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Mirroring Glyphs

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Is their anyway to link more Glyphs as mirrors of one another? Much like rexpaint with the default font can correctly flip the '\' into '/' when pasting when flipping along the y axis.

Hi sageleaf, not currently, nope. It's something that was brought up shortly before release of 1.50 so I didn't have time to work that in, but it's on my list for the future.

Also it's the kind of thing I might want to wait until the 2.0 UI before tackling, but I dunno, if there's enough demand and I can come up with an acceptable solution I might do it earlier...

Seems like the quickest way to add such a feature ends up being not so user-friendly by probably requiring an external text file that simply lists additional flippable glyph index pairs.


--- Quote ---external text file
--- End quote ---
I bet this is the most user friendly way.
I'm also hoping this feature will be included in RP some time.

Ah there you are, gumix ;)

Yeah I made note of it when you first brought it up, and it's been at the top of the REXPaint priority list. Probably the kind of thing I should've already put in this release together with the other features, though I decided that for now I wanted to wait to see what the 1.50 reception was like first, since I wasn't yet completely sure about the best way to implement it anyway, and maybe there'd be some other things to include in a new update.

Looking at how things are progressing now, and the demand, I'll probably add this as a patch here on the forums before too long...

Musing on how this would work, it seems like this feature almost certainly needs to have mirroring behavior be associated with specific fonts, eh? In that case, it might make sense to specify external files on a per-font basis directly in data/fonts/_config.xt via a new column. Also I guess the default mirroring behavior that we already have would be reflected in an external file as well, just to fit into the system and also serve as an example.

Sounds really good!
I couldn't imagine anything better. So I can have one ie: 'cp437-mirror.txt' file for all font sizes :) I guess petscii users are going to appreciate this functionality even more, there are a lot more symmetrical glyphs.
Thanks so much!


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