Cogmind > Ideas

Utility: Reconfiguration Set


You know those Gundams? Being all cool and having multiple modes n' stuff? Take a look at this one for a clear example: (

It's a mech that has an all-rounder mode, a fire-power heavy mode, and a tank (treads!) mode.

We can have that! A Utility tool which can store a build (or a partial build) inside itself, and when used, will switch it with your current one!

The items inside will probably need to weigh less so that it could be actually usable. Meh, you'll figure out those balancing issues.

Note: I haven't actually unlocked everything in the game; if this somehow already exists then just reply with "Why did the chicken cross the road?" and I'll promptly see myself out.

Yup, definitely know those Gundams!

Definitely fun, and although I'd love to add more if and when there are opportunities, I would say... yeah as you guessed we do sorta have things along this line ;) (Scrap Engine only sorta qualifies, but much more directly in this vein, that's essentially the Spoiler (click to show/hide)Golem Unit, which you may not have discovered yet--it is a favorite though, and very good. Oh yeah there's also the big spoiler Exo, that's gotta count here, and is one of the most powerful things in the game, though very late and deep...)

In any case, there are a few other types of tech coming in the expansion I've been working on which fall near this category as well, nearer to the beginning, though I tend to do these things in a very Cogmind-ish way for balancing purposes, yeah.


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