Grid Sage Forums

Cogmind => Ideas => Topic started by: DDarkray on February 24, 2017, 06:35:01 AM

Title: Flashing manual command
Post by: DDarkray on February 24, 2017, 06:35:01 AM
So I was having a good run last time which includes getting special codes from NPCs to be used when hacking. And I was like, "Yes! I can finally use them!" The only problem is....I tend to forget to use it! If I was playing the whole run in one sitting, I probably wouldn't have such  problem. But if I'm playing in multiple sessions (sometimes over a long period of time), I forget very easily. It was only until I look back at the scoresheet after finishing a run when I realized it.

So I was thinking if it's ok to make the manual command stand out a bit if I have a special code, maybe making it flash or giving it a different color, at least when starting a new session. I think that should make it easier to remember.
Title: Re: Flashing manual command
Post by: Kyzrati on February 24, 2017, 06:41:30 AM
Hm, maybe. It could certainly be an option, though for it to do that by default would also be distracting. Or maybe just flash for a bit then return to normal color would be a better solution.

I know I've forgotten once before as well, and it probably would've saved me had I known xD.

I'll add it to the long-term list of potential features. (This one would be rather costly to implement in terms of dev-time-to-benefit ratio.)