History --------- Turn | Location | Event 13 | -11/Scrapyard | Discovered new exit (range 16) 59 | -11/Scrapyard | Entered Materials 185 | -10/Materials | Identified exit to Mines 191 | -10/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 17) 305 | -10/Materials | Central database locked down 308 | -10/Materials | Build established: Mutant 311 | -10/Materials | Entered Mines 318 | -10/Mines | Learned location of Zion (-6) 442 | -10/Mines | Identified exit to Materials 599 | -10/Mines | Received a Rocket Launcher from a helpful Derelict 697 | -10/Mines | Entered Materials 697 | -9/Materials | Evolved 2 slots: Utility x2 1041 | -9/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 17) 1249 | -9/Materials | Entered Mines 1258 | -9/Mines | Met a Derelict bent on vengeance 1263 | -9/Mines | Assembled infested the area 1295 | -9/Mines | Met 8R-AWN 1310 | -9/Mines | Discovered new exit (range 5) 1315 | -9/Mines | Entered Exiles 1339 | -9/Exiles | Welcomed by 8R-AWN 1356 | -9/Exiles | Met EX-HEX 1403 | -9/Exiles | Met EX-DEC 1579 | -9/Exiles | Met EX-BIN 1599 | -9/Exiles | Aligned with FarCom system 1601 | -9/Exiles | Given EX-Vault access code 1640 | -9/Exiles | Opened EX-Vault 1650 | -9/Exiles | Found Cloak of Protection 1654 | -9/Exiles | Found Trap Reconfigurator 1692 | -9/Exiles | Warned to stay clear of 0b10 Research branches 1759 | -9/Exiles | Learned about 8R-AWN's background 1818 | -9/Exiles | Attacked by the Exiles 1988 | -9/Exiles | Core integrity fell below 50% 2030 | -9/Exiles | Found Prototype Protection 2048 | -9/Exiles | Destroyed 8R-AWN 2051 | -9/Exiles | Found Prototype Ballistic Gun 2053 | -9/Exiles | Found Prototype Protection 2060 | -9/Exiles | Found Prototype Ballistic Gun 2065 | -9/Exiles | Found Prototype Device 2073 | -9/Exiles | Lost 8 parts (2n2u4w) 2084 | -9/Exiles | Identified 8R-AWN's Boregun (x5) 2427 | -9/Exiles | Found Flying Fortress v7 2884 | -9/Exiles | Discovered new exit (range 12) 2904 | -9/Exiles | Stole three prototypes: Trap Reconfigurator, Cloak of Protection, Flying Fortress v7 2904 | -9/Exiles | Entered Mines 2951 | -8/Mines | Core integrity fell below 20% 2959 | -8/Mines | Build established: Hauler-Mutant 3085 | -8/Mines | Destroyed 7 combat bots (total rating 21) 3367 | -8/Mines | Discovered new exit (range 15) 3440 | -8/Mines | Discovered new exit (range 11) 3490 | -8/Mines | Entered Materials 3490 | -8/Materials | Evolved 2 slots: Propulsion x1, Utility x1 3714 | -8/Materials | Lost 3 parts (2u1w) 3743 | -8/Materials | Destroyed 8 combat bots (total rating 54) 4542 | -8/Materials | Build established: Scavenger-Mutant 4634 | -8/Materials | Repaired Exp. Heat Sink 4859 | -8/Materials | Garrison activated, responded to threat 4887 | -8/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 11) 4903 | -8/Materials | Identified exit to Storage 4989 | -8/Materials | Repaired Imp. Sensor Array? 5182 | -8/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 16) 5268 | -8/Materials | Identified exit to Factory 5270 | -8/Materials | Entered Factory 5270 | -7/Factory | Evolved 2 slots: Propulsion x1, Utility x1 5543 | -7/Factory | Fabricated Hacking Suite? 5740 | -7/Factory | Identified exit to Lower Caves 5871 | -7/Factory | Repaired Carbon-fiber Leg 6048 | -7/Factory | Lost 7 parts (1p3n1u2w) 6109 | -7/Factory | Build established: Hauler-Mutant 6420 | -7/Factory | Discovered new exit (range 10) 6939 | -7/Factory | Entered Lower Caves 7119 | -7/Lower Caves | Spotted NR-XDO(f) 7121 | -7/Lower Caves | Spotted JQ-9AG(f) 7122 | -7/Lower Caves | Encountered a Master Thief 7123 | -7/Lower Caves | Encountered a Master Thief 7124 | -7/Lower Caves | Trap Reconfigurator stolen by Master Thief 7129 | -7/Lower Caves | Cloak of Protection stolen by Master Thief 7148 | -7/Lower Caves | Identified exit to Lower Caves 7176 | -7/Lower Caves | Entered another Lower Caves area 7180 | -7/Lower Caves | Identified exit to Data Miner 7210 | -7/Lower Caves | Core integrity fell below 50% 7240 | -7/Lower Caves | Lost 3 parts (2n1u) 7257 | -7/Lower Caves | Discovered new exit (range 6) 7280 | -7/Lower Caves | Found Alien Artifact 7280 | -7/Lower Caves | Identified Core Expander 7280 | -7/Lower Caves | Installed Core Expander, added new Utility slot 7331 | -7/Lower Caves | Encountered a Warlord checkpoint 7350 | -7/Lower Caves | Entered Data Miner 7350 | -7/Data Miner | Discovered new exit (range 6) 7360 | -7/Data Miner | Met Data Miner 7370 | -7/Data Miner | Learned location of Section 7 (-3) 7370 | -7/Data Miner | Acquired the access code to Warlord's prototype stash 7381 | -7/Data Miner | Received God Mode back door access code from Data Miner 7392 | -7/Data Miner | Identified exit to Proximity Caves 7394 | -7/Data Miner | Entered Proximity Caves 7416 | -6/Proximity Caves | Escorted by Enhanced Grunt 7433 | -6/Proximity Caves | Attracted the attention of an 0b10 checkpoint 7460 | -6/Proximity Caves | Learned 4 Factory zone layouts 7478 | -6/Proximity Caves | Spotted R0-V6T(f) 7479 | -6/Proximity Caves | Encountered a Master Thief 7518 | -6/Proximity Caves | Build established: Mutant 7622 | -6/Proximity Caves | Discovered new exit (range 10) 7626 | -6/Proximity Caves | Identified exit to Factory 7646 | -6/Proximity Caves | Entered Factory 7646 | -6/Factory | Evolved 2 slots: Power x1, Propulsion x1 7664 | -6/Factory | Discovered new exit (range 16) 7665 | -6/Factory | Identified exit to Lower Caves 7837 | -6/Factory | Local fabrication network quarantined 7880 | -6/Factory | Fabricated Exp. Sensor Array (x1) 7895 | -6/Factory | Discovered new exit (range 15) 7954 | -6/Factory | Build established: Hacker-Mutant 7981 | -6/Factory | Discovered new exit (range 5) 8051 | -6/Factory | Identified exit to Factory 8121 | -6/Factory | Entered Lower Caves 8121 | -6/Lower Caves | Accompanied by 1 ally 8186 | -6/Lower Caves | Encountered a Warlord checkpoint 8212 | -6/Lower Caves | Discovered new exit (range 8) 8247 | -6/Lower Caves | Identified exit to Lower Caves 8248 | -6/Lower Caves | Entered another Lower Caves area 8299 | -6/Lower Caves | Encountered a Warlord checkpoint 8545 | -6/Lower Caves | Discovered new exit (range 12) 8576 | -6/Lower Caves | Identified exit to Zion 8577 | -6/Lower Caves | Entered Zion 8596 | -6/Zion | Acquired unknown access codes intercepted by a Zionite 8665 | -6/Zion | Learned Factory recycling unit intel 8670 | -6/Zion | Found Prototype Device 8673 | -6/Zion | Identified Phasing AFG 8702 | -6/Zion | System corruption cleaned by Quarantine Array 8737 | -6/Zion | Found Prototype Device 8761 | -6/Zion | Discovered new exit (range 23) 8764 | -6/Zion | Found Prototype Device 8765 | -6/Zion | Identified Mobile Refinery Mk. CCLXVII (x2) 8795 | -6/Zion | Rebuked by Imprinter 8802 | -6/Zion | Imprinted 8804 | -6/Zion | Declared Zion's savior 8872 | -6/Zion | Learned 4 Factory zone layouts 9022 | -6/Zion | Discovered new exit (range 16) 9028 | -6/Zion | Identified exit to Proximity Caves 9054 | -6/Zion | Entered Proximity Caves 9054 | -5/Proximity Caves | Accompanied by 4 allies 9057 | -5/Proximity Caves | P-70 Sage assimilated allied 6I-NXI(M) 9080 | -5/Proximity Caves | Learned Factory non-interactive machine intel 9134 | -5/Proximity Caves | Discovered exit to Factory (range 9) 9182 | -5/Proximity Caves | Entered Factory 9182 | -5/Factory | Evolved 2 slots: Propulsion x1, Utility x1 9184 | -5/Factory | Loaded intel: 188 non-interactive machine locations 9185 | -5/Factory | Loaded intel: 6 recycling unit locations 9258 | -5/Factory | Retrieved Zion intel report: Active Terminals 9259 | -5/Factory | Zion hero teleported in (CL-ANK) 9356 | -5/Factory | Repaired Imp. Proton Missile Launcher 9482 | -5/Factory | First assault squad dispatched 9528 | -5/Factory | Found Prototype Impact Weapon 9528 | -5/Factory | Identified CL-ANK's Mallet 9586 | -5/Factory | Zion Hacker squad teleported in 9587 | -5/Factory | Discovered new exit (range 15) 9595 | -5/Factory | Zion Fire squad teleported in 9610 | -5/Factory | Identified exit to Factory 9782 | -5/Factory | First assault squad dispatched 9785 | -5/Factory | Repaired Exp. Weapon Shielding? 9800 | -5/Factory | Incoming assault squad redirected 9844 | -5/Factory | Build established: Messiah-Scout 9847 | -5/Factory | Retrieved Zion intel report: Unaware Schematics 9874 | -5/Factory | Discovered exit to Factory (range 43) 10017 | -5/Factory | Fabricated S-27 Virus? 10040 | -5/Factory | Retrieved Zion intel report: Prototype Stockpiles 10043 | -5/Factory | Incoming investigation squad redirected 10045 | -5/Factory | Discovered exit to Factory (range 4) 10106 | -5/Factory | Fabricated Exp. Cesium-ion Thruster? 10115 | -5/Factory | Sucked down chute 10115 | -5/Factory | Entered Waste 10116 | -5/Waste | Joined by Warlord forces that had cleared the area 10127 | -5/Waste | Found Enh. Force Lance 10164 | -5/Waste | Discovered new exit (range 13) 10171 | -5/Waste | Identified exit to Factory 10175 | -5/Waste | Entered Factory 10175 | -5/Factory | Accompanied by 9 allies 10212 | -5/Factory | Retrieved Zion intel report: Component Schematics 10292 | -5/Factory | Garrison activated, responded to threat 10295 | -5/Factory | Retrieved Zion intel report: Trap Installations 10397 | -5/Factory | Discovered exit to Factory (range 11) 10475 | -5/Factory | First assault squad dispatched 10494 | -5/Factory | Incoming assault squad redirected 10581 | -5/Factory | Retrieved Zion intel report: Component Stockpiles 10582 | -5/Factory | Zion Light squad teleported in 10606 | -5/Factory | Fabricated Exp. Sensor Array? 10615 | -5/Factory | Spotted B-75 Beast 10640 | -5/Factory | Incoming assault squad redirected 10672 | -5/Factory | Repaired Enh. Force Lance 10683 | -5/Factory | Build established: Messiah-Mutant 10742 | -5/Factory | Zion Recon squad teleported in 10745 | -5/Factory | Incoming investigation squad redirected 10882 | -5/Factory | Core integrity fell below 50% 10901 | -5/Factory | Incoming investigation squad redirected 10916 | -5/Factory | Lost 3 parts (2n1u) 10973 | -5/Factory | System corruption reached 10% 11044 | -5/Factory | Fabricated Biometal Heavy Treads (x2) 11067 | -5/Factory | Core integrity fell below 20% 11076 | -5/Factory | Lost 5 parts (1p1n1u2w) 11118 | -5/Factory | Destroyed by G-50 Soldier with Heavy Laser