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[Feature Request] Enable pan (spacebar) during copy operation

<< < (4/4)

It's on the list of features to look into in the future, just not something that I can add quickly so I did the layer copy for you first.

Also, most users apparently aren't working with images that large :P (and want to use tools across larger-than-view areas at the same time; those that do generally work on pieces at a time)

I know you've also tried using the smallest font provided, and while it's not always convenient there's another option that could be useful in some situations: temporarily use an even tinier custom font to get a very large view area. Like... 4x4 :D

(something larger than this might be more appropriate depending on your needs, but I happened to have this file here already, having used it before for something else)

Short of that, having a large monitor is nice, too :)

Hahaha, Is this revenge after blinding static?
But yeah, thanks for that tiny font, going to keep it, who knows when & what I'd be trying to do ;)


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