Prepare for a long post. Well, maybe it's not so long since I've hidden the images under spoiler tags.
Some time ago I was playing Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead a lot. Since it's open source, I decided to contribute to the project. I found out that someone implemented a system where ASCII art can be shown under the description of an item (probably inspired by Cogmind), but only a couple of items had pictures. I figured out it wouldn't be to hard to make some more since CDDA has so many items that I can make ASCII art for almost anything. But there are also some limitations for implementing ASCII art in CDDA: it can't be wider than 41 columns, I'm limited to rectangle font, and color palette is rather limited. It should be noted that I used REXPaint for all pictures, but the fancy text was copied from text to ascii generator and pasted in notepad, I'm not masochistic enough to do it manually in REXPaint. I also added some additional characters in some cases. Anyway, here's what's I made so far (all the screenshots are taken directly from the game):
Chemistry textbook
Deputy Badge
Electrohack (does what it sounds like - hacks electronic devices. I saw some picture in this thread with the binary thing and I really wanted to do something like that.)
First aid kit
mp3 player
pack with cigarettes - I did this only for this joke
SD card
Big book of first aid
Umbrella - I think this one came out really nice, I like the colors
I have never dome ASCII art before so the pictures are of varying quality, but I'm generally satisfied with them. One of the most useful features of REXPaint that I didn't notice initially was exporting to BBcode. The way colors are indicated in the game code is similar to BBcode, except < and > are used instead of [ and ], and color names are different. So manually coloring pictures like umbrella (see above) where colors change 7 times per line would be painful. Thankfully if I export to BBcode I can set the colors in a minute using replace option in notepad++. So thanks for this option. Right now I've lost some interest in CDDA so I haven't done anything new in a while, but doing ASCII art seems fun so I might get back to it soon. The CDDA community seems quite enthusiastic about adding ASCII pictures to the descriptions.