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Graphics appreciation thread

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I made the scorecard for beta 1.2! Runner-up for "mines placed". That's some really good community management. I do hope that this type of score-keeping persists into v1.0 and beyond. ;D

But I digress.

I'm an ascii die-hard when it comes to roguelikes, except when it comes to DCSS and Cogmind. Almost invariably, I choose a ascii over a graphical tileset. DCSS has had such broad community support over decades of development, that it stands to reason that its tileset would be good. It is good for different reasons than cogmind's tileset. Even in dwarf fortress, ascii is vastly preferable on account of readability. That's what Cogmind's tileset has going for it. Small tiles mean that I can fit a large area of the play-field on my screen. Strong contrasts (something sorely lacking from ToME's tilesets) make it easy to discern NPCs from terrain, and a sufficient degree of variance between robot models allow for rapid identification of potential threats. Seriously, these are some of the best graphics I have yet seen in a roguelike, and that's even before consideration of graphical effects like explosions and emp (a page out of The Book of Brogue, I reckon). Colour me impressed.

Hehe, welcome! I'm currently mostly picking out stats that reflect newer features, extremes, or things that that more players have expressed an interest in of late, so it changes over time, though I do plan to continue doing so--no reason to stop now!

And thanks for the praise, glad to have more people who can appreciate the work that's gone into everything :)

Not sure if you've read about it before, but I wrote a good bit about the tileset design and how it was meant to be ASCII-ish.

For the record I like DCSS tiles, too, and also rather dislike ToME's tiles :P (though this isn't an uncommon opinion...)

--- Quote from: Horse on July 15, 2017, 07:59:01 AM ---(a page out of The Book of Brogue, I reckon)

--- End quote ---
People do tend to draw a connection there, but to be honest I really dislike Brogue's use of color. It makes the map very difficult to parse (for me, at least), whereas I prefer a higher black-to-color ratio, and static environments. I developed the particle engine and effects with X@COM in 2011, back before I'd heard of Brogue, so never had any influences from there (almost all my influences come from outside the genre, although my early project did start out in libtcod, which Brogue also uses, and that library tends to emphasize free use of color since it supports all 24 bits). I later tried to play it to see what everyone raves about, but never got further than a few floors across a couple runs because the color really messes with my eyes xD

Whaaaaaaaaaat? XCOMRL was YOU?

Okay. I take back everything I said before. I'm still heartbroken that that game wasn't taken further.

((ToME is better played in tile mode, still, if only because of the poor quality available typefaces. The game itself is pretty fun, once getting over the every-item-is-magical hump.))

I think I may have read that article, years ago, and well before I had purchased Cogmind. You demonstrate a strong knowledge of what makes these games work. I wouldn't normally pay for a roguelike, but... but I'm fawning. You realize you can never stop now, right?

I like the tiles in DCSS and Cogmind. Most other RLs I'm not so crazy about, tiles or ascii.

Had to laugh, thought right off that the 'speed' lines on units moving was amusing as hell because it reminded me exactly of some 90's era (ish) slightly fly by night cartridge cover, or maybe ad for bootleg toys, and then .002 seconds later I saw how it would pretty quickly become useful.  I also think it looks real good. 

Found a hilarious image on google while trying to find one with that effect, though I'm sure we all already know what I mean,  and now I'm cracking up at the thought of doing 'interpretive' pieces of 'art' of what my poor Cogmind would look like at any random stage of a run in Rexpaint. Yet another real damned good incentive to learn it more.  :) 

I'm always thinking about debris and signs of pandemonium and enjoying the signs sticking around of a good fight, so I love stuff like the image showing debris levels in your article. 
  Which is very unfortunate for the poor bots coming in to clean the place up and repair those signs of pandemonium.  No Mr Recycler bot, that item is very important and not floor candy.  >:(  Too fun.

Heh, convinced myself to include the image I found, I want to photoshop it and make the vehicle make much less sense to properly show how I imagined myself looking about 40% through my second run. 

Or a hilarious fake bootleg cover for Cogmind   :D


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