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Messages - StrixNebulosa

Pages: [1]
Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #45 [Alpha 9] [Seed: Brightest Light]
« on: June 18, 2016, 01:49:00 PM »
Another failed experiment in trying out a combat-heavy build - I should NOT have gone into the Lower Caves. Also, don't fight a Beast with a rocket launcher. It takes too long and destroys everything you might have wanted to salvage from him. :(

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Nice run StrixNebulosa. I think nearly everyone dies the first time they reach -1, it's that hard.

Thank you! I was desperately looking for an exit and finding everything but, alas. With luck I'll return and find it some other time. :D

Noooo... died in -3/Research with a rather low score for me :/

That turned bad pretty quickly, since I had a rather unfocused build around -4 (see my peak state), and then because I really wanted to give a visit to Warlord and friends, which I'd already located. I made it to the map directly adjacent to that destination, but couldn't push through the last caves and had to instead flee to Research in terrible shape xD

Some nice hackware, though: +60 at one point and it was really easy to do what I wanted (this was the first run ever where I recalled a bunch of squads, which was awesome). Also did a bit of fabrication on the way up, building allied Grunts of various tiers, and that helped out but wasn't OP.

Nice run StrixNebulosa. I think nearly everyone dies the first time they reach -1, it's that hard.
He sure was close, though ;)

Watching you build those squads got me to try Fabricators out for the first time, and oh man but I love building Swarms. They're distraction, mostly, but it's so nice to inflict them on someone other than me for once! :P

Stories / Don't attack Zhirov
« on: June 15, 2016, 01:21:03 AM »

Especially when you're unarmed and only trying to poke around to figure out that secret event in there.

I bumped into one of his friends, foolishly thinking that they'd...move, not go "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!"

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Great run otherwise though! It's been a few days since I've managed to make it up to -04, let alone deep into the caves. It was mostly combat up until they knocked my guns off and I fled into the caves and played hide and seek with the natives in there.

General & Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: June 14, 2016, 12:20:45 PM »
Hey StrixNebulosa! I remember that stream :). Wish I was still streaming weekly, actually, since it's a good way to hang out with everyone and sometimes share Cogmind with some new faces. (But too busy and streaming is rather time-consuming!)

That's a good list of roguelikes. Be sure to check out The Ground Gives Way, too. You'll probably like it.

And any roguelike+SMT fan should check out Demon, which you've probably heard mentioned a couple times in the SA thread? The dev is extremely active, working on it full-time and giving it away for free, actually! A well-designed game.

80s cartoons! Now that sounds like fun :D. My son is nearing the point where I can watch some of those with him. (For me that would be "re-watch.")

I'll take gamedev over actual streams, as fun as they are. Those red stairs that say "unavailable" are so frustrating when I find them and realize that I'm not done running from the pack of robots at my back. (Someday I will come up that high in the facility armed and ready to fight, but I'm not there yet!)

I've got the Ground Gives Way dled, but I haven't dug into it yet - it's in a folder sitting next to Brogue and some others, awaiting the day when I'm willing to learn another set of rules unique to each roguelike. Soon!

Yes, FerretDev shows up as well, and indeed, SA is also where I heard about it. Most of these roguelikes, in fact!

Oh man, he's in for a treat. These cartoons are far more entertaining than I expected them to be, even if some of them wrap around into "so bad it's good" territory. (He Man and the Masters of the Universe is the primary culprit of that so far) - I grew up in the 90s so I had a whole different pack of cartoons to grow up with, but fortunately I caught Thundercats anyways. Good goofy entertainment. :D

General & Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: June 13, 2016, 07:26:46 PM »

How did you learn about Cogmind? I come from the SA forums, specifically where I lurk in the Roguelikes thread. That's where I saw Happylisk (amongst others) talking about Cogmind and it sounded really cool. (I've always been a big fan of sci-fi settings and robots in particular, so the whole concept clicked with me instantly.) Cue my usual research before buying games, and eventually that led to Kyzrati playing a stream, and the gameplay there sold me on it, and here I am, running my poor Cogmind into Slayers and worse.

What other roguelikes do you enjoy? My current favorites: Demon, Caves of Qud, Infra Arcana, Dungeonmans, DoomRL, Dungeon of the Endless. My first roguelike was Nethack (interesting to read about, but not to play), my first modern roguelike was probably ToME (I don't care for it now), and there are still a lot of the big name roguelikes I've yet to check out properly, like Sil.

What are your other favorite games? The Shin Megami Tensei franchise (SMT 2 is the pinnacle of the series in terms of atmosphere, but Nocturne beats it out on gameplay), Seiken Densetsu 3, X-COM/XCOM: EU/EW, Picross/any variant of it, too many others to list. I adore jrpgs, but I'll check out anything if it's interesting enough.

What do you do for fun when you're not playing games? Read, write, watch things. Currently reading CJ Cherryh's Foreigner series, Darran Anderson's Imaginary Cities, and more. Currently watching a plethora of 80s cartoons, from Transformers to Silverhawks. Good times!

Wow, what a run! I have NEVER gotten so far before in any game of Cogmind I've played - but I made it all the way to -01 and then died when there were just too many enemies, haha. It was pretty much a straight flying (i.e. running from EVERYTHING) run, with some obscenely lucky staircase finds.

Here are some choice screenshots from near the end of the run:
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edit: Full score ahoy!

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General Discussion / Re: What do you find fun about Cogmind?
« on: May 29, 2016, 02:21:01 AM »
I've only played two games of Cogmind so far, but here's my two cents on the matter - upfront I enjoy the lore and aesthetic, as playing as a robot is very, very good. There are so few good sci-fi-themed roguelikes out there that finding a good one is a diamond in the rough.

But, more about the gameplay: I really, really enjoy the constant sense of danger. This isn't a game where you can set up a character and then get rolling (and thus complacent, and careless, and that's what kills most of my characters in other roguelikes) but instead one where you're stuck at level one, so to speak. You can get better gear, and learn how to play better, but there's no flat "I am a death machine" sense. At least so far - I imagine I could gradually build a massive armored tank with all kinds of guns/heat sinks in the backpack, but the threat seems to scale up incredibly high to match that.

Mind you, my playstyle is generally too aggressive to be skilled, but heck, I'm having fun.

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