Cogmind > Stories

My First Win

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I finally got my first win in Cogmind!

After playing around with some different builds, I went back to FarCom Flight. It was by no means well-tuned, but I got a decent flight set (arrays, with their increased integrity, worked very well) and a good thermal/melee weapon combo for digging and some light combat.

Items I enjoyed using: the Enhanced Optical Array is one of my favourites; the 0b10 decode chips (Looter and Scout) proved very helpful; and the Transmission Jammer can prevent a lot of headaches.

Just a tremendously fun game. I still have a ton to learn, and my builds could be better optimized, but what a blast. Look forward to trying some different win paths and builds!

Oh nice! There you go, FarCom flight is generally the way to go for a simpler first win, once you get it up and running. +SR and jamming are pretty awesome on any build, and nice to hear you got some benefits out of decoder chips! Most people pass on those, but I've had some fun experiences with them, and one of Cogmind's historically best players likes them a lot.

Took advantage of W assault, too, I see :)

Thank you!  :)

Honestly, I really like the focus on items -- which items you choose determines how you play, and you can switch that up mid-game. Allows for flexibility and interesting, varied comebacks.

Really looking forward to the new items in the upcoming beta(s)!

Yep, all about the items, so more items means more possibilities... for a time until you maybe lose them, but then you get... more items! :P

Nice job! Now get out there and try again, or mix it up a little :]


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