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Messages - fonetikli

Pages: [1]
Dude - that is amazing!

Stories / Re: Built an army
« on: May 26, 2015, 04:02:22 PM »
I managed to fabricate 3 x rogues in my last game which I thought was pretty sweet until they Leeroy Jenkins'd their way into a hallway full of soldiers and got melted.  Sure, they went down swinging, but the time + matter cost of fabrication was definitely not worth the few melee strikes they managed to land!!!  :)

General & Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 26, 2015, 04:56:48 AM »
Hey all! Jumping into this thread late, representing the New Zealand contingent.

-How did you learn about Cogmind?

A gamer friend tweeted something about it only a few weeks ago.  I looked it up and was pretty much sold on reading the dev blog alone.

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?

Hardcore Nethack and ADOM fan from way back.  Dwarf Fortress lover.  I thought SOTS:TP was a great and underrated Roguelike in more recent times, but maybe it just pushed the right obsessive-compulsive buttons for me :).

-What are your other favorite games?

Big fan of strategy and survival games.  NEO Scavenger is a real gem despite the clunky interface.  Dominions is always rewarding to persist with.  Don't Starve Together is hilarious and my wife and I play it co-op regularly.  Have been on the Blizzard crack-pipe with Hearthstone for almost a year.

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?

At one stage I was an avid mountaineer, but family and other life commitments have slowed things down on that front somewhat.   Still like to get out into the hills when I can.

Great to see a strong community building up around this project - it deserves it!

General Discussion / Item Gallery Collection Percentage
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:09:33 AM »
Where have others got to so far with the Collection % in the Item Gallery?  I did a couple of runs where I prioritised attaching new parts (and often instantly detaching them again) just to try and unlock some extra items. 

I've played 10 games so far and have unlocked 29%.

Am still hoping the alpha access bonus gets my name attached to something awesome like the HERF cannon  :>

@Kyzrati, i know this isn't the 'Ideas' board, but it would be cool if there was a way to examine the items in the Item Gallery in more detail (i.e. select an individual item and see its base stats), and would help with familiarization in a game that has many, many different items.

General Discussion / Re: Ran out of matter.
« on: May 26, 2015, 01:54:57 AM »
Not that I've got anything against ramming innocents (:))), but if you are lucky (and patient) enough, you can also find matter lying around in the odd room on most levels.  If you're already depleted you should be running fairly light and fast which makes it slightly less dangerous to be poking around in rooms.

Ideas / Re: Toggle auto-melee?
« on: May 22, 2015, 04:50:51 AM »
I was having the exact same issue and was thinking along similar lines.  I've since switched to keyboard mode and no longer accidentally crash into anything.  Pathing with the mouse where you click on a location multiple tiles away seems to be a good recipe for inadvertently smashing into things  :)

Thanks for the quick response!

After a bit of Googling, I've managed to resolve this (the information here was helpful:

I'm running Windows 8.1 and had to do the following:
Start -> Control Panel -> Language -> Advanced Settings -> Change Language Bar Hot Keys
From there highlight the Action for 'Between input languages' and select 'Change Key Sequence'.
Changing the 'Switch Keyboard Layout' option away from 'Ctrl+Shift' fixed the problem (I set it to 'grave' but probably could disable it altogether).

I'm using standard US Keyboard but have both English (United States) and English (New Zealand), my default, installed.  It's possible that having more than one language installed causes this key sequence to become captured by Windows?

Not sure if this is something specific to my machine or setup (i doubt there is anything bound to ctrl+shift+0, but I guess it could be possible), but this currently does not work for me.

Steps to reproduce:
- in keyboard mode, attempt to swap an attached item with one from the inventory in slot 10 (key
  • ).  Requires Hcp storage or similar.

If I cycled the inventory using '[' or ']' to get the same item into another slot (e.g. 9), I can swap it fine.

Ideas / Re: Swapping out equipment
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:25:25 PM »
I wish Dwarf Fortress had an interface as sexy as this one :(

Hahaha :)  I hear ya!

Ideas / Re: Scavengers imba, nerf pl0x
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:46:26 AM »
I agree - super annoying, but they definitely add a dimension to the game that is worth preserving :)  They would be less bothersome if they dropped the items they had picked up, when destroyed.  The ideal nerf might be to limit their item carrying capacity to 1 (if it isn't already?) and then tune down the frequency of them appearing in the game world slightly.

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