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Messages - Amphouse

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Strategies / Re: Armchair Robotics - Weekly Topical Strategy Discussions
« on: August 03, 2018, 05:47:43 PM »
Hello fellow Cogmind players! I'm Amphouse, I've been playing and following this game for a long time and a lot of people know me as the "wheels guy", so normally I would be memeing about wheels here, but since this is meant to be an informative series, I'll talk seriously here and just give my honest opinion about the propulsion types.
First off, while wheels do have a lot of potential to be good for a combat build, I do think that using just wheels makes the game harder, so I wouldn't actually recommend it for learning. The main reason to use wheels is to save on slots by only needing either your 2 original prop slots, or possibly evolving one more prop slot for three wheels. You should never use more than 3 wheels(and many people say just use 2), and you should pretty much always be overweight, since wheels have a very small overweight penalty, so they are the ideal propulsion for this. However, since wheels are so fragile, you'll need to constantly kill neutral bots for extra wheels, which is kind of annoying. It's pretty hard to find good wheels on the ground, since wheels are fairly rare and there are not that many types. So..yeah, while wheels are not just a meme and have legitimate uses, I don't actually think they are the best propulsion type.

So what is the best propulsion type? Well...they are all pretty balanced at this point in time I think, and as a result it depends what kind of build you are running. Generally though, I think that flight units are my most commonly used propulsion type, and they are certainly the best prop type for any kind of stealth build. As for combat...I've actually gone back and forth on this, but recently another player has made me appreciate legs a lot more with his reliable "tripod" build. I used to think that treads were superior for combat, but now I'm not so sure. If you're running a full kinetic build, then treads are probably still better for the free recoil reduction, but if you are running an energy weapons build(which I think is generally better, btw), then I actually prefer legs. Legs are similar to wheels in that they don't suffer much from being overweight, and they are also similar in that it is pretty easy to get more from the complex bots, but they actually have good integrity and multiple types including actual good midgame options, unlike wheels. You can't really run out of legs ever, since you constantly get more from grunts and hunters. That makes them very reliable. Even though treads have more integrity, if you break them you actually can run out, since only sentries and haulers(as far as common enemies) have them.  Treads also suffer a lot more from being overweight, compared to legs. That said, late game treads are actually pretty fast, faster than overweight legs, and they have a lot of support, so I think that a underweight treads build is probably a bit better than an overweight legs build in the late game. However, such a treads build would prefer to run 4 tread slots so they can use 2 2-slot treads, while a tripod build only needs 3 legs for the whole game(obviously). So...again, they are very close in power level for combat builds.

Wow, that was long...ok so I've talked about wheels, legs, and treads enough for now. I only briefly talked about flight because I think other players have already said what I would say, so I'll just add on one other important thing - in the late game, flight arrays(2-slot flight propulsion) are extremely good. You can easily run a build with 3 of these that can support 2 large storage units and still have enough support for a late game combat build. This is probably the strongest build in the game. Some people like to call this the "flying brick" build. I think that's a dumb name because all of my late game flight builds end up looking like that, so I just call it late game flight. Your alternative would be to run multiple(4-6) prototype single slot flight units and go super fast, which sounds good's not really worth it, when the brick build is fast enough to avoid most enemies anyways and gets to hold and use way more items. It is better for speedrunning, though.

Finally, I should talk about hover. This is my least used propulsion type, but that's not because it's bad-it's actually quite good, but it's hard to use. Since flight is better for strictly stealth, hover is best suited for a hybrid build that plays stealthy most of the time but is still prepared and capable of combat when it benefits you the most. I love this play style but it's very hard to pull off. It doesn't help that most early game hover kinda sucks - the stuff you get off of watchers just isn't good enough. Programmer hover is average. The best hover units from enemies come off of demolishers, but killing them isn't easy, and generally it's better if you never have to fight them in the first place. There are 2 other ways for a hover build to get good propulsion: Zion light allies drop Z-glide systems, which are very good, but extremely fragile; and you can fabricate hover units, which isn't that unreasonable since a hover build will be playing stealthily and using hackware anyways. Notably, since combat hovers are not prototypes, they are a very good target for schematic hacking and subsequent fabrication, as you will get 2 from each fab. Final note: if you want to play pure melee combat(very fun build), hover is probably your best choice of propulsion. I've made one attempt at this before but I'd like to try it more in the future.

Well, that's about all I have to say as far as general tips go, but if anyone has any questions for me about what type of propulsion suits what type of build, go right ahead and ask me.   

Ideas / Re: In-game clock
« on: February 07, 2018, 12:09:53 PM »
I always wanted this too, but I was afraid to ask because it felt like it might go against immersion. Glad you seem willing to add it as an option, though.

Ideas / Re: We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas
« on: January 19, 2018, 07:59:51 PM »
Invisible robots - can only be detected by sensors.

Stairways can now move slowly when not in line of sight.

Fake exits which appear to lead to the next floor but actually chute you.

Factory floors now have a random chance to be replaced by cave floors instead.

Combat recyclers - Heavily armored, use flight, no longer run away when shot at, and teleport away when they pick up an item.

Ideas / Steam Achievement Ideas
« on: February 14, 2017, 09:59:35 PM »
So since Cogmind is finally coming to steam in light of the recent steam greenlight campaign(assuming it gets enough votes...go vote!), I've decided that now is the best time to start brainstorming what kind of achievements we want. I like steam achievements but I prefer ones that either celebrate milestones or reward unusual/difficult behavior. Personally I dislike achievements like "kill 100 grunts". That said, here are a few of my own ideas; please feel free to criticize them or contribute your own!

Preemptive Strike: Kill an ARC before it releases its payload. [picture: the ARC tile with a skull superimposed]

Reduce, Reuse...: Enter Recycling. [picture: that recycling symbol]  (at this point I got lazy and stopped thinking about pictures, I'll add to this later)

Target Acquired: Get scanned by a researcher.

LOCKED ON: Have more than a 40% targeting boost for ranged weapons.

The more the merrier/We are Legion: Have more than 5 allies at once.

l33t h4x0r: Have a hacking bonus of 50 or greater.

Ghost: Exit a main level(not a branch, and not -11) without being seen(by hostiles?).

Sniper: Kill a hostile from more than 20 tiles away.

A New Friend: Rewire a robot.

Backstab: Kill a purple NPC.

Is it hot in here or is it just me!?: Cause a robot to meltdown.

Power Corrupts: Terminally corrupt a robot.

Have you tried turning it off and on again?: Reboot a hostile robot.

Error 47: Overload a hostile robot.

Assimilation Complete: Assimilate a hostile robot.

Wanna blow somethin' up?: Destroy 5 or more hostiles in a single explosion.

That was an Accident I Swear: Destroy 10 or more machines in a single turn.(chain reaction explosion, non interactive + interactive)

Line 'Em Up: Pierce through 3 or more robots with a single shot.

Unlimited Power: Have more than X power generation at once.

Speed Demon: Travel at Fastx3 (I forget what number this shows at, the purple indicator)

More Dakka: Fire a volley with 5(6?) or more guns in it.

Public Static Void Main(): Kill main.c

Batter Up: Knock a hostile robot into an exploding reactor.

Help in High Places: Use the O8 code. /or/ Use a Zion hack.

Release the Drones!: Have 6 or more drones at once.

Alien Tech: Equip an Alien Artifact.

Made in Tau Ceti IV: Enter Factory.

Market Research: Enter Research.

Denied?: Enter Access.

Silicon Rush: Exit Mines.

Lost and Found: Exit Storage.

Spelunker: Enter Lower Caves.

Oracle: Exit Data Miner.

Local Village: Exit Zion.

Not Just a Cord: Exit Extension.

Personal Space: Exit Proximity Caves.

Never Dig Up: Enter Upper Caves.

A Powerful Ally...?: Exit Warlord.

...and more achievements for the other areas, I just can't think of good names currently. Notice that areas with multiple floors have "enter" achievements, otherwise I did "exit" ones(except for access and recycling). Do be careful to not make achievements that spoil things. Note that some achievements on steam can be made "secret", we will want to do that for a few of ours. Also, everything that has a named entry in the "bonus" section of the scoresheet should probably be an achievement, and we will need achievements for beating the game and for special endings...whatever those end up being. If I think of more I'll edit this post.

Ideas / Re: Challenge Modes
« on: February 14, 2017, 07:04:48 PM »
Personal thoughts:

I like the general idea but I prefer modifiers that are not strictly handicaps, but rather make you play differently. It's okay if they make the game overall harder, but they should do something good IMO.  For example, what if Unstable Evolution gave you an extra (randomly distributed, can get double something) evolution point every other level? (every level would make it too easy. you are still limited by max number of slots too) As for scavenger, what if you took it all the way: there are no floor drops at all(except on -11), but enemies always drop everything they have(damaged by the amount you damaged it though, and part frying would still be a thing). If that's too much, keep the current scavenger but give all weapons/the player an innate salvage boost.

Now, with that said, if you do want these to be strictly handicaps meant to challenge the best players, then at least have them give score boosts?

Also, I really like the "stair boss" challenge idea that darkray had. It should be possible since stair locking is already a thing in garrisons. (Or you could use the red locked branch stairs, not sure what's easier) It doesn't always have to be a sentry either, although it should scale in strength inversely with depth. (and if it drops good loot than it's not strictly a downside either :P)

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Re: Zhirov power boost gone
« on: November 03, 2016, 09:03:24 PM »
Sometimes it's a "free" -20 heat sink(in fact the 2 times I went there that's what I got).

Stories / First Attempt at a Melee-Focused Run(Floor -2)
« on: October 22, 2016, 07:57:59 PM »
A few days ago I decided to try going for a melee build, after seeing multiples of the new melee focused utilities added in alpha 11 during a previous run. I expected it to be more or less a challenge run, as in the past I have thought of melee combat as only a last resort, or perhaps a cheap way for flight builds to kill defenseless watchers and haulers. I never expected it to be something I would seek out as a viable combat option, but I actually managed to get to -2 with such a build! You should see my logs in the attachments if you are curious.

My overall strategy before starting the run was that I wanted to use hover as my form of propulsion, since it's the fastest propulsion that still gives you enough support for a large storage unit and various heavy utilities like armor and force fields. Speed is very important for melee because you need to close the gap between yourself and enemies quickly, and it also boosts your damage due to the way melee combat works. I also knew that I wanted to use slashing weapons; piercing weapons are probably better, but they are also rarer...and I have to be honest, I think swords are cooler, too. :P

The first item I found upon entering materials was a hammer! I was tempted to try and make this a "melee only" run, but after a few swings of the hammer I remembered/realized that impact weapons are terrible, and the hammer is the worst impact weapon,'s really not worth using, ever. Originally I planned to get some early schematics for swords through hacking, but I found out that doesn't quite work.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I stuck with guns until after entering storage, by accident. I know opinions on storage are mixed, but I personally like it - it seems to nearly always give me a prototype launcher, and it's always good to get one of those early. This time I found a cache of guided EMP blasters, which I've never used before but ended up being a ton of fun. Unlike guided explosives, you never run out of matter using EMP blasters, so you can really fire at will with perfect accuracy from a distance and around corners, an extremely effective strategy with sensors. They are particularly good at taking out operators, I ended up extracting 3 data cores. They are also good at taking out drones, which is why I decided to go to recycling when I got the chance. I did end up being spotted a few times(surprisingly the drones don't always get one-shot despite being weak to EM), but for the most part it went well as I skipped a floor and entered factory. I soon entered lower caves, and on the 2nd floor, guarded by a mutant and right beside the data miner exit, I finally found my first good melee weapon; a makeshift sword! This weapon is actually pretty good; it's slightly inaccurate but has no delay, which is super fast compared to most melee weapons. After quickly getting some info from the miner I passed through proximity caves (mostly) stealthily. Right after getting back to factory I found a cache of advanced melee analysis suites, and right away I switched to melee then.(The guided EMP blaster was starting to lose it's effectiveness anyways, it's damage isn't very high) I decided to use 2 melee suites at once, since melee tends to be rather inaccurate, especially on the first attack. Personally I think melee suites are rather weak when compared to targeting computers and either they should be buffed or the melee accuracy mechanics should change so that you aren't punished with low accuracy when trying to take advantage of momentum. Anyways, after taking a load of imp gravmag systems from a hauler I started feeling pretty good about my build.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A second hauler kill yielded greatswords; I chose not to use one yet until I at least had a few of the new actuators to increase my attack speed, since they are so slow. I decided to head to extension, figuring that the tight hallways were a good place to test my melee combat prowess. I found a phasing saber with a bunch of disabled robots, which was a very nice find, but probably the best melee weapon I found that run, sadly. I ended up with a bunch of allies, including 07, and eventually met the behemoths. Originally I planned to quickly hover past them, but since I had allies to protect I decided to face them head on!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It went surprisingly well, and it was a lot of fun hacking away at enemies 4 times your size with a sword! I realised that there was no way my build would be able to handle Cetus though, so I headed back to factory. Eventually I found the microactuators I was looking for(and a dangerous friend):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I was cutting up most enemies pretty good by this time thanks to the parts I found, the reaction control system was particularly nice as it both boosts my damage and is very useful on a hover build in it's own right. I attracted a lot of attention though, including enemy demolishers, thanks to my rather high alert level that was probably raised by having so many allies. I left factory just in time before getting blown to bits. Entering research, I quickly got some lucky hacks off and had some choices of where to go:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I had not been to either branch before but decided to go to the newer one, testing. I was shocked I actually made it to all the way to a new branch with a melee combat build! (I've only won once before, with flight) However, testing is where things started to fall apart. I'm still glad I went, as I found some very cool prototypes there that I won't spoil, but I also attracted way too much attention. As it turns out, some enemies in testing have stasis beams, which hold you in place and are basically the perfect counter to my build. Things started falling apart rapidly, but I got lucky with hacking again and managed to hack access(main) and run to the exit:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Sadly, some "special" enemies seemed to follow me out of testing, and I had no chance to recover. The run ended on -2 fairly quickly.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Still, I learned a lot and had a fairly unique experience. I haven't heard of many other people trying melee with the new version. Next time I want to try a similar build but with piercing weapons, although I suspect that will require even more melee analysis since the first hit is so important for piercing damage, and I'd like to try the new "force boosters" with that too. If anyone has any questions or comments, go right ahead! I'd love to talk about Cogmind. I'm nearly always in the discord chat as  well even if I don't use these forums as much as I should.

Stories / Re: Guided Missile Mishap
« on: October 22, 2016, 04:16:29 PM »
I "tested" this using a guided EMP blaster during the start of my recent melee run. EM launchers cost less matter and have positive salvage, so you don't run out of matter and can spam it around corners like that if you have sensors. I'm pretty sure it does in fact aggro them, though, just judging from that experience. Also, they are really good at killing operators for the data cores.

Stories / Re: Amphouse: "Why..."
« on: October 22, 2016, 04:10:46 PM »
IT WAS SOUL CRUSHING. Although I should clarify, I "dropped" it because the compactor destroyed one of my large storage units. I swear they always go for those first. 

Oh well, at least I know where to get that artifact again if I really want to ID it. (It was the Zhirov one)

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #54 [Alpha 10] [Seed: Raiding Party]
« on: August 27, 2016, 10:21:07 PM »
Well, I finally decided to give these weekly seeds a try...but my run ended up being my worst scoring run ever :(

I died on -9 due to an unfortunate series of events involving this garrison:

Basically I tried to seal it but failed and ran into a patrol that called for garrison backup which cut off my escape and more and more melee enemies kept coming out of the garrison and there were some really unfortunately placed traps nearby and so that by the time I managed to destroy the garrison and kill all the enemies I had barely any core left, so then later I got cored by some pests that came out of an exit. Should be pretty easy for anyone to beat me here, but hey at least I participated for once! Run info should be attached with this post.

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