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Messages - melrabo

Pages: [1]
Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: October 02, 2016, 09:48:12 AM »

I'm dumb. Sorry. ¿now?

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: September 26, 2016, 10:05:27 AM »

So relaxing.
Love to do use this soft to create unrelated postcards.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: April 22, 2016, 03:15:58 AM »
All these posts are SO beautiful!


Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: February 22, 2016, 09:59:10 AM »

Still, if it's mostly just the extended ASCII lines and a few other glyphs that you're using, maybe you could get away with a partial set. (Though I imagine you wouldn't use curved lines in your game content itself and would have to use an alternative set of fonts specifically for the title screen, eh?)

Either way, it might be worth dropping in another font just to experiment--see what it can look like. That and I strongly recommend eventually migrating to some font other than the REXPaint defaults anyway, if you can. It's a lot of work, but the results will make the game's appearance more uniquely yours! (Or you can ignore me because I'm crazy about fonts and have added over 100 bitmaps to Cogmind now, another 15 or so this week :P)

I never thought about this possibility: creating my own tileset to make diagonals and curves, etc.
This opens a new lot of possibilities, but I assume it's easy but also I can break something easily. ¿Can please you link a good how-to-do-it?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Everything REXPaint / Re: REXPaint questions/bugs?
« on: February 12, 2016, 06:48:42 AM »
I didn't explain myseolf, I think.

The idea is to 'slide' the image on the canvas so the pixels (glyphs) that go off-limits appear on the opposite side. It is a really useful technique to create seamless textures, patterns, etc. I mean:

Say I have a 100x100 canvas. Offset X +1 means the glyphs move +1 to the right. A whole column disappear on the right side but wraps around and appear in position X=1, so the image doesn't 'break'.

Sorry if I can't explain better, english is not my mother language and I really struggle to explain/understand certain technical things.

Everything REXPaint / Re: REXPaint questions/bugs?
« on: February 12, 2016, 04:23:23 AM »
This is more of a suggestion.
¿is the 'offset' option in the roadmap? The manual doesn't present the option, and it would be a great help to create semaless images. Example of a graveyard in progress in spoiler, first time I realized how useful it would be, to create fake parallax animations.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You can do it right now checking the y coordinates, but the results are far worse than offsetting the image and work the 'seam' right in front of your eyes.

Also: Rexpaint is not a commercial project, but do you have some kind of donation box? Krita and other art softs I use have it and I'm happy to chip some cash to a soft I use almost everyday.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: February 08, 2016, 05:58:32 PM »
Fantastic works.

Love Izzy-s super/upscaled/noise effect.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:53:39 AM »
Dude, flood it all you want, these are great (and I show most of them around :D). You really should do that train roguelike (or game); we need more themes in the genre and your art is obviously already there, just need the right mechanics.

Well, the main menu should look like this:

The idea is from the old game "Transartica", from Silmarils games. If you can find it, please give it a try and you'll understand my fascination.
I've been experimenting in 128x72 grids, to allow for 16:9 HD compositions.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: February 02, 2016, 10:39:02 AM »
Feeling a little guilty of flooding the forum, but...

¡It looks so nice! I mean, probably I'd never design a train engineer console, if not as a mockup of a game interface.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:32:58 AM »
Damn, I just saw it now.
I composed that one using another font and then changed for the export.

About the colors, the Atari Palette is becoming my favourite, but I feel it's time to make my own custom one. My favourite scenes are rendered in many shades of a few hues, and it's not how default legacy palettes are structured.

Also, with the possibility of longer canvases, it's already timd to experiment with animations in several depths. But that'll wait for now.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:59:18 AM »

The new setup possibilities are reaaaally great for compositing in 16:9 proportions and other exotic sizes. Specially, using >90*90 with a small font.

Everything REXPaint / Re: REXPaint questions/bugs?
« on: January 07, 2016, 02:40:36 AM »
¡oh, no!

¡You released v.1 while I was on my holidays!
I was still working with v.99.9, wondering why F2 only rotated the skins.

That's a fine new year present for me. ¡Let's try it, and thanks for your help!

Everything REXPaint / Re: REXPaint questions/bugs?
« on: January 06, 2016, 05:34:53 PM »
Can't find a way to see the whole canvas when I resize it to a bigger size.
I'm starting to experiment with bigger widescreen formats but the canvas frame is always the same size, so I have to scroll around a lot, and can't see the bigger picture.

is there a workaround, or is this a feature to implement? it'd be really useful for compositing in for 16:9 screens.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: December 29, 2015, 08:18:22 AM »
In fact, roguelikes are my favourite games, but I find them thematically and mechanically really similar. Specially those tied to a traditional D&D-esque conception. Move around. Bump into things. Use potions with familiar effects.

Cogmind shines in its uniqueness, has robots, has ranged weapons, and many other innovative features (no doubt that makes it more difficult to balance and adds challenge to its development). Others like Deadnout do a mix of genres that I love, but there's a mountain of ideas that can be explored, aesthetically, mechanically and thematically.

When I imagine the roguelikes I'd like to play games I try not to think on the main tropes of the genre, dungeons, dragons and so on. Classic and cheesy sci-fi is my favourite source of inspiration. Three silly examples:

Them - Giant ants and the possibility of invading the cave system of an ant colony to kill the queen.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The Incredible Srhinking Man and its downscaling - but even more terrible - menaces.
Incredible Voyage and the exploration of the strange planet a human body is in a limited time.

I'm toying with Python and Game Maker, for a wartrain-themed roguelike with simultaneous combat (you decide your attacks, the AI decides attacks, shells fly, soldiers assault, the damage happens to both sides, if you win you reclaim the oppononent's intact wagons). Heavily borrowing from an oooooold game called "TransArtica".

Rexpaint is great to quickly give shape to those ideas. And as an art tool gets a lovely retro feel I adore.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: December 23, 2015, 06:49:04 AM »
¿You mean, like a FANTASTIC VOYAGE roguelike?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Yes, I've thought on so many variations and ways to explore the roguelike core elements... ¡One day, when i'm a retired videographer I'll code one or two!

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: December 21, 2015, 05:41:38 AM »
If I ever do a Roguelike game, it'll be a train themed one.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: December 14, 2015, 09:06:17 AM »
And this closes the... euh... close-up to the 766A Morulzuglar disaster. 3 pics is enough.
We'll never know what happened to 766A Morulzuglar Station, but we can admire the stylish palette of the emergency EVA suits and lament how easily the helmets are fissured these days. Probably the logs auto-backup into the suit's computer ate all the security budget.

I'm much more into trains, so next time I guess I'll do some locomotives and carriages, adapting my voxel models.

¡Thanks for your attention, people!

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: December 14, 2015, 07:32:27 AM »
Wow! That's incredible!

Now I want to know about that derelict and why it's there.

Well... Now that you mention it...

This is really a fast-creation tool.
Must soak into the manual to start doing Good Stuff with the advanced functions.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
« on: December 11, 2015, 03:45:50 AM »

Google photos tends to screw my links because of privacy settings I don't know.
Hope it's visible.

Pages: [1]