History --------- Turn | Location | Event 6 | -11/Scrapyard | Discovered new exit (range 15) 76 | -11/Scrapyard | Entered Materials 305 | -10/Materials | Build established: Mutant 305 | -10/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 11) 353 | -10/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 8) 622 | -10/Materials | Entered Mines 635 | -10/Mines | Identified exit to Materials 675 | -10/Mines | Met a Derelict bent on vengeance 833 | -10/Mines | Entered Materials 833 | -9/Materials | Evolved 2 slots: Utility x2 957 | -9/Materials | Destroyed 8 combat bots (total rating 28) 987 | -9/Materials | Identified exit to Mines 987 | -9/Materials | Identified exit to Storage 1082 | -9/Materials | Entered Mines 1083 | -9/Mines | Assembled infested the area 1115 | -9/Mines | Met 8R-AWN 1127 | -9/Mines | Assisted by bots powering up and referring to "LRC-V3" 1218 | -9/Mines | Identified exit to Materials 1226 | -9/Mines | Discovered exit to Materials (range 9) 1247 | -9/Mines | Discovered new exit (range 5) 1251 | -9/Mines | Entered Exiles 1276 | -9/Exiles | Welcomed by 8R-AWN 1292 | -9/Exiles | Met EX-HEX 1345 | -9/Exiles | Met EX-DEC 1385 | -9/Exiles | Build established: Scavenger-Mutant 1443 | -9/Exiles | Learned location of Zion (-6) 1470 | -9/Exiles | Met EX-BIN 1482 | -9/Exiles | Aligned with FarCom system 1484 | -9/Exiles | Given EX-Vault access code 1511 | -9/Exiles | Opened EX-Vault 1517 | -9/Exiles | Found YOLO Cannon 1541 | -9/Exiles | Warned to stay clear of 0b10 Research branches 1652 | -9/Exiles | Found Skeleton Box 1750 | -9/Exiles | Discovered new exit (range 14) 1765 | -9/Exiles | Stole two prototypes: YOLO Cannon, Skeleton Box 1765 | -9/Exiles | Entered Mines 1820 | -8/Mines | Lost 5 parts (2n1u2w) 2059 | -8/Mines | Discovered exit to Materials (range 13) 2081 | -8/Mines | Build established: Mutant 2107 | -8/Mines | Entered Materials 2107 | -8/Materials | Evolved 2 slots: Propulsion x1, Utility x1 2529 | -8/Materials | Identified exit to Factory 2919 | -8/Materials | Build established: Hauler-Mutant 4410 | -8/Materials | Entered Factory 4410 | -7/Factory | Evolved 2 slots: Utility x2 4412 | -7/Factory | FarCom data flow suspended 4479 | -7/Factory | Discovered new exit (range 12) 4501 | -7/Factory | Identified exit to Lower Caves 5191 | -7/Factory | Fabricated Hacking Suite? 5220 | -7/Factory | Local fabrication network quarantined 5252 | -7/Factory | Build established: Hacker-Mutant 5975 | -7/Factory | Repaired Arc Projector 6010 | -7/Factory | First assault squad dispatched 6087 | -7/Factory | Entered Lower Caves 6288 | -7/Lower Caves | YOLO Cannon stolen by Master Thief 6289 | -7/Lower Caves | Encountered a Master Thief 6326 | -7/Lower Caves | Learned 4 Factory zone layouts 6397 | -7/Lower Caves | Learned location of 1 exit from Proximity Caves 6413 | -7/Lower Caves | Encountered a Warlord checkpoint 6422 | -7/Lower Caves | Discovered new exit (range 15) 6431 | -7/Lower Caves | Identified exit to Lower Caves 6654 | -7/Lower Caves | Entered another Lower Caves area 6656 | -7/Lower Caves | Discovered new exit (range 14) 6660 | -7/Lower Caves | Encountered a Warlord checkpoint 6740 | -7/Lower Caves | Spotted B-75 Beast 6988 | -7/Lower Caves | Build established: Hacker-Sprinter 7018 | -7/Lower Caves | Discovered new exit (range 15) 7025 | -7/Lower Caves | Identified exit to Data Miner 7025 | -7/Lower Caves | Entered Data Miner 7025 | -7/Data Miner | Discovered new exit (range 6) 7031 | -7/Data Miner | Met Data Miner 7037 | -7/Data Miner | Learned location of Section 7 (-2) 7037 | -7/Data Miner | Acquired the access code to Warlord's prototype stash 7042 | -7/Data Miner | Received God Mode back door access code from Data Miner 7048 | -7/Data Miner | Identified exit to Proximity Caves 7049 | -7/Data Miner | Entered Proximity Caves 7050 | -6/Proximity Caves | Identified exit to Factory 7241 | -6/Proximity Caves | Escorted by Enhanced Grunt 7249 | -6/Proximity Caves | Spotted DY-YDU(f) 7250 | -6/Proximity Caves | Spotted MR-16J(f) 7251 | -6/Proximity Caves | Encountered a Master Thief 7251 | -6/Proximity Caves | Encountered a Master Thief 7266 | -6/Proximity Caves | Remote Datajack stolen by Master Thief 7269 | -6/Proximity Caves | Allies destroyed DY-YDU(f) 7305 | -6/Proximity Caves | Learned location of 1 exit from Lower Caves 7332 | -6/Proximity Caves | Entered Factory 7332 | -6/Factory | Accompanied by 1 ally 7332 | -6/Factory | Evolved 2 slots: Propulsion x1, Utility x1 7363 | -6/Factory | Identified exit to Lower Caves 7548 | -6/Factory | Fabricated Exp. Terrain Scan Processor? 7677 | -6/Factory | Build established: Hacker-Scout 7731 | -6/Factory | Local fabrication network quarantined 7769 | -6/Factory | Fabricated Exp. Terrain Scanner (x1) 7807 | -6/Factory | Incoming investigation squad redirected 7837 | -6/Factory | Manually triggered Chute Trap 7837 | -6/Factory | Sucked down chute 7837 | -6/Factory | Entered Waste 7838 | -6/Waste | Met a frightened Derelict 7840 | -6/Waste | 1 allies followed down the chute 7841 | -6/Waste | Spotted C-40 Crusher 7858 | -6/Waste | Spotted C-40 Crusher 7858 | -6/Waste | Spotted C-40 Crusher 7858 | -6/Waste | Spotted C-40 Crusher 7858 | -6/Waste | Spotted C-40 Crusher 7858 | -6/Waste | Spotted C-40 Crusher 7936 | -6/Waste | Discovered new exit (range 21) 7942 | -6/Waste | Identified exit to Factory 7942 | -6/Waste | Entered Factory 8063 | -6/Factory | Repaired Imp. Arc Projector 8325 | -6/Factory | Build established: Hacker-Sprinter 8335 | -6/Factory | Central database locked down 8343 | -6/Factory | Fabricated Exp. Signal Interpreter? 8364 | -6/Factory | Fabricated Exp. Sensor Array? 8549 | -6/Factory | Fabricated Mni. Smartbomb Launcher? 8906 | -6/Factory | Build established: Hacker-Mutant 9031 | -6/Factory | Fabricated Kinetic Spear? 9108 | -6/Factory | Entered Lower Caves 9109 | -6/Lower Caves | Identified exit to Lower Caves 9141 | -6/Lower Caves | Spotted JA-1XN(f) 9141 | -6/Lower Caves | Spotted M2-4S6(f) 9142 | -6/Lower Caves | Encountered a Master Thief 9142 | -6/Lower Caves | Encountered a Master Thief 9171 | -6/Lower Caves | Entered another Lower Caves area 9245 | -6/Lower Caves | Learned Factory stockpile data 9280 | -6/Lower Caves | Build established: Hacker-Sprinter 9302 | -6/Lower Caves | Discovered new exit (range 7) 9303 | -6/Lower Caves | Identified exit to Zion 9304 | -6/Lower Caves | Entered Zion 9327 | -6/Zion | Discovered new exit (range 14) 9389 | -6/Zion | Acquired unknown access codes intercepted by a Zionite 9411 | -6/Zion | Given A8's code to call for help 9476 | -6/Zion | Learned Factory emergency access door positions 9502 | -6/Zion | Rebuked by Imprinter 9506 | -6/Zion | Imprinted 9508 | -6/Zion | Declared Zion's savior 9711 | -6/Zion | Identified exit to Proximity Caves 9760 | -6/Zion | Entered Proximity Caves 9760 | -5/Proximity Caves | Accompanied by 4 allies 9819 | -5/Proximity Caves | Build established: Messiah-Sprinter 9959 | -5/Proximity Caves | Discovered new exit (range 3) 9962 | -5/Proximity Caves | Identified exit to Factory 9962 | -5/Proximity Caves | Entered Factory 9962 | -5/Factory | Evolved 2 slots: Power x1, Propulsion x1 10037 | -5/Factory | Discovered new exit (range 16) 10262 | -5/Factory | First assault squad dispatched 10278 | -5/Factory | Discovered new exit (range 27) 10286 | -5/Factory | Incoming assault squad redirected 10290 | -5/Factory | Incoming assault squad redirected 10306 | -5/Factory | Identified exit to Factory 10720 | -5/Factory | Retrieved Zion intel report: Prototype Schematics 10728 | -5/Factory | Incoming investigation squad redirected 10749 | -5/Factory | Repaired Nuclear Pulse Array 10875 | -5/Factory | Fabricated Lgt. Regenerative Plating (x1) 10886 | -5/Factory | Fabricated Exp. ECM Suite? 10956 | -5/Factory | Local fabrication network quarantined 11153 | -5/Factory | Retrieved Zion intel report: Guard Positions 11190 | -5/Factory | Retrieved Zion intel report: Component Schematics 11205 | -5/Factory | Discovered new exit (range 13) 11231 | -5/Factory | Identified exit to Upper Caves 11232 | -5/Factory | Entered Upper Caves 11278 | -5/Upper Caves | Identified exit to Upper Caves 11279 | -5/Upper Caves | Learned 4 Factory zone layouts 11397 | -5/Upper Caves | Entered another Upper Caves area 11443 | -5/Upper Caves | Learned Factory stockpile data 11511 | -5/Upper Caves | Spotted B-75 Beast 11525 | -5/Upper Caves | Acquired the password to a Derelict Tinkerer's latest research 11530 | -5/Upper Caves | Found Prototype Special Weapon 11542 | -5/Upper Caves | Discovered new exit (range 15) 11554 | -5/Upper Caves | Identified exit to Warlord 11555 | -5/Upper Caves | Entered Warlord 11597 | -5/Warlord | Visited the Vortex Lab 11619 | -5/Warlord | Warlord's base attacked by MAIN.C 11640 | -5/Warlord | Rebuked by Warlord 11643 | -5/Warlord | Opened Warlord's prototype stash 11645 | -5/Warlord | Found Prototype Hackware 11645 | -5/Warlord | Identified Ghost Barrier (x2) 11648 | -5/Warlord | Found Prototype Device 11648 | -5/Warlord | Identified System Purifier 11652 | -5/Warlord | Found Prototype Processor 11652 | -5/Warlord | Identified Spectral Analyzer 11657 | -5/Warlord | Found Prototype Reactor 11697 | -5/Warlord | Discovered new exit (range 15) 11700 | -5/Warlord | Identified exit to Proximity Caves 11702 | -5/Warlord | Entered Proximity Caves 11708 | -4/Proximity Caves | Learned 4 Research zone layouts 11819 | -4/Proximity Caves | Discovered exit to Factory (range 7) 11821 | -4/Proximity Caves | Entered Factory 11821 | -4/Factory | Evolved 2 slots: Propulsion x1, Utility x1 11867 | -4/Factory | Incoming investigation squad redirected 11919 | -4/Factory | Discovered new exit (range 9) 11921 | -4/Factory | Identified exit to Upper Caves 11929 | -4/Factory | Retrieved Zion intel report: Active Garrisons 11930 | -4/Factory | Zion Light squad teleported in 11962 | -4/Factory | Entered Upper Caves 11962 | -4/Upper Caves | Accompanied by 3 allies 12040 | -4/Upper Caves | Found Prototype Protection 12040 | -4/Upper Caves | Identified Zio. Weapon Casing (x2) 12066 | -4/Upper Caves | Discovered new exit (range 28) 12080 | -4/Upper Caves | Identified exit to Upper Caves 12086 | -4/Upper Caves | Entered another Upper Caves area 12086 | -4/Upper Caves | Accompanied by 2 allies 12100 | -4/Upper Caves | Discovered new exit (range 19) 12186 | -4/Upper Caves | Discovered new exit (range 27) 12196 | -4/Upper Caves | Identified exit to Zhirov 12204 | -4/Upper Caves | Entered Zhirov 12204 | -4/Zhirov | Accompanied by 2 allies 12204 | -4/Zhirov | Discovered new exit (range 4) 12210 | -4/Zhirov | Met Zhirov 12217 | -4/Zhirov | Found Alien Artifact 12217 | -4/Zhirov | Identified Integrated Reactor 12217 | -4/Zhirov | Installed Integrated Reactor, increased core energy generation ( 2%) 12286 | -4/Zhirov | Build established: Messiah-Ninja 12294 | -4/Zhirov | Found Alien Artifact 12300 | -4/Zhirov | Identified Exp. Target Analyzer 12301 | -4/Zhirov | Learned location of Quarantine (-2) 12301 | -4/Zhirov | Learned location of Testing (-3) 12301 | -4/Zhirov | Learned location of Command (-1) 12306 | -4/Zhirov | Zhirov requested help retrieving the SGEMP Prototype 12313 | -4/Zhirov | Identified exit to Proximity Caves 12324 | -4/Zhirov | Entered Proximity Caves 12324 | -3/Proximity Caves | Accompanied by 2 allies 12406 | -3/Proximity Caves | Discovered new exit (range 8) 12434 | -3/Proximity Caves | Identified exit to Research 12438 | -3/Proximity Caves | Entered Research 12438 | -3/Research | Accompanied by 1 ally 12438 | -3/Research | Evolved 2 slots: Utility x2 12458 | -3/Research | Discovered new exit (range 30) 12474 | -3/Research | Identified exit to Armory 12534 | -3/Research | Zion Experimental squad teleported in 12535 | -3/Research | Retrieved Zion intel report: Active Terminals 12553 | -3/Research | Fabricated Exp. Sensor Array? 12565 | -3/Research | Found Prototype Protection 12565 | -3/Research | Identified Zio. Shade Armor 12567 | -3/Research | Found Zio. Shade Armor 12578 | -3/Research | Destroyed 7 combat bots (total rating 208) 12601 | -3/Research | Lost 4 parts (1p2n1u) 12631 | -3/Research | Local fabrication network quarantined 12666 | -3/Research | Retrieved Zion intel report: Active Garrisons 12667 | -3/Research | Zion Hover Resupply teleported in 12688 | -3/Research | First assault squad dispatched 12754 | -3/Research | Spotted B-86 Titan 12759 | -3/Research | Zion Fire squad teleported in 12786 | -3/Research | Incoming assault squad redirected 12841 | -3/Research | Build established: Messiah-Mutant 12843 | -3/Research | Discovered new exit (range 5) 12847 | -3/Research | Identified exit to Testing 12850 | -3/Research | Entered Testing 12872 | -3/Testing | Found Prototype Energy Cannon 12900 | -3/Testing | Found Ghost Barrier 12937 | -3/Testing | Found Prototype Leg 13111 | -3/Testing | Retrieved Zion intel report: Trap Installations 13131 | -3/Testing | Retrieved Zion intel report: Unaware Analyses 13159 | -3/Testing | Identified Transdimensional Reconstructor (x2) 13220 | -3/Testing | Spotted Striker 13223 | -3/Testing | Retrieved Zion intel report: Prototype Schematics 13271 | -3/Testing | Retrieved Zion intel report: Emergency Access 13304 | -3/Testing | Repaired Mni. Smartbomb Launcher 13335 | -3/Testing | Found Prototype Launcher 13335 | -3/Testing | Identified Z-bomb Delivery System 13350 | -3/Testing | First assault squad dispatched 13379 | -3/Testing | Incoming assault squad redirected 13396 | -3/Testing | Found Prototype Slashing Weapon 13400 | -3/Testing | Identified Nanosword 13424 | -3/Testing | Spotted Striker 13444 | -3/Testing | Destroyed Striker 13448 | -3/Testing | Spotted Alpha 7 13497 | -3/Testing | Destroyed Striker 13534 | -3/Testing | Stole the SGEMP Prototype 13562 | -3/Testing | Warped through subspace 13634 | -3/Testing | Lost 9 parts (2p3n4u) 13669 | -3/Testing | Incoming investigation squad redirected 13679 | -3/Testing | Retrieved Zion intel report: Component Stockpiles 13682 | -3/Testing | Incoming investigation squad redirected 13717 | -3/Testing | Core integrity fell below 50% 13747 | -3/Testing | Lost 4 parts (1p1n2u) 13819 | -3/Testing | Discovered new exit (range 13) 13833 | -3/Testing | Identified exit to Research 13834 | -3/Testing | Entered Research 13834 | -2/Research | Evolved 2 slots: Utility x2 14161 | -2/Research | Repaired Exp. Sensor Array 14242 | -2/Research | Lost 3 parts (2u1w) 14279 | -2/Research | Retrieved Zion intel report: Active Terminals 14280 | -2/Research | Zion Fire squad teleported in 14286 | -2/Research | Lost 3 parts (2n1u) 14300 | -2/Research | Zion Heavy Resupply teleported in 14404 | -2/Research | System corruption reached 10% 14433 | -2/Research | Spotted B-90 Cyclops 14444 | -2/Research | Lost 5 parts (1p1n2u1w) 14470 | -2/Research | Incoming investigation squad redirected 14512 | -2/Research | Zion Demo squad teleported in 14522 | -2/Research | Zion Recon squad teleported in 14522 | -2/Research | Discovered new exit (range 19) 14530 | -2/Research | P-80 Master assimilated allied Z-Drone 14532 | -2/Research | Identified exit to Access 14532 | -2/Research | Entered Access 14532 | -1/Access | Accompanied by 1 ally 14532 | -1/Access | Evolved 2 slots: Utility x2 14533 | -1/Access | Loaded intel: 115 machine locations 14533 | -1/Access | Loaded intel: 64 trap records 14533 | -1/Access | Identified exit to Surface 14533 | -1/Access | Discovered exit to Surface (range 224) 14533 | -1/Access | Identified exit to Command 14533 | -1/Access | Discovered exit to Command (range 99) 14533 | -1/Access | Delivered the SGEMP Prototype to Zhirov 14533 | -1/Access | Zhirov transferred Access data 14646 | -1/Access | Zion Infowar Resupply teleported in 14713 | -1/Access | Found Prototype Device 14713 | -1/Access | Identified Exp. Transmission Jammer 14839 | -1/Access | Incoming investigation squad redirected 14933 | -1/Access | Zion Hacker squad teleported in 14946 | -1/Access | Incoming investigation squad redirected 14961 | -1/Access | Lost 9 parts (1p3n5u) 14969 | -1/Access | Incoming investigation squad redirected 14978 | -1/Access | Zion Experimental squad teleported in 15028 | -1/Access | Energy Cycler disabled 15057 | -1/Access | Found Antimissile System 15059 | -1/Access | Spotted B-99 Colossus 15063 | -1/Access | Zion Light squad teleported in 15066 | -1/Access | Zion Heavy squad teleported in 15069 | -1/Access | Zion Kinetic Resupply teleported in 15091 | -1/Access | P-80 Master assimilated allied CA-9EH(z) 15096 | -1/Access | Found Prototype Protection 15096 | -1/Access | Identified Zio. Heavy Carapace 15123 | -1/Access | Entered Command 15123 | -1/Command | Accompanied by 3 allies 15146 | -1/Command | Found Gamma Bomb Array 15178 | -1/Command | Retrieved Zion intel report: Unaware Analyses 15224 | -1/Command | Retrieved Zion intel report: Component Stockpiles 15234 | -1/Command | Found Prototype Device 15234 | -1/Command | Identified Beam Splitter 15271 | -1/Command | Incoming investigation squad redirected 15297 | -1/Command | Found Zio. Weapon Casing 15302 | -1/Command | Spotted B-99 Colossus 15344 | -1/Command | Retrieved Zion intel report: Unaware Schematics 15346 | -1/Command | Found Antimissile System 15387 | -1/Command | Build established: Messiah-Sprinter 15401 | -1/Command | First assault squad dispatched 15420 | -1/Command | Incoming assault squad redirected 15484 | -1/Command | System corruption reached 10% 15554 | -1/Command | Found Antimissile System 15607 | -1/Command | Retrieved Zion intel report: Unaware Schematics 15609 | -1/Command | Disengaged cave seal 15609 | -1/Command | Zionites emerged from the dark tunnel 15646 | -1/Command | Spotted Striker 15653 | -1/Command | First assault squad dispatched 15677 | -1/Command | Retrieved Zion intel report: Component Schematics 15681 | -1/Command | Spotted B-99 Colossus 15692 | -1/Command | Build established: Messiah-Mutant 15716 | -1/Command | Allies destroyed B-99 Colossus 15801 | -1/Command | Found Gamma Bomb Array 15848 | -1/Command | Disengaged cave seal 15848 | -1/Command | Zionites emerged from the dark tunnel 15873 | -1/Command | First assault squad dispatched 15889 | -1/Command | Incoming assault squad redirected 15903 | -1/Command | Incoming assault squad redirected 15933 | -1/Command | Incoming assault squad redirected 15942 | -1/Command | Spotted Combat Programmer 15944 | -1/Command | Spotted M Guard 15944 | -1/Command | Spotted M Guard 15944 | -1/Command | Spotted Combat Programmer 15962 | -1/Command | Combat Programmer assimilated allied 4K-APP(z) 15969 | -1/Command | Destroyed M Guard 15975 | -1/Command | High security lockdown imminent 15989 | -1/Command | Core integrity fell below 50% 15999 | -1/Command | System corruption reached 30% 16005 | -1/Command | Core integrity fell below 20% 16013 | -1/Command | Destroyed by Combat Programmer with EMDS