Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs


(1/47) > >>

[1] [Beta 13] (spoilers) Compactor not attacking Gs

[2] [Beta 13] Phase wall remains open and unpassable

[3] [Beta 13] 0b10 outpost sentry backup request is based on Cogmind's FOV

[4] [Beta 13] "My part are pretty effective for their mass" with transmission jammer

[5] [Beta 13] (spoiler) Misleading projectile arc prediction

[6] [Beta 13] (Spoiler) Projectile penetration increases range

[7] [Beta 13] Explosion prediction can be misleading

[8] [Beta 13] Mouse auto-pathing goes around repaired/collapsed walls

[9] [Beta 13] Ally-repaired broken propulsion auto-activates despite settings


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