Cogmind > General Discussion

Does alert lower naturally in proxy caves?


R-26 Lightspeed:
If the alert is high enough in proxy caves to enter the next level at 772 influence, would waiting lower it eventually? Would waiting in there work at any influence? If not, is there something else that could help?

Influence always trends down over time, but the effect is limited by diminishing returns, so you've gotta find other ways to lower it. In general getting RIF or an alert chip also allows you to learn a lot about how influence behaves under various situations (though not directly helpful for counting while outside the Complex itself...).

R-26 Lightspeed:
To be absolutely sure, does that mean yes? Waiting long enough in the caves will lower influence to ~0? If so, would anyone happen to have an estimate of how long one would have to wait at, let's say alert is very high, 1500?

I do know about the other ways to lower it. I do also know that "diminishing returns" does actually go negative at high enough influence, though "high enough influence" in this case is i think somewhere above 3000.

Well maybe someone else could join in at some point, but yeah in my case I specifically didn't give a direct answer here since there are ways to explore these strategic aspects within the game itself. There are people on the Discord who have done influence experiments and calculations of various types before.

I will say that waiting infinitely where it seems safe won't be a good strategy to get used to, in any case.


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