hacking gear. In the middle of the map, though, was a Heavy that blocked off the rest. I geared up some and killed it, but the fight itself and the cleaning up of reinforcements had stripped me of much of my flight and scanning gear.

Thus began the spiral. Reinforcement after reinforcement, errant patrols and endless programmers. The full set of treads that I had resorted to was broken down to nothing, and the only weapons I had left were a pair of gamma bomb launchers. I think I gained ~50% corruption from putting the legs I needed to move forward alone. By the time I made it maybe 40 tiles away from the first encounter, I was at over 90% corruption and putting on whatever I could find. The security was at maximum and I was running into ARC after ARC, destroying the squads with ease but losing more and more integrity. An expert squad came, with a stasis projector, though I killed them without too much issue despite all that. The one that got me, though, had an executioner. I lost the legs, and couldn't put on more without the corruption killing me. The corruption ended up killing me anyway, as programmers went and finished me off.

Most of the score, and most of my mental effort, was concentrated in that last floor. Cogmind truly is a game about stealth and attrition. There's no way in hell you get through the whole complex like that—not without extreme care and a hefty bit of luck as well. I wanted to try, though, which is why I committed myself rather than pulling out. God damn, though! I want a Cogmind where that maybe *is* a possibility. That would be cool. Not the game as it is, yes of course, and I wouldn't ask it to change. But still...

Anyway. Scoresheet is attached, if you're interested, as well as the screen I got on death. 20k score! Went out in a blaze of glory indeed.

 on: June 13, 2024, 02:50:53 AM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by Kyzrati
Yeah I already fixed it some weeks ago for Beta 14. This was reported and discussed with newer players on Discord earlier.

Edit: I didn't add it to this list yet because I haven't yet transferred over my own changelogs for the past 6 weeks or so, was actually going to do that today or tomorrow but I'm in the middle of debugging some other newer Beta 13 issues right now :)

 on: June 13, 2024, 02:38:39 AM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by R-26 Lightspeed
You'll probably see the reports of it on Steam (and maybe you've already gotten some from Discord), but just in case i'll make one here :
The fix to this bug backfired.
Some have reported not getting those achievements, and have scoresheets proving that they did in fact hack enough machines.
Looking through scoresheets in the run history and through Steam achievements, i haven't found a single person who actually got either of those achievements during Beta 13.

For example, one of those who reported the bug on Steam has a scoresheet where they accessed 59 machines, and hacked at least 10 Main.C machines, but they still don't have the achievement :

(I wasn't sure whether to post this as a reply in the original report (which was technically a different bug (different cause, at least)) or whether to make a new report; Which should i do in the future?)

 on: June 01, 2024, 07:16:46 PM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by Kyzrati
These aren't bugs, they are standard pathing behavior for adjacent robots during combat, which will wait if they're blocked by an adjacent bot that is currently occupying their most advantageous direct path.

You can see the same behavior around doorways or obstacles when fighting enemies at close range, which is why that works as a tactic to begin with.

There will be some occasional alternative behavior coming in Beta 14, but this is all normal.

 on: June 01, 2024, 07:11:55 PM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by Kyzrati
This isn't a bug, they don't actually get free tracking info when they're attacked, and have to look around. They may or may not find you in time :)

 on: June 01, 2024, 07:01:22 PM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by Kyzrati
Yeah his guards will not always leave with him, it can happen under some conditions and is fine. Always been that way.

 on: June 01, 2024, 11:15:35 AM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by R-26 Lightspeed
In the first attached save file, the upper-left thief drone isn't moving to attack, regardless of how long i wait.
This first case resolved after i ordered a drone (i think the one that wasn't moving?) to come back then deployed it again.

In the second attached save file, the bottom thief drone has stolen something, but isn't coming back to me, no matter how long i wait.
This second case resolved when the other drone stole something and returned.

(Sorry, i just realized as i finished writing this report that screenshots might've been useful and would've clarified the situation without the need to load those files.)

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