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Messages - Chad

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Support / Re: Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]
« on: September 01, 2016, 01:31:34 PM »
Status update about my "special" problem.
Had a partial success two weeks ago using "Set Maxfiles to 10240", but it worked just twice...

But today I just randomly started the game on my Macbook and all problems were gone! I haven't done anything on the Macbook (haven't even rebooted...). Finally, I can play Cogmind on both, my iMac and Macbook. But where the probelm was? I don't know. I hope it will be gone forver!

Thx for the support Kyzrati (can't wait for the next patch)!

Support / Re: Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]
« on: August 12, 2016, 05:56:46 AM »
No need for the hotfix as long as Cogmind runs on one system.
The problem is not version dependend, I've tried several Cogmind versions (all I still got on my HDD).

error message in the Wine logs ("XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server"
maybe you have to install x11 again !?

Wineskin uses its own version of XQuartz (which is the successor of Apples X11). But I've also tried to reinstall XQuartz and even forced the reinstalled XQuartz instead of Winskins version, without effect.

Support / Re: Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]
« on: August 12, 2016, 04:41:20 AM »
Thanks for your suggestion Enno. I've already tried that. Opening the App with sudo and giving full permissions to the app. As I run Cogmind on two systems (same OSX, XQuartz, Winskin, Wrapper versions), on one successful, on one unsuccessful, there must be something very special. The error message in the Wine logs ("XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server") don't help. Google only provides very special solutions, or the usage of an updated wrapper, so no help there.

Support / Re: Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]
« on: August 12, 2016, 03:00:09 AM »
Thx for the wrapper (nice icon and .dmg folder background, btw  ;)), unfortunately it doesn't work. I'm pretty sure, that there is someting different on my two systems. But its hard to find something useful.

I think the problem lies somewhere at the window managment. The Wine logs produce an error, but I haven't figured out what causes this error. I've tested the WineskinX11 window managment system and XQuartz (which runs terrible on the Macbook and dosn't help either), the error is basically the same.

I'll try to find out what causes the error...

Support / Re: Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]
« on: August 11, 2016, 10:59:37 AM »
It is freezing BEFORE the exit sound!

Currently the game runs fine on the iMac and not on the Macbook, before it was vice versa, so I assume it's not a hardware nor a OS problem.
As I use the same Wineskin version and the same wrapper, there should also be no problem. So I assume it is something in the background which Wineskine uses to emulate the Windows environment. From the technical view, Wineskin creates an App (which is basicly an executable folder), which contains the wrapper and if installed the program (The wrapped cogmind app is 544.6 MB, btw!).

If run a test on both machines with a blank run.log file (thank for pointing me to that):
iMac (runs fine):
I=0032106 |   |   \---DONE
I=0032106 |   |   Saving game meta data
I=0032110 |   \---DONE
I=0032110 |   Cleaning up program before exit
I=0032330 |   GM::endGame() | Ending game
I=0032335 |   \---DONE
I=0032340 \---DONE

Macbook (freezing):
I=0036036 |   |   \---DONE
I=0036037 |   |   Saving game meta data
I=0036042 |   \---DONE

Does that narrow down where the problem is?

For the upload problem:
The log says:
I=0009428 |   Sending content...
I=0009428 |   Waiting for ACK...

But on the Macbook there seems to be no reponse (Not for uploading, nor for the Version check/News). I've created a Wine version of the Internet Explorer to check if there is a problem with internet connections and wine on the Macbook, but using IE had no problems.

Is there any chance that the problems are connected?

Support / Re: Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]
« on: August 11, 2016, 04:23:24 AM »
There is no problem with saving the game or saving the scores. I've also checked if there is aproblem with the OSX Firewall, but also disableing the Firewall has no effect.

In the case of Save & Quit, the game freezes just befor the exit sound.
In the case of Suicide/Restart the message (score uploaded to doesn't come up and (uploading score...) stays. Restarting with SPACE works fine from here, ESC to quit freezes the game...

Support / Re: Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]
« on: August 11, 2016, 03:54:16 AM »
Hey folks!

Haven't been here for ages and saw Kyzratis Twitter post and I wanted to share my latest experiences with Cogmind on OSX.

First, I own an iMac and a Macbook Air, both with the lastest OSX Version (El Capitan). Using Wineskin, I was only able to play Cogmind on the Macbook. The game ran fine on the iMac, but the game kinda freezed when saving and quitting the game.  Saving worked, but the issue was very annoying, interstingly the problem also occured when bootin to Windows 7 on my iMac... also: uploading scores doesn't work... so I only played on the Macbook. A while ago I made a clean install of OSX on my Macbook and suddenly I got the  same issue on the Macbook when quitting the game. I tried everything to get the game back to a stable  This was the day where I stopped to play the game :( I think this was on Alpha6. I tried again I following releases, without success.

Let's jump to today. I saw skymakers post and installed Wineskin again on my iMac, created a wrapper (latest version for engine and Wineskin), and the game works fine on the iMac. For the Macbook I got the same issues than before.

So maybe there is a way to figure out where the problem is. Maybe Kyzrati can give a few insights what exactly happens if we click Save&Quit , Suicide/Restart and Quit, Delete Save. Or do you have some kind of debug mode, which cpuld help to narrow down the problem?

Could you give us some informations about your system? That would help a lot! Also: have you ever used another game/program with wine?

Competitions / Re: Alpha Challenge 2015 (September 8-22)
« on: September 24, 2015, 12:43:24 AM »
I saw you got both Unstoppable and Generalissimo, pretty tough. For the latter I take it you visited Waste a couple times? Was that intentional, or did it "just happen"? :P

I few times I went to waste until I realized, that I get back to the level before, not one level above (silly me :D). Also, for a stealth run allies are not a very good idea (except drones).
But when I'm in a very bad situation (like lost all my parts and followed by a party of bad guys) I like to jump down to save my ass. With 200% speed and a bit of luck you can avoid the crushers and may get some new equipment and sometimes some new friends!

For the generalissimo achievement I don't know how I got it. Is it possible to get 41 allies in waste? I did I manage to get some friends at waste and find some drone bays? Don't know if the game counts all allies I had in the game or if he counts the maximum allies at the same time. I think it's the first case and I found some drone bays and later went to waste (for whatever reason).

Competitions / Re: Alpha Challenge 2015 (September 8-22, IN PROGRESS!)
« on: September 23, 2015, 01:17:22 PM »

Chad: I noticed you playing a heck of a lot and taking a number of achievements. The last Factory floor is where the difficulty (once again) really ramps up, so that's a tough barrier. The top 10 ended up being pretty competitive with a lot of players reaching that same general area!

Haha, yeah. I was very motivated to get back to the top10. And it's just another run ... or maybe two ... or... :D
I got some very bad runs, but my avarage score isn't that bad as it seems. And I got some very cool archivements  8)

Competitions / Re: Alpha Challenge 2015 (September 8-22, IN PROGRESS!)
« on: September 22, 2015, 03:30:37 PM »
Thats it for me in the tournament. I've tried to get a place back in the top ten, but it seems that im more a quantitative player, not the qualitative one :D
Had some nice runs (and many bad ones), I've tried stealth and combat runs. Both went very bad in late factory/early research. I reach always a point where I run into Programmers or squads and that ends very bad.

Thx for the tournament, I really enjoyed it!

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #8 [Alpha 3b] [Seed: Trapped!]
« on: September 05, 2015, 03:56:10 AM »
Oh you got the cinematic save, too ;). BoomBlip was raving about it on Reddit.
Oh yeah, it was really cinematic, sad that I managed too late to take screenshot out of wine :-/
But for the next time I'll be prepared ;)
I'm exited to see more of those cinematic events in the future :)
You won't start finding more traps until the Factory--the earlier levels are small and dense enough that adding more than a tiny selection of traps would cause them to be way too central to the gameplay there (and possibly frustrate beginners).
Sounds reasonable, good work there! :)

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #8 [Alpha 3b] [Seed: Trapped!]
« on: September 04, 2015, 12:06:04 PM »
First time for me to participate at a weekly seed competition and it went very well :)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I didn't encounter any traps unit floor -7 (I think). There I jumped into a trap and fell into the garbage area (I think). Some big robots  attacked me (I even don't know their name :D) and beat the hell out of me. I was sure that this was the end!
But suddenly the walls broke and an army of robots came through, they destroyed all the bad guys and followed me. They were an amazing help through floor -7. But I had lost them all when I reached the way up to -6. There I survived a good while, lost everything several times and got new stuff, before I finally died!
But it was fun.

Support / Re: Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]
« on: August 06, 2015, 11:56:55 AM »
Thx for your reply Kyzrati :)

I've done some further testing. I've booted to Win7 on my Mac and got both issues under Windows. I've packed the game with Wineskin on my Macbook and both, quitting and uploading, work flawlessly!

So maybe the problem is hardware specific and not Mac specific?

Support / Re: Any luck with Wine on OSX? [SOLUTIONS INSIDE]
« on: August 05, 2015, 12:24:11 AM »
First of all: COGMIND runs fine for with Wine on my Mac. I've just noticed a small issue and I don't know if it's just me.
The game stucks on quitting the game. It doesn't matter if I save & quit, suicide, or just quit. Savegame creates successfully, same goes for deleting a running game. So the problem is on the quitting part.
Same goes for uploading scores. I'm not sure if it works, it just says uploading score... forever, dont know if there's a success message when the upload is finished. Haven't eseen my name on the highscores yet ;(

Anyone an idea to solve the quitting problem?

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