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Messages - ironpotato

Pages: [1] 2
Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #4 [Alpha 2c] [Seed: AScannerDarkly]
« on: August 05, 2015, 03:50:16 PM »
Worst run ever, not even a single evolution :( I am going to just go hang my head in shame.

Knew I shouldn't have played while I'm sick...

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #3 [Alpha 2c] [Seed: ConsiderPhlebas]
« on: August 02, 2015, 01:41:24 PM »
Hover can work really well, it's just often harder to find the parts since fewer robots use them, unless you enjoy confronting Programmers ;). Producing your own at fabricators might be a better alternative. I've enjoyed the times I was able to hover effectively, but I don't usually aim to do it--it's more a result of opportunistic looting of Programmers when I don't have enough left anyway.

If you're trying to go light then you do want to spend less time in a given area. Other players also tend to use ECM as well (there was a stockpile at the beginning of this seed), and run circuits to throw off pursuers.
I must have missed that ECM cache, I may replay this seed a couple times because I know there were a lot of opportunities for good gear. I think I just didn't think this run through very well.

Thanks for the welcome!

vi is life. vi is love. It makes using keyboard mode even faster!

I have some notes on a few other glitches I've observed--it I can repro them consistently I'll post them too. It's cool that you managed to make vi keys work so well on set a dense control surface!

Can't stand vi, vim for lyfe.

Seriously though I don't know if I'm just really bad with vi, or if it's buggy on freeBSD. I've never used it thoroughly in any other *nix environments.

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #3 [Alpha 2c] [Seed: ConsiderPhlebas]
« on: August 02, 2015, 12:33:29 AM »
You weren't trying to fly/hover the whole time, were you? (Or was that just a backup plan?) Looks like an unusual slot distribution for a flier--on the heavy side.
WAS VERY HEAVY! I couldn't get anything else that was decent.

After I thought on it for a while I realized my problem was probably spending too much time hanging around or trying to fight when I could have easily ran. I was expecting some better gear; I was really hoping to go hover. Should have shed some weight and GTFO'd

Edit: For more context, my build was lighter at first, but I ended up drawing way too much attention. That lead to loading a bunch of armor/heat sinks and large weapons. In the end I was losing resources too quickly to sustain myself. I got lucky at one point and killed everything off and got to run away, but ran head first into a defender and then reinforcements arrived. It was a sad day.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Roguelike Development with REXPaint, a Guide
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:23:13 PM »
Yup, useful tips are useful :D. Certainly I've used this thing for a very long time for so many parts of game development, accumulating a number of good habits in the process.

By the way, is there any color that serves as a transparent background for the .png image export? At least I found out that it is easy to open the .png in another program (i.e. GIMP) select the empty black background and delete it.
Unfortunately, no. Even if I did set a color that could do this, I'm not really sure about adding transparency to a .png image, to be honest. For now I'd just say... use a supplementary program as you are :/. I'll add that to a list of things to look at at some point, but there are quite a few higher-priority items on that list already. (Technically we could just say that the hot pink transparency color on layer 0 becomes transparent in the final image, so we wouldn't need a second color.)

Are you using SDL functions to save the images? Image formats aren't too terrible to write manually. Not that you have time for that, but just in case anyone else was interested.

Competitions / Re: Weekly Seed #3 [Alpha 2c] [Seed: ConsiderPhlebas]
« on: August 01, 2015, 06:52:47 PM »
Welp I'm not back up to snuff, but this run went better than my first two after updating to Alpha 2c.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

That turned out to be a really cool seed though. I don't know where I went wrong. I guess an engineer saw me and sounded the signal. It was all down hill from there :(

And nope, I don't use OBS but Camtasia studio! I just downloaded OBS this afternoon out of curiosity so I see what you mean with these settings. The major problem with camtasia is that it doesn't capture ... full screen applications >_< It is really easy to record then to cut and make something watchable in minutes but that is a major issue. So I record my entire screen with it (windowed mode set to my resolution) but it's far from perfect.

EDIT : After writing this, I tested Cogmind recorded in fullscreen with camtasia, and it seems to work... So forget about the previous paragraph. I don't know why it works...
Just for future reference, the reason camtasia doesn't record full screen probably has to do with hardware rendering (ie. rendering on the gpu) in opengl/directx applications. Whereas Cogmind is written in SDL which is all software rendered, so that's probably why Cogmind works.

Anywho, love watching Cogmind runs, I'll have to check out your videos :)

General Discussion / Re: Tiles Mode
« on: August 01, 2015, 04:11:04 PM »
Just wanted to say, finally updated to the new version, erased all my old files. It took me a while to realize I was playing tiled. It didn't dawn on me until I was watching an enemy go by and was like "I don't recognize it." After that I realized how good a job you guys did with keeping tile mode with the theme of the game. It's easy to distinguish tiles and the colors are fitting.

That said, I'm now back in ASCII mode, but I'll have to spend more time with tiles once I get back into the swing of the game.

Ideas / Re: Taking in-game notes + labeling locations and units
« on: June 11, 2015, 12:12:15 PM »
Notes are the reason I play on linux! Multiple workspaces. It's nice to just ctrl+alt+left arrow key, jot down a note in a different workspace and ctrl+alt+left arrow to get back to playing.

Anywho, I'm just saying I wouldn't really use in game notes. Things change way too fast for that to even matter generally.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Web-based REX viewer
« on: June 10, 2015, 04:25:27 PM »
Man I was just going to make something to view the game files but it looks like yours already works for it :P So much for that.

Good job on this though, very well done. I was considering making the viewer in javascript myself xD

Support / Re: Any luck with Wine on OSX?
« on: June 10, 2015, 03:52:36 PM »
From the technical standpoint this is all you have to do. I'm not sure about legal one though.
I see. I'll have to look into it later.

@campfly: If what you refer to is a native Mac version, that would be quite difficult from an engine standpoint due to the large number of interconnected projects and libraries, many containing VS/windows-specific code.

It would be really nice to enable a hassle free solution for Mac users. At the same time, I wonder if it's easy to make literally one distribution that would work nicely across all OSX systems. If not, then it seems like providing clear guidance/support for Mac users to use any of multiple options that work best for them might be the better route. I'm not at all familiar with Mac development so perhaps you guys could suggest whether we could use a single method of distribution that "just works."

Honestly it runs fine in wine for linux out of the box, so I wouldn't be too worried about that. Second, you used SDL right? So ports should be fairly easy. And third, Apple has rescinded their needing a license to develop on your own hardware! (That's mostly for iPhone devs, but I'm still really excited about it and had to share)

That's one of the big reasons I only use flight units. I'm a mouse user and collisions are bull.

It sounds like its being fixed though so that shouldn't be an issue for long.
I'm really bad at using flight units, then losing them and switching to something else and I forget that I now slam into other bots instead of jumping over them. Sometimes I'll do it twice in a row like 10 seconds apart from each other and I swear at myself.

Ideas / Re: Real-Time Motion Trails
« on: June 05, 2015, 09:00:26 AM »
I'd think of it more like catching someone out of the corner of your eye exiting a room. Kind of a motion trail sort of thing. You didn't see well enough to distinguish, but you could tell if it was hostile or not just from that kind of glance. I don't think it hurts anything at all in a believability sense.

Ideas / Re: Real-Time Motion Trails
« on: June 05, 2015, 06:12:39 AM »
Excitement ensues

Ideas / Re: Large inventories
« on: June 04, 2015, 03:31:03 PM »
What's the problem about using the F keys? They should be available on every keyboard.
I personally wouldn't mind using numbers and F keys combined if that is your point. That's a very small price to pay for being able to more easily manage large inventories.
In case someone doesn't want this behavior, you could add a switch to the options to limit the inventory display to 10 items.
I have to hit Fn + [Function key] to use function keys :( I hate it.

Ideas / Re: Inconsistent Movement Mechanics Re: NPCs
« on: June 04, 2015, 03:29:41 PM »
That guy in back could have also come through a secret door. But I agree movement is damn near impossible to get a bead on at this point. Hopefully movement trails happen and make this less of an issue.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Adding support to SadConsole game engine
« on: June 04, 2015, 11:48:24 AM »
Maybe that's why I did that ::)

And stop trying to spoil yourself!
And now I know what I need to be spending my time breaking!

General Discussion / Re: Mandatory Music Thread
« on: June 04, 2015, 10:16:15 AM »
Deus Ex: HR's soundtrack is also a great focus soundtrack.
Absolutely! That one fits well, too, and I used it quite a lot during development last year. If you like that, there's also a great remix by OC Remix.
Ooh I'm going to have to check that out! Thanks for the link

General Discussion / Re: Mandatory Music Thread
« on: June 03, 2015, 12:52:28 PM »
For the last month or so of pre-alpha development, and all my own playtesting, I was listening to the Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon OST again and again and again...

I've never played the game, but that soundtrack is some awesome retro sci-fi. In fact, while listening I was thinking it's not really suitable for Cogmind, but I might want something like it for the future X@COM reincarnation OST.
Deus Ex: HR's soundtrack is also a great focus soundtrack. And the soundtrack to "The Social Network" is one I hit up when coding every once in a while.

Edit: also can't forget

General & Off-Topic / Re: IRC?
« on: June 03, 2015, 12:50:11 PM »
I know there are a couple Cogmind players hanging out in #cogmind on freenode. Kamilion made a channel there and is online quite a lot.

Note for anyone who doesn't have or doesn't want to install an IRC client: You can also use quakenet's web-based client. works okay too.

I guess I'll be firing up irssi tonight :)

Nah, usually a basic description is accurate enough . Reproduceability is only absolutely necessary if there was no obvious explainable cause and no crash log (in the case of a crash).

What you describe here is all part of the same bug--the view doesn't recenter until FOV is calculated. It finally snapped back into place because some other factor triggered a recalculation.

Honestly I knew about this issue before release, but didn't anticipate players endlessly ramming bots because it sure as hell is bad for you! Obviously I was wrong :P. This'll be fixed together with the other issue, thanks!
When you're out of items, low on health, and swarmed. It's your last chance to flee to safety. It almost never ends well though.

Stories / Re: Built an army
« on: May 31, 2015, 11:21:21 PM »
My personal take is that micromanagement is too difficult since combat AIs are mostly autonomous once they engage.

They're probably best used for targeted strikes against some hardened target, to defend against or ambush a known incoming assault force, or as decoys while you do something else. That said, I'm sure you guys will get creative and figure out other interesting tactics.

Allies will also be more powerful and more plentiful in the future.
Yeah, I had this problem with my Slayers earlier. They engaged an enemy, destroyed it's weapons then took off after it and I lost them. Then ended up running into the largest group of enemies I've ever seen in my life. I took some out then died immediately. Naked and alone.

Strategies / Re: Allies
« on: May 31, 2015, 10:21:10 PM »
If you get an opportunity, could you try and scan some of those unique enemies that show up when you cause too much trouble? I'm sure you've seen the Protectors and Saboteurs by now, and probably even something new I'm not aware of. If you get an Adv. Scan Processor, that is. I'll pay good karma for screenshots!
Gah I ran into those earlier and was running for my life to the stairs! I had a regular scan processor at the time too... I'm still in the same run, got my slayers. Going to see what kind of havoc can be wreaked. I'm just going with 4-6 and having them follow my for protection, so we'll see what happens.

Strategies / Re: Super Hacking For Suicidal Robots
« on: May 31, 2015, 10:18:06 PM »
For avoiding the mines, I set auto-climb stairs on. If its a branch you won't go up automatically so you know you've got the wrong stairs. It makes life a lot easier.
Thank you for posting ironpotato! That's a bug/cheat and I'm going to fix that now. Mwuahaha :P
You monster!

I'm starting to check all the boards/posts now that I have a little more time. Before I could only address the bare minimum posts (support/bugs), but I'm now making it everywhere else as well!
That's good to hear! Hopefully enjoying a little less craziness for the time being?

Strategies / Re: Allies
« on: May 31, 2015, 09:45:12 PM »
Fortunately the enemy AI is flexible about reacting to what you're up to, so even with these OP allies you're still in for a fight ;D

But yeah this stuff needs to be tweaked. The hacking system went through minimal testing because I wanted to see what you guys would do with it at this stage before making changes.

Getting Slayers out of a tier 1 Fabricator is pretty OP. Commandos, sure, Slayers I will probably have to do something about ;)

I literally spawned next to a fabricator and terminal in my current run. First try I got a slayer schematic xD Have not had a chance to build because I don't have enough matter, and I'm currently in the mines fighting for my life... But none the less, I'm looking forward to my OP allies.

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