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Messages - Phuket

Pages: [1]
Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #1 [Alpha 1b] [Seed: WeeklySeedRuns]
« on: July 19, 2015, 09:29:01 PM »
Ya Kyzrati! I was so excited to find the stairs I didn't stop to really take in the area around it. Although I was used to the mines having mining lasers or the such around them. They generally always stood out to me. Most undoubtedly the worst run I've had haha!

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #1 [Alpha 1b] [Seed: WeeklySeedRuns]
« on: July 15, 2015, 08:05:57 AM »
Thanks jimmijamjams! I went through and edited my post to include the scoresheet in a spoiler at  the bottom. I sorta just copied and pasted it. Let me know if it's ok. If not I can figure out a better way to post it up!  ;D

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #1 [Alpha 1b] [Seed: WeeklySeedRuns]
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:07:46 PM »
Ya it sucked biomatter. You must've hit the same stairs I did because I couldn't find any indication at all that it was a mine.  :(

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #1 [Alpha 1b] [Seed: WeeklySeedRuns]
« on: July 14, 2015, 05:22:51 AM »
Here's my run! Remember don't peek unless you've done your run or you don't intend to participate  ;) Enjoy!  ;D

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Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed Runs!!! [Alpha 1b]
« on: July 14, 2015, 03:20:20 AM »
You were the first interested player who came to mind, Phuket

Oh you know I'm so ready for some awesome stories and challenges! Plus it's always a blast to see how people react to the same problems you run into during your seed run. Thanks for setting up the new competition section of the forums! Will be nice for future tournaments and such!

Well, while I say I'll participate it's in the playing and discussion/stories. I don't think it would be fair for me to actually be listed for anything, since he knows too much! Even though I bet some of you will do better than myself for as long as I'm out of practice, I still have an unfair advantage. I participate "unofficially" :)

I look forward to seeing you participate! Even if you feel it's not for score. :) I'm sure you know all sorts of secrets!

I may be trying to practice a more silent/fast run. Tons of flight units and engines. I'm going to the moon!

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed Runs!!! [Alpha 1b]
« on: July 13, 2015, 09:18:45 AM »
You most certainly know I'm down.  ;D Is there a way we could have this set up somewhere more official to make it easier to post rules, seeds, victories and the such? Maybe a separate area of the forums? I don't know what our limitations are but I think it would be a ton of fun and encourage a lot of community interaction! 

General Discussion / Giving away 3 keys of "Cogmind"!
« on: July 03, 2015, 06:00:54 PM »
I have 3 keys to the roguelike "Cogmind" that I received when I paid to be an advance alpha supporter. These keys are good for all future updates.This is in celebration of me finishing up season 1 of cogmind on my youtube channel and reaching 100 subs (Yay!) I decided what better time to give them out then now. The rules are very simple and are outlined in a video I have posted right here:

Ill also post the rules right here as well so you don't even have to waste 3 minutes of your life watching the video if you don't want to and can just click the link and throw your comment in. (Don't forget the question! I'm curious to see peoples answers!) :)

Anyone can participate! You do NOT have to like, Subscribe, or anything else to be apart of the contest.

You DO have to leave a comment in the video with something along the lines of "I'd like a key" and also tell me what your favorite game was growing up. (This will not carry any weight on who wins. Just wanna get to know my contestants)

After 72 hours the contest will end and the winners will be contacted through YOUTUBE MESSENGER only. (This is for safety)

If you do not respond within 24 hours I will continue to draw names and contact people till I receive a response and all keys are distributed.

The video WILL be deleted after the contest is over and the only people who will ever know it existed was me and you lovely folks who found it.

Good luck!

Stories / A most glorious battle!
« on: July 03, 2015, 08:04:40 AM »
During my "Lets Play" series of cogmind, I ran into an interesting scenario that made for an awesome experience.

Ladies and Gentleman I present to you "A most glorious battle!"

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I think my alert level payed the price for the amount of destruction I caused. But it was totally worth it.  8)

General Discussion / Re: Memory backup modules
« on: June 06, 2015, 09:04:12 PM »
They now say <parallel_ok>, and some also have a <resume_ok> indicator to let you know you can deactivate and reactivate them later and they'll continue where they left off.

Very nice touch!  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Memory backup modules
« on: June 06, 2015, 05:11:29 AM »
So now I'm curious because I was originally under the impression that the item would say "Stacked" if it could be stacked an anything outside of that could not. What about shielding such as propulsion, weapon, core, ect. Do those stack? That could be fairly useful if they do  :)

General Discussion / Re: Tiles Version Color
« on: June 06, 2015, 05:07:06 AM »
Though I do like the way you added the colors. I think being able to quick scan by color the rarity of the item is most useful. I like when I fly past a room and right off the bat I can kinda glance and see if there's any purple or white. At least with that information i'll know right off the bat whether I wanna stop in or not.

Stories / Re: I escaped. AMA
« on: May 29, 2015, 10:13:41 AM »
Congrats bio!  ;D What kinda approach did you take? Did you go guns blazing or did you try and speed through the levels?

Stories / Re: For your viewing pleasure!
« on: May 29, 2015, 12:40:21 AM »
Ya I would imagine Alaska is not the prime place for high speed internet. I suffer the same fate on a small island in the middle of the ocean. I look forward to when I'm back in New York and I don't feel like I have to start an upload first thing in the morning so I can have it posted before I fall asleep at night.

Stories / Re: For your viewing pleasure!
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:24:57 AM »
Glad you got it worked out! Just in case you still wanted to know, I use Mirillis Action for all my recordings! I've heard great things about OBS though, mainly for streaming. I tried streaming for a bit but my internet is a little to slow still. Ill do more of it once I move back to the states.  :)

Stories / For your viewing pleasure!
« on: May 25, 2015, 04:27:32 AM »
So I'm a huge Roguelike fan and had to pick the game up as soon as I saw it! I played for only a few hours before I decided it was a game I had to record and play for my channel. I'm still fairly new to the game and I'm calling out to anyone who wants to drop by and give me a helping hand/maybe learn something as well. :) Link to the playlist is below. Hope to see you there!  ;D

General & Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:29:05 AM »
Hows it going everyone! Name is Matt. I'm from New York but currently living overseas as part of my job. I am an aviation's mechanic. When I'm not at work or the gym I find myself constantly playing video games. I also run a Youtube channel where I play rougelikes, strategy, and survival games. I tend to prefer playing games that are difficult and on its hardest settings. You will rarely (If at all) catch me playing AAA titles. I go by the name of "Phuket" on every game/forum/blog and even my youtube channel and twitter. It is the capital of Thailand (A place I have been to a few times now) and even though it is pronounced "Poo-kett" in actual Thia I chose the name a long time ago because a lot of people pronounce it differently. I'll leave that part up to your imagination. It is strictly a pure coincidence that this game happened to be thought up whiles the creator was in "Phuket". What were the chances? I guess that means it was my destiny to run this game as a "Let's Play" series on my channel.

-How did you learn about Cogmind?
I learned about Cogmind on Reddit. I just happen to be browsing the /r/rougelikes like I normally am when I noticed the post. I had never heard of this game before and popped in to check out the trailer. The hooks were already in me before I got half way through. I HAD to play this game!

-What other roguelikes do you enjoy?
I very much enjoy playing Nethack, Dwarf Fortress, SlashEM, DCSS, TOME, ADOM, and Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead. Although most of them I have only dabbled in. Cataclysm DDA and Dwarf Fortress are my two biggest favorites right now and I have dedicated hundreds of hours into them.

-What are your other favorite games?
Other favorite titles of mine are Distant Worlds Universe, Eve Online, Project Zomboid, EUIV, Dominions 4, Total Annihilation, and probably a ton more.

-What do you do for fun when you're not playing games?
When I'm not playing games I'm either browsing Reddit, at the gym (Dem gains), running, hiking, traveling (Been all over the pacific so far), or browsing colleges that are good for programming and design. (I have one more year till I have the money saved up for college and I wanna learn how games are developed. Even if I never make anything myself. It's just something I am really interested in)

Either way I look very much forward to being apart of the community and playing this awesome game! I'm sure ill get lots of hours out of it! Thanks!

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