Cogmind > Support

Before you Buy: UI Previews by Resolution / Font

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Hello All,
Clicking on the UI res/font preview, once you click a resolution and can click your mouse and it seems to zoom.  What is this zoom feature for in the image preview?

i'm running 1920x1080


Welcome! That's not a feature of the image or website--that's how your browser treats images that are larger than its viewable area. Modern browsers generally shrink an image so that its entire dimensions are visible. (If you resize your browser window you can see this in action.)

In your case, with 1920x1080, assuming you click on this image preview, for example, the game will be the size you see when "zoomed in" after clicking on it (because when "zoomed in" it disregards the bounds of your browser window and shows you Cogmind's true fullscreen appearance at that dimension, i.e. what you'll actually be playing at).

Hope that clears everything up, let me know if you have any other questions :D


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