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Messages - jimmijamjams

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: February 03, 2016, 06:49:27 PM »
Feeling a little guilty of flooding the forum

I'm mainly just lurking on the forums at the moment, but I just want to say keep up the awesome work.  Every time I get a notification for this thread I look forward to checking it out :)

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: December 14, 2015, 06:57:02 PM »
That looks really cool, exactly the kind of stuff I was always most hoping users would do with REXPaint: roguelike mockups!

All the other things users--many more than I imagined would ever pick it up--are quite neat, too, but this was the very first thing I thought of when releasing it years ago :D. In fact, I hope to encourage it with the competition next year...

With enough dedication and time anyone can make a roguelike. You know you want to start the libtcod python tutorial and join us on /r/roguelikedev :P

Now I'mma go put this in the gallery...

Thanks for the feedback.  My ideas for games have usually been far too ambitious with not enough background knowledge to start.  I've been lurking on /r/roguelikedev for a while now and this could be a project that has some very achievable elements.  It's not exactly a Roguelike mechanically, but it would look an awful lot like one :)

First time I've seen the new REXPaint site.  It's great!  I noticed you've put another one of my REXPaint creations in the gallery too!  Cheers :)

Wow! That's incredible!

Now I want to know about that derelict and why it's there.

Well... Now that you mention it...

(Awesome image of a derelict space station!)

This is really a fast-creation tool.
Must soak into the manual to start doing Good Stuff with the advanced functions.

Now that is an awesome image of a derelict space station!

The multitude of bodies is a nice touch as well.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: December 14, 2015, 06:58:00 AM »
Was having a play around with potential terminal/ASCII versions of games.  I thought Invisible Inc might make a good candidate:

If someone who knows something about programming (the best I can do is "Hello World") and has a friend at Klei that would give them the go-ahead I for one would be interested :)

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: December 11, 2015, 04:10:41 AM »
Wow! That's incredible!

Now I want to know about that derelict and why it's there.

General Discussion / Re: Alpha 4/4b Discussion
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:33:50 AM »
Potential big spoiler ahead

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

To continue the
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Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: November 20, 2015, 11:16:16 PM »
I'll admit, the colour choice was influenced by the colour palette for the latest XCOM.  I do love that terminal-green, it would be a shame to change it.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: November 20, 2015, 10:13:41 PM »
It's been a while since I've had time to play around with REXPaint.  Thought I would show something I threw together just now.

Might have another go at X@COM over the break, I really didn't give it enough time the first go.

After a long break I'm back to creating some more Cogmind content.  It was a very busy few months, but it's been great seeing the game grow from a distance.  Massive thanks to zxc for taking on the Weekly Seeds during my absence which I'm looking forward to getting back into.

I'm pretty rusty and trying to catch up on all the new content so you'll have to bear with me as I get back up to speed.


Cogmind [Alpha 4b] | Run 4 | Ep 2 | Fabrication
Cogmind [Alpha 4b] | Run 4 | Ep 3 | Lrg. Matter Storage Unit
Cogmind [Alpha 4b] | Run 4 | Ep 4 | Swing Of Things

General Discussion / Re: Alpha 4/4b Discussion
« on: November 16, 2015, 06:04:49 PM »
I'm back!

After a long and grueling semester I'm finally giving Alpha 4 a go.  I didn't get much time with Alpha 3 so the traps are still fresh for me.

Digging the Garrisons, but those Phase Walls confused me (I admit I had to read the blog to understand how they worked, as I found it a little confusing I couldn't pass through them even when a Grunt was holding it open for me.  I presume I couldn't get through as I would be trapped if I did).  I did find an exit, but couldn't use it.  I presumed (at the time) I needed to destroy all the Garrison Relays to gain access, but was quickly overwhelmed after exploring a third quarter.

Didn't gain any benefits (yet!) for going into a Garrison, although I can't imagine that will stop me trying:)  I believe I didn't go in with enough fire-power and the area goes completely counter to my hide-in-a-room/doorway-and-wait strategy.  I was able to emulate it somewhat by creating a nook where a Garrison Relay used to be.  Now that I understand the layout more it should be a little easier to handle (but certainly not easy!).

General & Off-Topic / Re: Starsector
« on: October 01, 2015, 04:44:55 AM »
Thanks for all the info!  I'll have something for my other monitor while I whittle away at assignments for a while :)

General & Off-Topic / Re: Starsector
« on: October 01, 2015, 02:36:38 AM »
Starsector ... brilliant community-made mods ...



(sorry to continue derail, but couldn't help myself ... ! )

Hehe :) I didn't want to derail the thread any further, but now it has its own thread:

This game looks really interesting!  Just had a quick look a few videos and I'm pretty impressed.  Does anyone know of any good LPers that are playing it?

Stories / Re: Mothballed Drones
« on: October 01, 2015, 02:32:04 AM »
Not sure I found and Terminals at all, or if I did, the security so tight the available options were 25% or lower, so an Index(Terminals) was out of the question.

Bummer :(  The Terminals are indeed tough to find and hack later in the game.

Stories / Re: Mothballed Drones
« on: September 29, 2015, 10:39:42 PM »
Ended up with a high score of 8240,
Solid score!

I took two of those with me.  One I used right away to try and find the damn exit, the other I saved for later, and even after I spent the drones I held onto it so I could scanalyze and fabricate (which I got to do once!).  My first time using drones.  Also the first game I got to use a guided weapon (an EMP grenade launcher of some sort).
I usually open all of the Drone Bays up and send them everywhere.  it's not a particularly tactical strategy but I find managing them a hassle even though it can be very useful.  I once found a drone bay upon immediately escaping the chute trap and they were able to go everywhere without getting any agro.  I just hid in a corner and explored until I found everything I needed.

I haven't had much experience with the guided weapons (not even sure if I've ever picked one up).

I'd been having a big problem finding terminals (of any kind!) for four or five floors, so I was pretty well murdered almost as soon as I entered a floor (-4 lasted 318 turns).  -7 I managed to luck out on and find an exit quick (-5 went on for 1315 total turns and I found almost nothing of value).

I often struggle to find terminals in the mid and late-game.  Usually one of my first hacks is to find the location of more of them (if I can even find one in the first place!).

Stories / Re: Mothballed Drones
« on: September 28, 2015, 09:31:16 PM »
Nice one!  This is one of my favourite finds on Storage.  Wait until you find something else that gets mothballed :D

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #9 [Alpha 3c] [Seed: SeedyRobots]
« on: September 28, 2015, 04:10:44 AM »
Looks good!  Thanks for taking this on :)

Competitions / Re: Alpha Challenge 2015 (September 8-22)
« on: September 22, 2015, 09:37:56 PM »
Congratulations to the winners!!

There's some tough competition out there and it's been great to go through the forums and see some really amazing and thoughtful discussion.  Awesome stuff, guys/gals!

Strategies / Re: Enemy Robot Damage Resistances
« on: September 20, 2015, 08:56:38 AM »
I really need to have a look at that wiki!  I keep putting it off so as not to spoil too much for myself.  I know it doesn't win games, but I love to access the lore and mess around a bit.  One day I'll knuckle down and escape :)

Strategies / Re: Enemy Robot Damage Resistances
« on: September 20, 2015, 08:40:45 AM »
I've only just found your table through the Tournament thread.  Mind.  Blown.  I knew a few of the basic stats, but this will change my gameplay completely!  Cheers for putting it together :)

(You obviously snatched that from within the chute!)

I might have even picked up a functional one if my storage hadn't been obliterated :).  As it turned out it wasn't really required after I scouted out the map with the drones and geared up again.  I find melee weapons work best with a speedier build.  There's a certain guilty pleasure of swooping in and cracking open Haulers :D

I'm really liking the new trap system, it adds a whole new flavour to the game.  I'm also very happy you stuck with the "^".  Not that I would have minded either way, I'm sure I could have come to enjoy the underscore in the same way :)

Stories / Second promising run for the Tournament (Over now...)
« on: September 20, 2015, 02:51:52 AM »
First up, this is a repost from reddit.  There's already a little bit there and I'm taking a break from the game overnight for some much needed rest due to having work in the morning (no updates for the next 18 hour or so).  I'll be keeping both threads updated as I go.  Enjoy :)

I had a bit of fun doing a running update on my previous run, so I thought I would give it another go.  This Cogmind is significantly curioser than the last and has been delving into the Terminals to find out more about its situation and where it is:

I'm on Level -8 and feeling confident.  Noticed some Tunnelers building a room and my Structural Scanner picked up a secret door in the wall on my return.  Legs are holding out for now.  I wonder what a Derelict Wizard is?


Starting Level -6.  Not much to report on the Terminals front, just looked into information on the Caves and Complex 01B0 (I think?).  Level -7 was short as I found the exit very quickly, only two or three Programmers to add to the tally.  I also discovered one of my favourite early-game weapons inside a Hauler that couldn't move quickly enough ;).  Let's see how the Factory hostiles continue to treat my ascension.


Level -6 continues as expected and the robots still in residence might be a bit annoyed now.  It also seems like Earth is a bit stuffed, or was... (what year is this again?).  I was was just minding my own business when

    A hatch slides open and sucks a vortex of air into the floor

I don't know where I am, but that's starting feel like my new normal.  Here's what I have on-hand.  Onwards!


Story and item spoilers behind the next two links.  You have been warned!

Back on Level -6 and my confidence is waning.  I made a new friend, lost all my stuff, and all I have to show for it is this non-functional Centrium Greatsword.  I fear the end may be near...


Why, hello there Level -5.  When I dragged myself back to Level -6 things looked like this.  Now?  It's looking a little more like this.  I immediately found a cache of Heavy EM Shotguns and a Drone Bay.  The Drones were able to fly everywhere without being attacked so I tucked myself into a corner and had the drones scout the exit plus a few much needed items.  Once everything I needed was located I proceeded to collect it all and headed to the exit.  Chalk up another couple of Hunters, a squad of Grunts, an Explosive Trap, and a Heavy Plasma Cannon (damn those faulty prototypes!  Hopefully I can find somewhere to fix it on this level).


Level -5, I love you!  I wasn't intending on going a full Treads combat-run, but you delivered.  After taking out a Sentry and discovering a couple of Heavy Treads how could I resist?  I was a bit sad when I lost my Reactive Heavy Armor, but it wasn't really helping with all the Programmers.  I briefly had a friend in the form of a Sentry who died defending me quite successfully (I'll miss you).  Got a bit banged up before making my way to Level -4.  With a bit of luck I'll be able gear-up and take on some Behemoths :D  Here's my current inventory.

P.S. I'll have to take a break from this game until tomorrow.  If some time frees up tonight I'll update again sooner.


Well... Game over :(

I was able to get pretty geared up on Level -4, but not with the utilities or weapons I was really looking for.  This screen doesn't show it, but I had to go full kinetic weapons after a few scrapes which went counter to my heavy energy/cooling build in the Utility department.  Then, some Hunters and Programmers found me, then more, and more...  Next I started going crazy with System Corruption, a Terminal laughed at me, and my feelings got hurt...  Queue SwarmersThis was the last screen of my inventory before I "unexpectedly" died.  Alas, no escape for the brave Cogmind this run.

Final screen for those who are interested.

Fun run!  Will play again :)

General Discussion / Re: Ambush Traps: some thoughts
« on: September 16, 2015, 04:01:14 PM »
Check out these screenshots of AWFUL moments to fly on stasis traps:


Quote from: Kyzrati link=topic=269.msg2292#msg2292
I know jimmijamjams would bag a bunch of them; too bad he's another of our MIA skilled players :/

I'm still here, just lurking when I'm on the bus :). I'm desperate to get some games down!

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #8 [Alpha 3b] [Seed: Trapped!]
« on: September 06, 2015, 03:33:45 AM »
Oh, man!  I am so rusty...

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Run down
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Stories / Re: Combat Cogmind Reaches the Surface!
« on: September 02, 2015, 09:58:01 PM »

I knew someone would do it eventually!

Oh my, the weapons on sublevel 1!

This!  This is my favourite aspect of the higher levels!  I still haven't discovered them all, but I'm having fun trying :)

General & Off-Topic / Re: Playing Multiple Roguelikes at the Same Time
« on: September 02, 2015, 07:43:20 PM »
Totally off topic conversation I wanted to have with people that are playing more than one RL at the same time.
I was wondering how you guys were managing all the different controls, updates, enemies, and overall gameplay between different roguelikes.

I am currently obsessed with: TGGW, DCSS, Cogmind, and recently Caves of Qud.

The hard part for me is that CoQ, DCSS, and Cogmind are all getting frequent updates with long changelogs. Which is a good thing really, but I get the games mixed up frequently now haha.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else was jumping between multiple roguelikes, and if any two were similar enough to not be an issue switching between.

PS: This one is my favorite.
 :)  ;D

Ahh, the perils of following and participating of games under development!

I know exactly what you mean.  I haven't gotten into DCSS, but I'm a big fan of TGGW and Cogmind (obviously!).  As you might already know TGGW and Cogmind share some similar mechanics which Kyzrati has also mentioned (if not here then definitely on reddit) and I find them the easiest to switch between. 

I picked up CoQ when it turned up on Steam, but due to time constraints have only managed to put a few hours into it.  The pace is also very different to TGGW and Cogmind.  Those games I feel like I can quickly play a few rounds to muck around in the game and serendipitously discover some new mechanic or item setups.  Whereas, CoQ feels like you need a goal in mind before you even start (unless you decide to create a random character).  This is only a personal opinion and I admittedly haven't dedicated enough time to CoQ to take in its intricacies.

I too find the frequent updates overwhelming and often that translates into my sloppy gameplay.  I quite like playing a little recklessly and relying on a 'feel' for the situations based on my many, many deaths.  Sometimes that 'feel' gets lost for a little while after an update, but I usually find it again :)

Did someone call my name?  Allow me to elaborate on my reactions to watchers :)

My personal way to deal with Watchers is to mostly ignore them.  This is certainly a style rather than a 'correct' or 'optimum' method.  I do this for a few reasons:

1. They are hard to hit. Sometimes I feel the lost Matter/time/energy is not worth the effort, especially as they make their escape.
2. I don't need anything from them. They do carry some good items, but some those items are not very effective in the early game in my opinion.
3. If they call out for help I know where the enemy is heading. This can provide many opportunities for evading enemies that are patrolling when you start to understand how they move around. Especially if you have the right equipment to see what they do when you're not there.

If you're looking for a way to understand the movement of enemies I can highly recommend using Scanners and Signal Interpreters :)

I'll be interested in reading other people's experiences on this matter.

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