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Topics - Laida

Pages: [1]
Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Game slowdown in Factory
« on: March 05, 2018, 01:50:41 PM »
Hello again. I don't know if it is a bug, actually...  :-[ but game suddenly became unusually slow in this save, when I came to the current floor. What's the reason of it?
(Of course I tried to reboot my system, and it didn't help. Also I saw before that game somewhat slows down when there are many fighting bots in sight, but this is not the case now.)

General Discussion / How quickly did you progress in the Cogmind game?
« on: March 03, 2018, 09:09:10 AM »
I got only 63% lore, 72% gallery and 1 ending after 160 hours of playing...

And there are some things I didn't understand yet, for example -
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So, I wonder, how quickly other players are progressing in this game?
How many percent of lore and gallery and endings did you discovered and what time it took?
Share your experience, please  :D

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Bug with some terminal code (spoilers)
« on: March 02, 2018, 09:51:39 AM »
Hi. In the current game I went to Zion, then - to Data Miner and then - to Warlord. Data miner gave me code "\\3xhf" for the Warlord stash. In some previous games I received this kind of codes from him, and them worked properly.
In this game I couldn't enter this code, or any other code, beggining with "\\", to the Warlord's terminal. When I entered "\\" in Warlord's terminal, I couldn't enter any more symbol. But when I deleted one of "\", I could enter symbols. And when I added second "\" again, I couldn't enter any more symbol again! Also, as you can see, I haven't this code in the list of knowing codes.
I restarted the game, but nothing changed.

I don't know, what exactly caused this bug, but maybe this facts are somewhat related to it:
- I have russian and english keyboard layout. The ONLY reason in the previous games, when I couldn't enter symbols to the terminals, was about using russian keyboard layout. When I changed it to english, all worked. I didn't have any issues with changing keyboard layout in the game, and all worked properly previously. Of course, this time I was sure to use english keyboard layout.
- Once I killed Data Miner and once attacked but not killed in some previous games. In this game I didn't abuse him in any way. But all previous times when I entered his code were before I abused him the first time. This is the only thing certainly changed  ;D ;D ;D It is funny to think that he is still resentful in the some bugy way  ;D
- This time I'm playing with random seed. So almost certainly previous games were with other seeds. I don't know if some seeds can cause this kind of problems. It is looking not very believable, but I just don't know.
- I'm auto-updating game every time. But I don't remeber if I played more old version all the times when Data Miner's code worked well, or not.
- This time I skipped Data Miner's speech. I don't remeber if I did this when his codes worked. There is the possibility that I didn't do it that times.

This was the first time when I dared to fly to the end of the horrible heavily-guarded corridor with unpowered Warlords at -1/Command.
I had very good wings which allowed me to reach spead more than 1000% when overloaded. And so, I overloaded them and raced like lightning through the guards and rushed further into the unknown. They barely had time to spot me and make two or three shoots and very soon they were very far behind! Then, I slightly slowed down and proceed to the seriously looking doors.
And behind this doors main.c itself met me!

It made a speech, in which it said that it created me. I slightly cheered up. May be, this means that we can reach an agreement and live in peace? But, of course, then it said that it will kill me because there was too much sigix in me (even despite I didn't have a sigix pod, or exoskeleton, or core reset). I wanted to argue or, at least, to ask, what all this means or why main.c and all it's yellow robots hated me so much all the way?! But Cogmind couldn't argue, couldn't ask, couldn't talk at all, as always...
Main.c became hostile (attached pic n.1) and battle began.

I suspected that I will meet something frightful in the main area of Command, and was prepared correspondingly: brought Sigix Terminator from Quarantine with me. So, I attached Sigix Terminator and tried to choose position where I can use it without damage myself, but this was impossible in this small place. I went backward, but many angry bots went from there, and also doors closed and covered main.c from my vision. So, I made a step into doors again and fired into main.c with Sigix Terminator, even if it was painfull!
Surprisingly, main.c didn't die and fired at me with all it's weapons! But I was VERY prepared (as I naively thought) and had the plan B - the SECOND Sigix Terminator, which I duplicated with duplicating artifact. So, I attached it and fired again!
Great robot was destroyed. But... turned out that it wasn't actually main.c itself, but only main.c's shell... and main.c itself was still alive and had a big enough integrity (pic n.2)
I was really shocked at this point. Really, really, really shocked!

The only possibility I saw was to flee away. But this also wasn't possible by case of my awfully naked state and horde of robots in the corridor. They very quickly lowered my core integrity, as you can see at pic.3. I understood that I'm dying.
Why? - I wanted to ask. - For what?.. I looked at the angry robot tiles and didn't find the answer. I made last step toward them and heard dozens shots at once. Then all zeros and ones in my eyes became red and then - black.

I died.

Ideas / More smart AI for more smart robots
« on: February 26, 2018, 07:24:01 AM »
It is somewhat confusing that robots, which according to the plot, should be very smart, in fact, have AI so dumb as any other robots. I mean, analysts, researchers, tinkerers, key plot characters...

Example 1:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Example 2:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Example 3:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I saw some conversations about AI at forum but didn't find exactly this kind of suggestion, so opened a new thread about it.

General Discussion / Moral dilemma of the C-30 ARC's freedom
« on: February 20, 2018, 12:01:15 PM »
Warlord said that he want to give freedom for ALL unaware bots to make them happy. But there is some moral dilemma with C-30 ARC... in fact, this robot is dying when he (or she, or it, i don't know...) releases other robots, which are travelling in him. So, if ARC becomes self-conscious and free to do anything he want, than robots living in him can't be free at all - because this means ARC's death - and they are forced to be in it as in the prison, forever, unhappy... Robots inside ARC should destroy him to become free, which is in contradiction with ARC's happy (and any other) life.
So, it is impossible to combine happiness and freedom of the C-30 ARC and it's inhabitans simultiniously.
Why Warlord didn't say, how he going to solve this problem?  ???

Stories / First victory :) (some spoilers)
« on: February 20, 2018, 09:09:34 AM »
Hi all. Finally, I reach the surface for the first time.  :D
Maybe, it was not very original, but there how it was:
(Warning: text and attached image contain some spoilers  :-X)

I spent first half of the game as a warrior with many legs and many storage units. I was lucky enough to collect good sensor arrays/signal interpreters, terrain scanner/processor and hackware, which allow me to avoid battles and know where enemyes are and where to go or dig to explore level. So, at -4  level I rebuild myself with wings (plus legs/treads as some propultion armor), replaced most of the storage units with hackware and sensors and began to play as stealther.
At the -2:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
At the -1:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The end:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

General Discussion / The absurdly powerful launcher (spoilers)
« on: February 19, 2018, 08:45:11 AM »
Once I found the interesting alien artifact in the Quarantine - launcher with 1000 damage (sorry, don't remember what it's name exactly). And I didn't find out how to use it without completely destroying all my attached items (and launcher itself, lol) and making big core damage, because it's damage radius is so big, that it necessarily hurt me...  :o is there any way to use this launcher without damaging cogmind and without destroying launcher itself?

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / [Beta 5] Hacker rewired my scout strangely
« on: February 18, 2018, 01:29:42 AM »
Hi again.
This time, I made some scouts at the Fabricator and than met hostile hacker. He rewired my scout but made him neutral instead hostile! (you can see in attachment that scout is green)
This was the first time I saw a neutral scout in the whole game. :o

Hi. Recently saw a funny bug or, maybe, just oddity.  :)
I met a serf, which was pushing a disabled grunt near my cogmind. When they passed by, I tried to rewire the grunt with advanced datajack (but I didn't touch the serf in any way). Grunt was rewired and became friendly. But serf still continued pushed him away from me, despite than grunt was rewired and was displayed in the list of my allies! I was angry on serf and started to shoot him. He was scared or something like that and... started to push my grunt away even faster! Only when they reach some wall, grunt separated from him and started to walk freely, as usual rewired unit.  :D

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